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Jqfshzykqdxvipx42pqszyumpn5 1x1 – Hier kommt Ruffy, der künftige König der Piraten!

Seitdem der junge Monkey D. Ruffy eine Gum-Gum-Frucht gegessen hat, besitzt er besondere Fähigkeiten: Jetzt kann er zwar nicht mehr schwimmen, aber dafür seinen Körper dehnen und verknoten, als wäre er aus Gummi. Mit Hilfe dieser neuen Gabe will sich Ruffy seinen größten Traum erfüllen: Pirat werden.

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Him2iamohttocmgwczbxhcd9cpf 1x2 – Piratenjäger Lorenor Zorro

Ruffy und Corby beschafften sich ein kleines Boot und segeln aufs große Meer. Gemeinsam steuern sie die Marine-Basis an, wo der Tyrannen-Kapitän Morgan den Piratenjäger und legendären Schwertkämpfer Lorenor Zorro gefangenhält. Ruffy will Zorro befreien, damit sich dieser seiner Crew anschließt.

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Uouhh9ae37jeptafhzscb0lhckn 1x3 – Käpt’n Morgan gegen Ruffy!

Morgan, dessen feige Bande geflohen ist, greift Ruffy persönlich an. Doch Zorro kommt ihm zu Hilfe. Mit seinen drei Schwertern kann er Morgan besiegen. Die Stadtbewohner sind dankbar, dass Ruffy und Zorro sie von der Herrschaft des Tyrannen befreit haben. Trotzdem befehlen die Marinesoldaten den beiden, die Stadt zu verlassen.

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8gqds3yfel1ovmxbeyftggphusz 1x4 – Der rote Shanks und sein Hut

Ruffy war noch ein Kind, als er seinem großen Vorbild, dem Roten Shanks, zum ersten Mal begegnete. Dieses Treffen mit dem berühmten Piraten wurde jedoch von einer wilden Bergräuberbande unterbrochen. Mit Hilfe seines Gummikörpers will Ruffy die Gauner bekämpfen. Doch er wird von Grizzly, dem Chef der Bande, überwältigt und kurzerhand ins offene Meer geworfen. Jetzt ist guter Rat teuer.

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1n8bpv584hi4tv1oolcemvuaqbx 1x5 – Buggy, der Clown

Der mächtigste und gefürchtetste Piratenkönig aller Zeiten, Gold Roger, war bekannt dafür, die wertvollsten Schätze der Welt zu besitzen. Das Versteck dieser begehrten Kostbarkeiten, genannt „One Piece“, hat er jedoch bis zu seinem Tode nicht verraten. Seitdem fahren viele Abenteurer zur See, um Hinweise auf den Verbleib von „One Piece“ zu sammeln. Auch der junge Abenteurer Monkey D. Ruffy will den Schatz jetzt suchen.

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Qte8aafunxisqv9m4sk8vb7zgja 1x6 – Dompteur Moji gegen Ruffy!

Die Situation scheint aussichtslos: Zorro ist verletzt, Ruffy sitzt in Gefangenschaft. Da treffen sie den Hund Shushu, der selbst nach dem Tod seines Herrchens dessen Tierladen noch bewacht. Als Moji, der Dompteur, auf einem riesigen Löwen auftaucht und den Laden ausrauben will, stellt sich ihm Shushu mutig entgegen. Bei dem wilden Kampf kann sich Ruffy aus seinem Käfig befreien. Gemeinsam mit Shushu gelingt es ihm, Moji und seinen Löwen zu vertreiben.

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Bisy5k84xvycqupx94bz6mio2jh 1x7 – Jongleur Kabaji gegen Zorro!

Zorro und Ruffy fordern Buggy und seine Piraten erneut zu einem Kampf heraus. Während Nami die Seekarte der Grand Line raubt, tritt Zorro dem Jongleur Kabaji entgegen. Es gelingt ihm, Kabaji mit seinen Schwertkünsten zu besiegen. Danach überlässt er den restlichen Kampf Ruffy, der gegen Buggy antritt. Als dieser Ruffys Strohhut beschädigt und Shanks beleidigt, wird Ruffy stinksauer. Er will von dem Clown wissen, woher dieser Shanks kennt.

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7tqnl9clghqfrqgtx5i7oc1vzjz 1x8 – Die Teufelsfrucht

Buggy erzählt Ruffy, dass er vor vielen Jahren gemeinsam mit Shanks auf Schatzsuche war. Zufällig aß er die Teufelsfrucht, woraufhin er zwar nicht mehr schwimmen, dafür aber seinen Körper zerteilen kann. Er gibt Shanks die Schuld daran, dass er die Frucht gegessen hat und so den Schatz, der tief auf dem Meeresboden verborgen ist, nicht mehr bergen konnte. Der Kampf zwischen Ruffy und Buggy ist ausgeglichen. Beide sind so gut wie unbesiegbar. Doch dann findet Nami etwas entscheidendes heraus.

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Eemubvjrlhbqbjpndorcnaatstc 1x9 – Lügenpirat Lysop

Ruffy startet ein hartes Training, um endlich den sagenumwobenen Schatz des berüchtigten Piraten Gold Roger zu finden. Außerdem stellt er sich seine eigene Mannschaft zusammen, bestehend aus der Diebin Nami, dem Piratenjäger Lorenor Zorro, dem Lügner Lysop, dem Koch Sanji und dem Rentier Chopper. Können sie „One Piece“ finden?

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Dfigqipzf63l7ovutuddevhbsxu 1x10 – Die Macht der Hypnose

Ruffy bittet Kaya um ihr Schiff, um auf die Grandline zu kommen. Plötzlich taucht Beauregard auf. Es kommt zum Streit und Beauregard verjagt sie alle vom Grundstück. Da erscheint Jacko, ein seltsamer Hypnotiseur. Ruffy und Lysop belauschen ihn und Beauregard bei einem Gespräch. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass Beauregard der tot geglaubte Captain Black ist und einen Mordanschlag auf Kaya plant. Er ist nämlich auf das Erbe des Mädchens scharf.

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B08je5nhtjwfnu5zxah242feupt 1x11 – Lügen haben lange Nasen

Lysop und Ruffy haben eine geheime Unterhaltung zwischen Beauregard und Jacko belauscht. Daher wissen sie, dass die beiden mit ihrer Piratenbande das Dorf überfallen und Miss Kaya umbringen wollen. So schnell wie möglich rennt Lysop ins Dorf, um die Dorfbewohner und Miss Kaya zu warnen. Doch nachdem alle wissen, dass Lysop zum Flunkern neigt, glaubt ihm keiner.

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O1pudqir0cdnxzbg3bn0syqpfja 1x12 – Allein gegen alle!

Ruffy, Nami, Lysop und Zorro schauen sich die Stelle an, an der die Piraten ihren Weg ins Dorf nehmen werden. Lysop kommt auf die gute Idee, einen Ölteppich zu legen, auf dem die Piraten ausrutschen sollen. Unterdessen ist Beauregard bereits in die Villa gegangen.

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5o58dydgjb9dwpjirxv5yzvqiop 1x13 – Die Brüder Maunz

Jacko hypnotisiert am Strand seine Piraten. Dadurch werden sie viel stärker als sonst. Aber gleichzeitig lässt sich auch Ruffy hypnotisieren. Jetzt will er sogar mit dem Riesenbug des Schiffes die Piraten angreifen. Da hypnotisiert Jacko ihn noch einmal und Ruffy schläft ein.

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Dlshuegcpbrdin5cirglna2h474 1x14 – Aus Beauregard wird Käpt’n Black

Weil die Piraten mit den Kindern nicht fertig geworden sind, bezeichnet Käpt’n Black sie als Versager. Siam und Flecki werden daraufhin so wütend, dass sie sich mit ihm anlegen. Nur Siam überlebt den Kampf. Black gibt Kapitän Jacko, Siam und den anderen Seeräubern fünf Minuten Zeit, um die Kinder aus dem Weg zu räumen, sonst will er sie alle umbringen.

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8ojzui3vwiznq8wzpknm5ambke4 1x15 – Die Geschichte des Käpt’n Black

Black ist k.o. Da tauchen die drei Dorfjungen auf und beginnen, auf ihn einzuschlagen. Aber Black steht nach einer Weile auf und tritt Lysop in den Bauch. Danach sagt er Jacko, dass er selbst gegen Ruffy kämpfen will. Jacko soll Kaya dazu zwingen, das Testament zu unterschreiben. Daraufhin befiehlt Jacko, Flecki und Zorro anzugreifen.

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Bx1edb8ity1b7sadt9ys3vugozh 1x16 – Stunde der Wahrheit

Während sich Ruffy und Black einen heißen Kampf liefern, jagt Jacko im Wald hinter Miss Kaya und den drei Jungs her. Mit einem ausgefuchsten Trick versuchen Paprika, Möhre und Zwiebel, Jacko zu überwältigen.

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Fmbjqazbnwpa6dqwd0m78elmsuz 1x17 – Das Ende von Lysops Piratenbande

Der Kampf zwischen Ruffy und Kapitän Black geht weiter. Black will erneut den Todesbuckel einsetzen. Doch diesmal springt Ruffy auf den Buckel und klammert sich daran fest, so dass Black sich nicht mehr krümmen kann. Jacko hat inzwischen die Jungs besiegt und zwingt Kaya dazu, das Testament zu unterschreiben. Aber gerade als Kaya endlich unterschreiben will, tauchen Zorro und Lysop auf.

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Nofkel1etkeypqnfrqaqbcdadia 1x18 – Der Mann in der Kiste

Ruffy, Lysop, Nami und Zorro fahren mit ihrem Schiff los. Ruffy versucht eine Piratenflagge zu malen. Die fällt allerdings so jämmerlich aus, dass er nur Spott damit erntet. Daraufhin versucht sich Lysop: mit einem wesentlich besseren Ergebnis. Endlich ist die Flying Lamb mit einer Piratenflagge ausgestattet. Die vier Freunde landen auf einer Insel. Dort lebt angeblich ein Gott, der sich an jedem rächt, der der Insel zu nahe kommt.

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4ujiy2qhw51qbcft4wcihwoe6of 1x19 – Zorros Versprechen

Ruffy möchte unbedingt das Schießen mit der Kanone üben. Zu diesem Zweck hat er eine ganze Kiste voller Kanonenkugeln gekauft. Zorro liegt derweil an Deck und träumt von der Vergangenheit: Als kleiner Junge kam er in die Kendo-Schule, um sich dort mit dem Stärksten zu messen. Der Meister suchte als Gegner für ihn seine eigene Tochter Kuina. Zorro gelobte, sein Schüler zu werden, falls Kuina ihn besiegen sollte. So nahm das Schicksal seinen Lauf …

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Gujpanmz2zer2ujqadn9y84gqnc 1x20 – Das Restaurant auf dem Meer

Johnnys Freund ist schwer verletzt. Alle denken, er liege im Sterben. Doch Nami erkennt, dass es sich nur um Skorbut handelt und schon nach einigen Limonen ist Yosaku wieder über den Damm. Plötzlich merken alle, dass ein Koch auf See sehr wichtig ist und beschließen, einen solchen zu suchen.

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7a0bqdtrmeczmbfyxbtmkjnxfql 1x21 – Der Gast ist König

Ruffy soll auf Jeffs Schiffsrestaurant ein Jahr lang schuften, weil er es schwer beschädigt hat. Aber dabei macht er nur Blödsinn, zertrümmert Geschirr und treibt die Köche in den Wahnsinn. In der Zwischenzeit ist Gin, ein Mitglied von Don Creeks Bande, auf dem Baratie aufgetaucht und möchte etwas zu essen.

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Zk41o4oipd2pyc3fjeunqz5d1j 1x22 – Der Pate

Jeff will Sanji aus dem Baratie rausschmeißen, weil dieser sich dauernd mit den Gästen anlegt. Plötzlich taucht Gin mit Don Creek auf. Angeblich ist Creek am Verhungern. Sanji gibt ihm etwas zu essen, worauf er schnell wieder zu Kräften kommt. Er verlangt von den Köchen, dass sie Essen für seine Mannschaft machen. Patty, einer der Köche, weigert sich und schießt mit einer Handkanone auf Creek. Da stellt sich heraus, dass Creek eine tödliche Kampfmaschine ist.

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X3cixzc7szhlmwg6ev8chzwszuv 1x23 – Don Creek und Rotfuss Jeff

Don Creek erkennt Jeff als Rotfuß Jeff wieder, den legendären Piraten. Da Don Creeks Schiff schwer angeschlagen ist, will er sich jetzt das Baratie unter den Nagel reißen, um wieder Kurs auf die Grand Line zu nehmen. Aber Jeff und seine Köche denken nicht daran, es ihm so einfach zu übergeben. Sie wollen kämpfen.

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Oeormhafkkry504lbb0gvvoyexg 1x24 – Schwertkampfmeister Falkenauge

Vor längerer Zeit wurden Rotfuß Jeffs Armada und seine Armee in kürzester Zeit von nur einem Mann ausgelöscht. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es sich dabei um den berüchtigten Piraten Falkenauge handelte. Als nun Don Creek und Rotfuß Jeff um die Baratie kämpfen, taucht Falkenauge plötzlich wieder auf. Denn der gefürchtete Schwertkampfmeister hat noch lange nicht genug.

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28kxxngbb8k05y83wxhfx5ivjoi 1x25 – Sanji gegen Perle Eisenschild

Creek versucht immer noch, sich das Baratie unter den Nagel zu reißen, stößt dabei aber auf schweren Widerstand. Carne und Patty greifen ihn mit dem Makrelenkopf Nummer eins an. Leider mit wenig Erfolg. Schließlich taucht Perle Eisenschild mit seinen Feuerperlen auf und steckt das ganze Schiff in Brand. Es gelingt Sanji, ihn erst einmal unschädlich zu machen, aber dann erscheint Gin, der Rotfuß Jeff als Geisel nimmt.

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Rrhh1tzygqngz0a4omnziddcce5 1x26 – Sanjis Dank

Gin verlangt, dass die Köche das Schiff verlassen und es den Piraten übergeben sollen. Sanji ist damit aber nicht einverstanden und sagt, Gin solle nicht mehr auf Jeff sondern auf ihn zielen. Eine Rückblende zeigt die Geschichte von Sanji und Jeff und warum Sanji sich so sehr für Jeff einsetzt.

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3qiozkwbjjxtavzq7wu4giw4sgr 1x27 – Der Teufel hat eine Seele

Es wird heiß gekämpft: Gin schlägt Perle k.o., Don Creek ringt mit Ruffy und Sanji schleicht sich an Gin heran. Als dieser Sanji im Kampf überlegen ist, bringt Gin es nicht über sich, den Verletzten zu vernichten. Schließlich hat sich Sanji ihm gegenüber immer sehr fair verhalten. Don Creek hat keinerlei Verständnis für Gins Großmut, sondern er feuert lieber eine MH5-Bombe ab, eine Giftgasbombe, mit der man eine ganze Stadt vernichten könnte. Zu allem Übel gibt es nicht genügend Gasmasken.

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Eeyhbf5cj7ihvdjjfk2sm3tt31j 1x28 – Nur der Wille zählt!

„One Piece“ – so heißt der Geheimnis umwitterte Ort, an dem wertvolle Schätze vergraben sein sollen und nach dem zahlreiche Abenteuerer suchen. So auch Monkey D. Ruffy, der – seitdem er eine Gum-Gum-Frucht gegessen hat – erstaunlich gelenkig und dehnbar ist. Ruffy stellt eine Mannschaft zusammen, bestehend aus der Diebin Nami, dem Piratenjäger Lorenor Zorro, dem Lügner Lysop, dem Koch Sanji und dem Rentier Chopper. Können sie „One Piece“ finden? Die Abenteuerreise beginnt.

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2wtjxyj2823f3edcpeogeciy6lt 1x29 – Das Ende einer Schlacht

Der Kampf zwischen Ruffy und Don Creek hat begonnen und dabei sind alle Mittel erlaubt. Zum Schluss ist Creek zwar besiegt, aber Ruffy fällt ins Meer. Sanji springt hinterher, da Ruffy nicht schwimmen kann, und er rettet ihm das Leben. Gin nimmt Creek unterdessen auf Huckepack. Später lässt er Ruffy über Sanji ausrichten, dass sie sich auf der Grand Line wiedersehen. Zum Abschied übergibt Sanji Gin das Einkaufsschiff der Baratie.

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59m5g59ttmawhf67bq9vqfcx62y 1x30 – Der Vierte Mann

Jeff und die Köche veranstalten ein ganz schönen Zinober, damit Sanji sich endlich seinen Traum erfüllt, gemeinsam mit Rubby zur Grand Line zu fahren. Sie tun einfach so, als ob ihnen das Essen nicht schmecken würde und Sanji ein mieserabler Koch wäre. Dabei gehen sogar Teller zu Bruch. Sanji, der vor der Tür sitzt, hört von ihrem Plan. Da platzt Yosaku mit der Neuigkeit herein, dass ihnen Nami entwischt ist. Trotz all dieser Turbulenzen kommt es zum Schluss zu einer rührenden Abschiedsszene von Sanji, seinem Retter Jeff und den anderen Köchen.

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R59k0mjjofzmmco9s2at0pfgqae 1x31 – Arlong Park

Sanji, Ruffy und Yosaku machen sich auf den Weg, um Nami zu suchen. Unterdessen erzählt Yosaku seinen Begleitern von den sieben Samurai. Er geht sogar so weit zu behaupten, dass der Fischmensch Arlong stärker als Don Creek sei. Inzwischen ist Nami im Arlong Park angekommen, wo gerade ein Kampf zwischen der Arlong-Bande und den Fischmenschen entbrennt. Dabei gerät Zorro in die Fänger der Fischermenschen und wird zu Arlong gebracht. Dort begegnet er Nami, die ein Mitglied der Arlong-Bande ist.

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Tmnhvrqjb3bmsgcxuptmwujswyp 1x32 – Die Hexe von Kokos

Ruffy, Yosaku und Sanji sind unterwegs zum Arlong Park. Auf ihrer Fahrt begegnen sie einer Muh-Kuh, einer Monster-Seekuh mit gewaltigem Hunger. Diese können sie überlisten, so dass sie heil zum Arlong Park ankommen. Dort bestehen sie weitere Abenteuer.

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98jeknfqfw9aqvioeqrrxayqzcs 1x33 – Das Gesetz der Fischmenschen

Auf seiner Flucht sind ein paar Fischmenschen Lysop dicht auf den Fersen. Schließlich wird er von Kiss eingefangen und zum Arlong Park gebracht. Wo Nami bereits auf ihn wartet, und es zu einem Kampf auf Leben und Tod kommt.

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Cpkpamyyi4otlwu7foanceochny 1x34 – Lysops Auferstehung

Nami erklärt Ruff und seinen Freunden, dass ihre Freundschaft beendet sei. Irritiert machen sich Johnny und Yosaku davon. Plötzlich steht Lysop vor ihnen und erzählt, wie Nami ihn vor dem sicheren Tod rettete, in dem sie den Dolch in ihre Hand stieß. Noch einmal muss Lysop zum Arlong Park, um zu verhindern, dass Zorro wegen ihm umgebracht wird.

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Jhi85oaxknthtbubc05riayp1aj 1x35 – Der Schatten der Vergangenheit

Es kommt zum Streit zwischen Nami und Nojiko. Als Nami ihrem Bruder an den Kopf wirft, dass sie gar keine Geschwister sind, platzt Bellemere der Kragen. Sie ohrfeigt Nami, worauf diese erzürnt wegrennt. Später, als Bellemere in großer Gefahr schwebt, bereut Nami ihr Verhalten. Gemeinsam mit Nojiko versucht sie, ihre „Pflegemutter“ zu retten.

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Rshd6bsalz2oikv5iffwzwki9he 1x36 – Lösegeld für Kokos

Pirat Arlong fordert von jedem Dorfbewohner aus Kokos Geld. Wer nicht zahlen kann, soll erschossen werden. Bellemere, Namis und Nojikos Pflegemutter, hat nicht genügend Geld und wird getötet. Daraufhin geht Nami einen Deal mit Arlong ein: Sie beschafft 100 Millionen Berry und kauft dafür ihr Dorf frei. Als sie nach acht Jahren die Summe schließlich zusammen hat, nötigt Käpt’n Ratte sie, ihm Geld und Wertsachen zu übergeben.

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Acp0qilt0bbdcawgbpwpk2nwsez 1x37 – Falsche Versprechungen

Es gelingt Kapitän Ratte, Nami um ihren Schatz zu erleichtern. Knapp 100 Millionen Berry sind weg! Jetzt muss Nami wieder von vorne anfangen, um die Bewohner Kokos von Arlong freizukaufen. Doch die haben mittlerweile genug von Arlongs Herrschaft und beschließen, einen Aufstand gegen ihn anzuzetteln. Auch Ruffy, Lysop, Zorro und Sanji wollen Arlong in die Mangel nehmen.

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Fpe1pyvnvzejxqxfcjbejbrhiy0 1x38 – Angriff auf Arlong

Endlich kommt es zum Aufstand gegen Arlong. Ruffy und seine Freunde greifen ihn und seine Leute an. In der Schlacht bleibt Ruffy jedoch in Beton stecken. Arlong nützt die Situation sofort für sich aus, indem er Ruffy mit dem Betonklotz ins Wasser wirft. Da treffen Zorro und Sanji ein. Sie müssen sich den Weg zu Ruffy erst frei kämpfen.

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Viewxwxtyccz14dhzexiajlunwv 1x39 – Drei Schwerter gegen sechs

Ruffy hängt immer noch mit den Füßen in dem Betonklotz unter Wasser und die Zeit wird knapp. Er droht zu ertrinken. In der Zwischenzeit wird Zorro von Okta zum Kampf herausgefordert und hat alle Mühe, sich gegen die sechs Schwerter des Tintenfischs zu wehren. Schließlich gelingt es ihm, ihn ein für alle Mal außer Gefecht zu setzen. Genzo ist derweil ins Wasser zu Ruffy gesprungen, um ihm zu helfen.

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Shfmu7pqbfpb1m8x46ldyaos7po 1x40 – Piratenstolz

Sanji gelingt es in einem harten Kampf, Schwarzgurt endgültig außer Gefecht zu setzen. Lysop kommt in große Bedrängnis, da Kiss ihn zur Schnecke macht und zurück zum Arlong Park will. Lysop steht jetzt vor der Entscheidung: Soll er wieder klein beigeben und Leine ziehen, oder sich den Fischmenschen richtig vorknöpfen.

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7dwgwaxqt9sx9gaqyidlunp4tqg 1x41 – Namis Entscheidung

Arlong verspricht Nami, sie und die Dorfbewohner zu verschonen, wenn sie weiterhin bei ihm bleibt und seine Seekarten zeichnet. Aber Nami entscheidet sich für Ruffy, der in diesem Moment erwacht und eine riesige Wasserfontäne ausspuckt. Zorro duelliert sich mit Arlong, wobei Arlong zu gewinnen droht. Doch plötzlich taucht Okta auf.

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Pdz4ikugf6v0zdt83dfdtrwubzb 1x42 – Haifischzahn gegen Gummimensch

Im Kampf gegen Arlong gelingt es Ruffy, dessen gefährliches Gebiss auszuschlagen. Allerdings ist Ruffy ziemlich verblüfft, als Arlong sich einfach neue Zähne wachsen lässt. Zum Glück gelingt es ihm nach einiger Zeit, sich eins von Arlongs Gebissen zu schnappen und Arlong damit zu verletzen. Da taucht Arlong unter Wasser und beginnt mit einer Reihe anderer Attacken.

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Bygszcxq8obiwcmq2kug0xx3ob6 1x43 – Ende der Tyrannei

Ruffy sieht all die Karten, die Nami die letzten acht Jahre lang für Arlong zeichnen musste. Unter den Karten liegt auch ein Stift, der voller Blut ist. Da wird er richtig wütend und packt Arlongs Sägeschwert an den Zacken, um einen davon zu zerbrechen.

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3odfzyuygc377xeip1wc29g7k8q 1x44 – Auf Wiedersehen, Bellemere

Das ganze Dorf feiert drei Tage und drei Nächte lang. Zorro wird vom Arzt behandelt und Nami lässt sich ihr Tattoo entfernen und ein neues anbringen. Ruffy kommt zum Grab von Bellemere, wo Genzo steht. Er muss Genzo versprechen, dass er Nami nicht unglücklich macht. Nach der Feier fahren Ruffy, Zorro, Lysop und Sanji Richtung Grand Line. Auch Nami springt noch in letzter Sekunde auf das Schiff.

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Zudsaw2jwjezdcsfqzxozatjkr7 1x45 – Wanted!

Ruffy und seine Freunde segeln Richtung Grand Line. Plötzlich bringt eine Möwe eine Zeitung, in der ein Flugblatt mit Titel „Wanted“ liegt. Ruffy wird für sagenhafte dreißig Millionen Berry gesucht. Die Weltregierung hat Ruffy in die Kategorie „Sehr gefährlicher Pirat“ eingeordnet, weil er Buggy, Käpt’n Black, Don Creek und sogar Arlong besiegt hat.

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Bqx0ytfnsdfep6lousxlizeuhgz 1x46 – Freunde fürs Leben

Ruffy macht sich mit seiner Mannschaft bereit, Kurs auf die Grand Line zu nehmen. Nami fragt sich, was wohl aus Buggy geworden sein mag. Buggy ist allein mit einem Floß unterwegs und landet auf einer vermeintlich einsamen Insel. Natürlich ist er auf der Suche nach einem Schatz, doch Gimon, der allein mit vielen eigenartigen Tieren auf dieser Insel lebt, hält ihn für einen Wilderer und macht ihm das Leben schwer.

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St3mxhlwflxpjqsywnoel3rtrbj 1x47 – Befreiung aus dem Suppentopf

Ruffy ist mit seiner Mannschaft unterwegs in Richtung Grand Line, während Buggy und Alvida auf einer Insel landen und dort eine Grabstätte mit Buggys Steckbrief finden. Seine Mannschaft ist verschwunden, denn die Männer befinden sich in der Gewalt der Kumate, eines gefährlichen, menschenfressenden Stammes. Aber die Kumate haben ihre Rechnung ohne Buggy, den Clown, gemacht…

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Xarlfocx06v3egvirfk30fxkw2h 1x48 – Gold Rogers Heimat

Ruffy und seine Freunde erreichen die Insel mit der Stadt Loguetown, auf der der berühmte Gold Roger lebte und hingerichtet wurde. Ruffy macht sich auf die Suche nach dem Schafott, verläuft sich aber und lernt den alten Raul kennen, der ihm viel über Gold Roger erzählt. Logue Town wird von Käpt’n Smoker beherrscht, der jeden Piraten, der die Insel betritt, ins Gefängnis werfen lässt. Er ist auf der Suche nach Ruffy, weil er sich die 30 Millionen Berry nicht entgehen lassen will.

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Ob9wzyfiekvrfjmcsmdpgz7ujdg 1x49 – Zorros neues Schwert

Zorro will sich zwei neue Schwerter kaufen, hat jedoch sehr wenig Geld zur Verfügung. Der Waffenhändler Tanne versucht, ihn über den Tisch zu ziehen, doch Tashgi kommt dazu und verhindert das. Sie verhilft ihm sogar zu zwei ausgezeichneten Schwertern!

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Frsm0tb2uv7hghexadhaqnzryux 1x50 – Lysop und Daddy

Lysop kommt durch seine Angeberei in eine schwierige Situation: Er wird zum Duell herausgefordert. Doch er kneift in letzter Sekunde und schämt sich, weil er so feige war. Aber dann erzählt sein Gegner Daddy ihm eine Geschichte, in der er vom Mut von Lysops Vater Ysopp berichtet.

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V6lg9uvepo202jxo9biofhoc98r 1x51 – An die Pfannen, fertig Los!

Sanji fallen auf dem Markt von Loguetown Fische auf, die er bis jetzt noch nicht gesehen hat. Sie stammen aus dem West Blue und sind auf geheimnisvolle Weise in den East Blue gekommen, wo die beiden Ozeane durch die Red Line getrennt sind. Besonders hat es ihm ein spezieller Thunfisch angetan, den er aus seiner Kindheit kennt. Er will ihn käuflich erwerben, doch der Fisch ist als Hauptgewinn für den jährlichen Koch-Wettbewerb in Loague Town gedacht …

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Ka7mswer3xi60rczrroydzqadml 1x52 – Buggys Rache

Ruffy sieht sich in Loguetown das Schafott an, auf dem Gold Roger hingerichtet wurde und trifft dabei eine alte Bekannte: Lady Alvida. Die hat sich durch eine Teufelsfrucht in eine schöne junge Frau verwandelt und macht gemeinsame Sache mit Buggy, dem Clown. Gemeinsam wollen sie Ruffy an den Kragen.

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Hmd1rljd4mpq04otx26xq0r8eeh 1x53 – Auf zur Grand Line!

Ruffy und seine Freunde kommen in größte Schwierigkeiten, als sie versuchen Loguetown zu verlassen: Käpt’n Smoker setzt Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung, um sie davon abzuhalten. Mit einem Eisennetz nimmt er Buggy und seine Bande gefangen. Doch als auf einmal seltsame Windböen aufkommen, gelingt es ihnen zu fliehen. Leutnant Tashigi erfährt, wer Zorro wirklich ist und fordert ihn zum Kampf heraus.

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Gtqpqdn8fbecczd5yoogtj3zots 1x54 – Das Mädchen aus dem Ruderboot

Die kleine Abiz soll von der Marine zu Admiral Nelson gebracht werden. Sie kennt den Drachen Ryu, der ein Wundermittel besitzt, das ewige Jugend garantiert. Bei einem Sturm gelingt es dem Mädchen, in einem Ruderboot von dem Marineschiff zu fliehen. Einige Tage später wird sie von Ruffy und seinen Freunden an Bord genommen, die ihr versprechen, sie zurück zu ihrer Heimat-Insel Warship Island zu bringen. Plötzlich taucht wieder eine Marine-Flotte auf …

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2c82muvvdvz1uujl5y9m04coumy 1x55 – Jagd auf Abiz

Ruffy und seine Freunde schaffen es gemeinsam mit Abiz, wieder aus dem Calm Belt heraus zu kommen. Gemeinsam gehen sie auf Warship Island vor Anker. Dort werden sie von Abiz’ Opa Bogden zum Essen eingeladen, doch irgendwann macht sich Abiz mit dem gesamten Essen aus dem Staub. Ruffy und Nami folgen ihr und finden sie schließlich in einer Höhle bei dem alten Drachen Ryu. Es stellt sich heraus, dass Abiz mit Tieren sprechen kann.

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Aogyxjf8ipqxzzzpfwld2xgieji 1x56 – Der Millenniumsdrache

Der MillenniumsdracheRuffy und Nami haben dem Drachen Ryu versprochen, ihn zu seiner Heimat-Insel zu bringen. Die Insel heißt die Verlorene Insel und taucht nur alle tausend Jahre im Ozean auf. Der Drache ist riesengroß und Ruffy und seine Freunde müssen ein Floß bauen, um ihn aus einer Höhle auf einem Berg runter zum Meer bringen zu können. Derweil ist Eric hinter ihnen her, weil er an dem Drachen interessiert ist. Er versucht, sie mit seiner Wirbelsturm-Attacke fertig zu machen.

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1jabdulfyv1nzbi3xvphjxlvhvc 1x57 – Solitary Island – Die verlorene Insel

Ruffy und seine Freunde fahren planlos über das Meer, während Abiz versucht aus Ryu herauszubringen, wo seine Heimat-Insel liegt. Doch der kann sich nicht erinnern. In der Zwischenzeit sammelt sich die Marine zur Verfolgung der Piraten. Nelson macht sich ebenfalls auf den Weg. Als Ryu fliegende Fische vorbeiziehen sieht, erinnert er sich wieder an die Drachen und die Richtung, in der die Insel liegt. Sofort nimmt die Flying Lamb den Kurs auf.

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Xmtoojv1xuuaghoggigola55l4q 1x58 – Duell in den Ruinen

Beim genaueren Betrachten der Deckenmalerei stellt Nami fest, dass die Insel, auf der sie sich befinden, nicht die Verlorene Insel der Drachen ist, sondern dass es Warship Island sein könnte. Tatsächlich erinnert sich Ryu daran, dass Warship Island das Geheimnis der Drachen verbirgt. Also beschließt die Crew, wieder zurück zu fahren. Im selben Moment taucht Eric auf, der Ryu ans Leben will.

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Qsvvwmu1a3dj5xohbgkhw223qta 1x59 – Admiral Nelsons Plan

Nami hat alle Hände voll zu tun, den Geschossen der Marineschiffe auszuweichen und gleichzeitig nahe genug an sie heran zu kommen. Währenddessen machen sich Ruffy, Zorro und Sanji zum Kampf bereit. Als Nami einer Kugel nicht ausweichen kann, wehrt Ruffy sie mit seinem Gum-Gum-Ballon ab. Daraufhin lässt Admiral Nelson die Superkanone fertig machen. Lysop gelingt es allerdings, den Lauf der Kanone zu zerstören. Ruffy, Zorro und Sanji entern daraufhin eines der Schiffe.

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72fwj5z2tig6ani73bx5rtfuzd1 1x60 – Das Nest der Drachen

Ruffy bringt Ryu dazu, sich noch einmal aufzuraffen und einen Schrei auszustoßen, mit dem er die anderen Flugdrachen ruft. Aber er bricht wieder zusammen, während am Horizont ein großer Schwarm von Drachen auftaucht. Als die Drachen über Ruffy sind, lässt er sich in die Luft schleudern. Von dort aus attackiert er Nelsons Schiff und versenkt den Kreuzer. Nun bringen sich die Drachen in Formation und fliegen am Himmel Kreise.

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Fm0k3i4zwbasslozolsgbbo679p 1x61 – Abschied von Abiz

Ruffy schafft es, den gemeinen Eric zu besiegen. Danach nehmen die Freunde Abschied von Abiz und verlassen die Insel in Richtung Grand Line. Ihr Kurs führt sie direkt auf einen Berg zu, und durch eine Schleuse werden sie von der ungeheuer starken Strömung auf den Gipfel des Berges getrieben. Plötzlich taucht Eric wieder auf.

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1x62 – Saisho no Toride? Kyodai Kujira Laboon Arawaru

The Grand Line, the greatest ocean in the world according to Luffy. As our heroes slide down the water current slope of the Red Line, it was much like a ride. As they approach to the bottom, Zoro hears a strange noise, which Nami thinks was just the wind. Usopp used his goggle to see what was up ahead, Sanji thinks it's a mountain, but Nami knows that there isn't suppose to be one. But as they approach to what looked like a mountain turned out to be a whale. The whole crew panicked as the whale is blocking their path, and the Going Merry is going at top speed. The ...

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1x63 – Otoko no Yakusoku! Luffy to Kujira Saikai no Chikai

Crocus told the Straw Hat Pirates the reason why Laboon is ramming against the Red Line. Long ago, when Crocus was looking after the lighthouses, a group of pirates entered the Grand Line, from Reverse Mountain. A little island whale(a young Laboon) had followed them all the way from the West Blue. Normally Island Whales travel with their own species, but not this one. Laboon made friends with the pirates he followed. After a few months, they repaired their ship and got acquainted with Crocus. The next day, the pirates left, and the captain told Crocus to look after ...

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1x64 – Kaizoku Kangei no Machi? Whiskey Peak Jouriku

As the Going Merry travels to Whiskey Peak, our friends experience the Grand Line's unpredictable weather. First it was snowing, which Luffy and Usopp found an activity to do including snow ball fights and snowman building. Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday were complaining that there's no heater. Nami told them to shut up as she couldn't help but how strange that it became cold from warm in minutes. But then she found out that they're off course according to the log pose, and need to turn 180 degrees. As everyone got busy in getting the ship back on course, they face a series...

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1x65 – Sakuretsu Santouryuu! Zoro VS Baroque Works!

Zoro knows about the Baroque Works organization. And for that he must die. But he disappear off the roof. And reappeared in the crowd of bounty hunters. They got out their guns to shoot him, but they all missed and shoot each other. Mr. 8 discovers that Zoro is no ordinary swordsman. As Zoro drew his sword behind Mr. 8 before he could blink. Soon Zoro is chased by the Whiskey Peak civilians, and decides to try out the swords he got from Loguetown. And they all didn't stand a chance against Zoro's sword techniques and stealth moves. Usopp, Sanji, and Luffy were still ...

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1x66 – Shinken Shoubu! Luffy VS Zoro Nazo no Daikettou!

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine were informed by the boss that one of their agents knows some secrets that can't be leaked out. They know Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday's true identities are were placed orders to eliminate them. Mr. 8 tries to kill them with his canons. But discovers that there's not a scratch on them. Igaram tried all he could to stop them but got hurt badly. And told Miss Wednesday(Princess Vivi) to run for it. She didn't want to leave Igaram like this. But he didn't want her to worry about him. Just remain alive for the sake of their kingdom. Mr. 9 battles Mr. ...

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1x67 – Oujo Vivi o Todokero! Luffy Kaizoku Dan Shukkou

Luffy and Zoro defeated Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 while they fight their pointless battle. Nami came by and put an end to it. Luffy soon learned what really happened and forgive Zoro for thinking he killed the locals for nothing. Nami tells Vivi that they'll do it only for a matter of money. Vivi however doesn't have anything in return, she just wants to be returned to her home land safely. Nami didn't get why a princess wouldn't have any money. Vivi explained that her kingdom was wealthy long ago. Right until it got into a civil war. Which was caused by the Baroque ...

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1x68 – Ganbare Coby! Coby-Meppo Kaigun Funtou Ki

Coby & Helmeppo return in their own side story episode.

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1x69 – Coby-Meppo no Ketsui! Garp Chuujou no Oyagokoro

Coby and Helmeppo are mentored by Vice Admiral Garp in becoming marines.

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1x70 – Taiko no Shima! Little Garden ni Hisomu Kage!

Straw Hat Pirate sails toward Little Garden, and unlike its name, the prehistoric animals living on the island are far from little. Everyone spreads out for another adventure and food, while Nami and Usopp stay aboard, frightened. Not long afterward, a giant approaches the ship.

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1x71 – Dekkai Kettou! Kyojin Dorry to Brogy

Nami and Usopp are taken into Brogy's camp, meanwhile, Vivi and Luffy meet another giant, Dorry. They reveal that they will fight against each other whenever the volcano on the island erupts.

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1x72 – Luffy Ikaru! Seinaru Kettou ni Hiretsu na Wana!

Brogy gives Dorry booze from Nami and Usopp. The booze explodes when Dorry drinks it. The duel starts once again, and even though his chance to win is very low due to his injury, Dorry still heads into the battle.

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1x73 – Brogy Shouri no Goukyuu! Elbaf no Kecchaku

The salvage of a hundred year duel.

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1x74 – Ma no Candle! Munen no Namida to Ikari no Namida

Mr. 3 manages to capture Broggy with his wax. He also captures Vivi, Nami and Zoro, and tries to turn them into wax figures.

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1x75 – Luffy o Osou Maryoku! Colors Trap

Luffy tries to save Nami, Vivi and Zoro who are almost turned into wax figures. However, Miss Golden Week, partner of Mr. 3, keeps Luffy busy with her colors trap.

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1x76 – Iza Hangeki! Usopp no Kiten to Kaenboshi!

With Vivi, Nami, and Zoro are almost petrified completely by the wax and Luffy is trapped by Miss Golden Week's power, Usopp is the only one left to save them all.

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1x77 – Saraba Kyojin no Shima! Arabasuta o Mezase

After defeating Baroque Works on the island, Straw Hat Pirate sets sail to Arabasta. Brogy and Dorry set them off and help them escape from the giant goldfish that tries to eat Going Merry.

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1x78 – Nami ga Byouki? Umi ni Furu Yuki no Mukou ni!

Luffy's crew gets a trouble when their navigator, Nami, is sick, and they do not have a doctor on the ship.

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1x79 – Kishuu! Bliking Gou to Blik no Wapol

Straw Hat crew tries to find a doctor in a nearby island, but they are attacked by the pirate Wapol.

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1x80 – Isha no Inai Shima? Na mo Naki Kuni no Bouken!

Not only that the island has no name, it doesn't have a doctor as well. The only one called doctor lives in the castle on the mountain's top. Sanji and Luffy go taking Nami there, while Vivi and Usopp stay behind, and listen to the history of the island from Dalton.

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1x81 – Happy kai? Majo to Yobareta Isha!

It turns out that Dr. Kureha is on the other side of the island, and Usopp, Vivi and Dalton rush to find her. However, Dalton returns to the village after heard that Wapol comes back.

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1x82 – Dolton no Kakugo! Wapol Gundan Shima ni Jouriku

Dalton faces Wapol, who wants to take over the island once more, but gets hit by arrows. The avalanche stops, and it injures Sanji. It is up for Luffy now to climb the mountain to save both Nami and Sanji.

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1x83 – Yuki no Sumu Shima! Drum-Rocky o Nobore!

Avalanche aftermath & the mountain climbing on the Drum Rockies.

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1x84 – Tonakai wa Aoppana! Chopper no Himitsu

Nami asks Chopper to join Straw Hat's crew, but the reindeer refuses. Knowing Chopper's unique ability, Luffy is also interested to have him as the crew.

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1x85 – Hamidashi Mono no Yume! Yabuisha Hiluluk!

It is a flashback to the past of Chopper and Dr. Hiruluk, the first human shows him affection, told by Dr. Kureha.

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1x86 – Hiluluk no Sakura to Uketsugareyuku Ishi!

Flashbacks revealing the death of Dr. Hiruluk and the cruelty of Wapol as the king at that time and how Chopper is encouraged to carry on Dr. Hiruluk's will.

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1x87 – Versus Wapol Gundan! Bakubaku no Mi no Nouryoku!

Wapol has arrived to the castle and wants to take down Hirulug's flag. He and his crew engage in a battle with Luffy, Sanji and Chopper trying protect the flag.

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1x88 – Zoan-kei Akuma no Mi! Chopper Nanadan Henkei

Chopper fights against one of Wapol's crew. He shows his ability to transform into seven forms using Rumble Ball which he creates by himself.

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1x89 – Oukoku no Shihai Owaru Toki! Shinnen no Hata wa Eien ni

The rest of Luffy's crew and the villagers find the ropeway Dr. Kureha uses to go from the castle to the village and vice versa. Meanwhile. Luffy manages to defeat Wapol.

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1x90 – Hiluluk no Sakura! Drum Rocky no Kiseki

Chopper is finally convinced to join Luffy's crew, and though Dr. Kureha is not too happy with the idea of Chopper being a pirate, she gives him a very remarkable farewell gift.

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1x91 – Sayonara Drum-tou! Boku wa Umi e Deru!

Straw Hat's crew continues their journey to Vivi's homeland.

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1x92 – Arabasta no Eiyuu to Senjou no Ballerina

Luffy and Usopp accidentally fish Mr. 2 Bon Clay who spends a short time with Straw Hat crew showing off the ability of his devil fruit.

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1x93 – Iza Sabaku no Kuni e! Ame o Yobu Kona to Hanrangun

Straw Hat crew arrives at Nanohana, the port city of Alabasta. Luffy gets separated from the others, and somehow learns about Dance Powder.

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1x94 – Gouketsu-tachi no Saikai! Yatsu no Na wa Hiken no Ace

Straw Hat crew meets Smoker and Tashigi. Smoker almost corners them when suddenly a powerful pirate appears to save Luffy. Luffy reveals him as Portgas D. Ace, his older brother.

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1x95 – Ace to Luffy! Atsuki Omoi to Kyoudai no Kizuna

Luffy and his crew manages to run away from Smoker and they meet Ace in their ship. Ace reveals that he is in a mission of searching for a man named Blackbeard.

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1x96 – Midori no Machi Erumaru to Kung Fu Jugon!

Ace joins Luffy crew's journey temporarily and they go to the 'Green City' of Erumalu, which is only a desert now.

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1x97 – Suna no Kuni no Bouken! Ennetsu no Daichi ni Sumu Mamono

Straw Hat crew's journey through the desert after leaving Erumalu.

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1x98 – Sabaku no Kaizokudan Toujou! Jiyuu ni Ikiru Otoko-tachi

Straw Hat crew meets the Desert Pirates, and Vivi realizes she knows the girl from the Desert Pirates when they were still young girls.

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1x99 – Nisemono no Iji! Kokoro no Hanrangun Kamyu!

Straw Hat crew helps Vivi testing a group of men pretending to be Rebel Army who guard a small village.

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1x100 – Hanrangun Senshi Kouza! Vivi ni Chikatta Yume!

Luffy and crew take a break for lunch in the desert, and Vivi reveals her past with Kohza, the leader of the Rebel Army.

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1x101 – Kagerou no Kettou! Ace vs Otoko Scorpion

Ace pursues a bounty hunter who claims he has defeated Blackbeard, only to find that it is a total lie. Ace concludes that Blackbeard isn't in Alabasta and leaves Luffy's crew.

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1x102 – Iseki to Mayoigo! Vivi to Nakama to Kuni no Katachi

Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper get lost in the desert.

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1x103 – Spiders Cafe ni 8-ji Teki Kanbu Shuugou

Baroke Work's teams 1,2, and 4 meet at the Spider's Cafe to await for the meeting with Mr 0. They are carried to the Rain Dinner casino where Crocodile reveals his identity. Meanwhile, Luffy's crew meets with Toto, Kohza's father.

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1x104 – Luffy Tai Vivi! Nakama ni Kakeru Namida no Chikai

Luffy and Vivi fight against each other when Luffy says that Vivi's idea to stop the rebellion is naive and the only way to solve the problem in Arabasta is by defeating the Crocodile.

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1x105 – Alabasta Sensen! Yume no Machi Rainbase

Instead of trying to stop the Rebel Army to war against the kingdom's Army, Straw Hat's crew decides to go after Crocodile at Rainbase, only to meet with Smoker and Tashigi once more and fall right into Crocodile's trap.

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1x106 – Zettai Zetsumei no Wana! Rain Dinners Totsunyuu

Most of Straw Hat's crew is trapped along with Smoker by Crocodile. Vivi and a royal guardian, Pell, fight against Miss All Sunday.

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1x107 – Utopia Sakusen Hatsudou! Ugokidashita Uneri

Operation Utopia is set into motion. With his devil fruit's ability, Mr. 2 impersonates King Cobra and orders the destruction of Nanohana. Enraged, Rebel Army begins to move.

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1x108 – Kyoufu no Bananawani to Mr. Prince

Vivi tries desperately to get the key of the cage that traps most of Craw Hat crew from the humongous crocodiles known as Bananawani. Meanwhile, someone contacts Crocodile and introduces himself as Mr. Prince.

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1x109 – Gyakuten Dai Dasshutsu e no Kagi! Doru-Doru Ball!

Mr. Prince is actually Sanji, who lures Crocodile out so that he can go in and help the others. He manages to open the cage since using the copy key made from the wax of Mr. 3, who is swallowed by one of the Bananawani.

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1x110 – Nasake Muyou no Shitou! Luffy vs Crocodile

Straw Hat crew rush to Alubarne, where the final battle will take place. But Luffy is captured by Crocodile, so he tells the others to go without him. Battle between Luffy and Crocodile begins, with Crocodile overpowers him with his devil fruit's ability, sand.

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1x111 – Kiseki e no Shissou! Arabasta Doubutsu Land

The rest of Straw Hat crew reaches Alubarna, while in Rainbase, Luffy gets stabbed by Crocodile, who leaves him to die. However, the mysterious Miss All Sunday saves Luffy.

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1x112 – Hanrangun Tai Kokuougun! Kessen wa Alubarna!

The war between Royal Army and Rebel Army is about to start and Straw Hat crew sets up a plan to stop it.

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1x113 – Nageki no Alubarna! Gekitou Carue Taichou!

Vivi is standing between Alubarne and incoming Rebel Army to speak with Kohza. But a member of Baroque Work infiltrating the Royal Army interferes by shooting the cannon, sending dust spreading and covering the area. Vivi is nearly trampled, but Karoo sacrifices himself and covers her with his body.

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1x114 – Nakama no Yume ni Chikau! Kettou Mogurazuka 4-bangai

Usopp and Chopper struggle against Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, who attack them from underground and with explosive balls. Scared and badly injured, Usopp tries to flee, but stop immediately when the enemy claims that Luffy is killed by Crocodile.

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1x115 – Honjitsu Daikoukai! Mane-Mane Montage!

Though badly injured, Usopp is enraged by Miss Merry Christmas's taunt. Sanji is still engaged in battle against Mr. 2 and they are evenly matched.

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1x116 – Nami ni Henshin! Bon Clay Renpatsu Ballet Kenpou

Mr.2 keeps changing into Nami so that Sanji can't attack him, but then Sanji notices that Mr.2 should turn back into himself to use his Kenpo. Vivi decides to save the country by destroying the palace, but then Crocodile appears with the kidnapped King Cobra.

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1x117 – Nami no Senpuu Chuuihou! Clima Takt Sakuretsu

It's a fight between Miss Doublefinger and Nami with her new weapon, Clima Tact.

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1x118 – Ouke ni Tsutawaru Himitsu! Kodai Heiki Pluton

Nami manages to defeat Miss Doublefinger after several false attempts using her Clima Tact. Meanwhile, Crocodile reveals his true objective, ancient weapon Pluton, that lies somewhere in Alabasta.

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1x119 – Gouken no Gokui! Koutetsu o Kiru Chikara to Mono no Kokyuu

Zoro struggles in a fierce battle against Mr. 1, who can turn his body parts into blades. After being injured very badly, Zoro learns that his katana should be able to cut steel in order to win.

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1x120 – Tatakai wa Owatta! Kooza ga Kakageta Shiroi Hata

Kohza eavesdrops the conversation between Crocodile and Vivi, and now after knowing the truth, he tries to stop the Rebel Army for attacking by raising a white flag. However, Baroque Work's infiltrator in Royal Army shots him, and Crocodile spreads sand storm everywhere, encouraging the war.

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1x121 – Vivi no Koe no Yukue! Hero wa Maiorita!

Crocodile tells Vivi that he sets a bomb that will destroy Alubarna and people within. Then he drops Vivi from the top of the castle, but Luffy and Pell catch her. Luffy once again challenge Crocodile into battle, claiming that now he knows Crocodile's weakness.

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1x122 – Suna Wani to Mizu Luffy! Kettou Dai 2 Round

Luffy uses water to fight Crocodile, since water will not let Crocodile turns into sand. Meanwhile, the rest of Straw Hat crew tries to find the location of the bomb. Miss All Sunday, a.k.a Nico Robin, forces King Cobra to show her the location of Pluton.

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1x123 – Wanippoi! Ouke no Haka e Hashire Luffy!

After defeating Luffy for the second time, Crocodile joins Nico Robin in the middle of her translating the Poneglyph. Robin admits that the Poneglyph does not mention Pluton at all, and Crocodile stabs her saying that she isn't useful anymore to him.

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1x124 – Akumu no Toki Semaru! Koko wa Sunasunadan Himitsu Kichi

After recovering, Luffy fights Crocodile again in the tomb, this time using his blood as water replacement. He gets poisoned but still he fights Crocodile with all his might. Meanwhile, Vivi finally finds out the location of the bomb and tells the others.

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1x125 – Idainaru Tsubasa! Waga Na wa Kuni no Shugoshin Pell

Vivi manages to cut the bomb's fuses, but realizes that the bomb has been set to explode at a certain time. Only several seconds left before the bomb explodes, and suddenly, Pell appears, sacrificing himself by taking the bomb up to the sky.

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1x126 – Koeteiku! Arabasta ni Ame ga Furu!

The bomb explodes in the sky, the impact blows away the sand storm. At the same time, Luffy defeats Crocodile and punches him through the bedrock. Even so, the war is still raging, and though Vivi screams at the top of her lungs to make them stop, nobody listens to her, until the first drops of rain fall down and calm them.

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1x127 – Buki yo Saraba! Kaizoku to Ikutsuka no Seigi

The first rain fall in 3 years/The end of the Alabasta War!

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1x128 – Kaizoku-tachi no Utage to Arabasta Dasshutsu Sakusen!

After defeating Crocodile, Luffy's crew is preparing to sail away when they find out that Mr 2 took the Going Merry and is awaiting for them at the Sandora River. He claims to need their friendship.

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1x129 – Hajimari wa Ano Hi! Vivi ga Kataru Boukentan!

Vivi gives her speech in front of the people of Alabasta today. At the same time, Straw Hat crew waits for her to come and sail with them. However, the Marine begins to chase them. It turns out that Vivi has Igaram to stand in the podium, while she and Karoo go to the promised location. In front of the crew, and heard by all of Alabasta's people, Vivi states that she loves her country and therefore she can't join Luffy. However, she hopes that they will still think of her as a friend. To prevent the Marine knows her relationship with them, Straw Hat crew answers her ...

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1x130 – Kiken na Kaori! Shichininme wa Nico Robin!

With Mr.2's help, Straw Hat crew manages to escape from Marines. Suddenly, Nico Robin appears from the inside of the ship and persuades Luffy and the rest of the crew to let her be the seventh crew.

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1x131 – Hajimete no Kranke! Rumble Ball Hiwa

Straw Hat crew lands on an uninhabited island. As usual, some of the crew is sent to gather food or survey the island. Chopper stays behind to guard the ship, but realize that Robin stays as well. Awkwardly he tells the story about his mentor, and also his first patient, Dr. Kureha.

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1x132 – Koukaishi no Hanran! Yuzurenai Yume no Tame ni!

Accidentally, Luffy fishes a huge ammonite and apparently it is a kind of vehicle owned by a traveling salesman. Nami gets a pile of paper and then begins to draw the map of the world like she always dreams about, only to find that she should restart twice drawing the map of the Reverse Mountain due to the mischief of the crew.

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1x133 – Uketsugareru Recipe! Curry no Tetsujin Sanji

Tajiyo, a young trainee cook in a Marine's ship falls from the ship and wakes up in Straw Hat's ship. Surprised by the quality of Sanji's food, he then goes back to his ship along with Luffy and Sanji, who helps him cook the perfect dish.

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1x134 – Sakasete Misemasu! Otoko Usopp Hasshakudama

Straw Hat's crew arrives on the next island, and it seems that it is day the inhabitants of the island hold their annual fireworks show. Usopp goes to the fireworks factory run by an old man named Odama and his granddaughter, Kodama.

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1x135 – Uwasa no Kaizokugari! Sasurai no Kenshi Zoro

In his quest to repair his katana, Zoro defeats two brother pirates.

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1x136 – Yagi no Shima no Zenny to Yama no Naka no Kaizokusen!

Luffy and his friends escape from the Marines once again and find an unknown island where old pirate Zenny dwells.

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1x137 – Moukarimakka? Kanekashi Zenny no Yabou!

Zenny reveals his past life while the Marines make their moves to get both Luffy's reward and the moneylender's treasure.

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1x138 – Shima no Otakara no Yukue! Zenny Kaizokudan Shutsugeki!

The Marines are defeated and Zenny prepares to begin his pirate new life.

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1x139 – Niji-iro no Kiri Densetsu! Ruluka Tou no Roujin Henzo

The gang lands in Ruluka island, where they meet old professor Henzo and his lifetime studies about the Rainbow Mist. Sanji fights the son of current mayor Wetton.

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1x140 – Eien no Kuni no Juunin! Pumpkin Kaizokudan!

Luffy, Zoro, Ussop, Nico and Professor Henzo enter the Rainbow Mist where they find the Pumpkin Pirates. Meanwhile, Nami, Chopper and Sanji find out that the Going Merry is gone and decide to go after it.

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1x141 – Furusato e no Omoi! Dasshutsu Funou no Kaizoku Hakaba!

Henzo makes friends with the pumpkin pirates but Rapanui remains distrustful. Luffy and friends try to find the way out from the Rainbow Mist while Nami sails to help them. Sanji and Chopper prepare to fight Wetton's people.

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1x142 – Ransen Hisshi! Wetton no Yabou to Niji no Tou

Whetton has the large tower in the city falls into the Rainbow Mist, creating a bridge that connects both world. He and his men then cross the bridge to take the treasures inside.

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1x143 – Soshite Densetsu ga Hajimaru! Iza Niji no Kanata e

The end of Whetton's tax run.

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1x144 – Ubawareta Log! Salvage-ou Mashira!

In order to find the way to the mythical sky island, Skypiea, the Straw Hat Pirates must explore a sunken ship, working around the King of Salvagers, Masira, as well as the dangerous beasts of the deep.

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1x145 – Kaibutsu Toujou! Shirohige Ichimi ni wa Te o Dasuna

As if escaping the jaws of a giant sea turtle and dealing with an infuriated Masira weren't enough, the crew also has to contend with monsters that reach up to the sky and blot out the sun! In the meantime, Buggy and his crew have to put up with Portgas D. Ace, second in command to the dangerous Whitebeard!

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1x146 – Yume o Miruna! Azakeri no Machi Mock Town!

The Straw Hat Crew arrives to Jaya and Luffy, Zoro and Nami walk into town to find information about the Sky Island, but on the way they meet $55.000.000-reward pirate Bellamy who mocks about their quest.

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1x147 – Kaizoku no Takami! Yume o Kataru Otoko to Kaitei Tansaku Ou

Luffy and Zoro are beaten by Bellamy so they and Nami go back to the ship. Robin finds information about the Sky Island and the crew departs, but they are confronted with pirate Shojo.

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1x148 – Densetsu no Ichizoku! "Usotsuki Norland"

Luffy and his friends meet Cricket Montblanc, the great-great-grandchild of Norland the Lier, and he tells them the story about the City of Gold.

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1x149 – Kumo Kaji Ippai! Southbird o Oe!

The crew is ordered by Cricket to find a Southbird, because otherwise they will not be able to orient in the open sea. Bellamy arrives at the diver's house.

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1x150 – Yume wa Kanawanai!? Bellamy VS Saruyama Rengou

Bellamy steals the Sarumaya Alliance gold while the crew is hunting a Southbird. Luffy goes after Bellamy.

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1x151 – Ichioku no Otoko! Sekai Saikou Kenryoku to Kaizoku Kurohige

Luffy defeats Bellamy and recovers Cricket's gold.

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1x152 – Fune wa Sora o Yuku! Knock-Up Stream ni Nore

The Gold Merry is repaired and the crew sails to meet the Knock Up Stream and find the Sky Island. Blackbeard goes after Luffy.

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1x153 – Koko wa Sora no Umi! Sora no Kishi to Tengoku no Mon

wandering trough the Sea of the Sky, the crew meets Gan Fall, the Knight of the Sky. He saves them from the attack of a treasure hunter. Later, they find the way up to the White White Sea.

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1x154 – Kami no Kuni Skypiea! Kumo no Nagisa no Tenshi-tachi

The Straw Hat Crew arrives to Skypiea, where they meet angels Conis and her father Pagaya. Nami gets lost while trying to drive the Waver.

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1x155 – Kindan no Seichi! Kami no Sumu Shima to Ten no Sabaki!

Nami meets some mysterious warriors in the Forbidden Island while Pagaya tries to repair the old Waver the crew found in the Lower World. The White Berets go after the pirates for their illegal enter into Skypiea.

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1x156 – Hayaku mo Hanzaisha!? Skypiea no Hou no Bannin

The White Berets try to force the crew to pay the fee while Nami is returning from the Forbidden Island. They fight and defeat the Berets and become class 2 criminals.

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1x157 – Dasshutsu Naru ka!? Ugokihajimeta Kami no Shiren!

While the crew is preparing to leave Skypeia, Luffy, Ussop and Sanji go back to Pagaya's house seeking food and materials. The ship is trapped by a giant crab, and carried to the Upper Yard.

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1x158 – Lovely-doori no Wana! Zennounaru God Enel

Conis reveals her true intentions and Enel unleash his rage. Luffy, Sanji and Usopp sail towards the Upper Yard.

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1x159 – Susume Karasumaru! Ikenie no Saidan o Mezase

Luffy, Sanji and Usopp sail along the Milky Road and face different kinds of traps. The rest of the crew is caught at the Sacrificial Altar, where Chopper repairs the Going Merry while Robin, Zoro and Nami go into the sacred jungle.

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1x160 – Seizonritsu 10%! Mantra-tsukai no Shinkan Satori!

Luffy, Sanji and Usopp meet Priest Satori and his balls. The crow boat is lost and the crew must defeat Satori and find the boat before is too late.

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1x161 – "Tama no Shiren" no Kyoui! Mayoi no Mori no Shitou

Robin finds a trail hidden under the moss, while one of the Sacred Priests visits Chopper at the Altar. The fight against Satori continues.

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1x162 – Chopper Ayaushi! Motokami Tai Shinkan Shura

Gan Fall arrives to rescue Chopper from evil Priest Shura. Robin finds a pit within some ruins. Satori prepares a great surprise for Luffy.

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1x163 – Makafushigi! Himo no Shiren to Koi no Shiren!?

Luffy and Sanji manages to defeat Satori. Meanwhile, Gan Fall is defeated and falls to the water. Even though he knows he can't swim, Chopper jumps into the water to save him.

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1x164 – Shandra no Hi o Tomose! Senshi Wiper

Chopper and Gan Fall are saved by the Southbirds, and they tell Chopper that Gan Fall is actually the God of Skypiea. Meanwhile, Nami, Zoro and Robin find out the truth why Upper Yard is a soil island.

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1x165 – Tenkuu no Ougonkyou Jaya! Mezase Kami no Yashiro!

The Shandians, lead by Wyper, begins to attack the Upper Yard. After knowing the truth about the island and being reunited, Straw Hat crew decide to search for the gold on the island.

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1x166 – Ougon Zen'yasai! "Vearth" e no Omoi!

Straw Hat Crew sets a camp at the Upper Yard and discusses the plan for retrieving the gold. Gan Fall who is taken care of by Chopper finally wakes up and tells them all the history of Upper Yard.

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1x167 – God Enel Toujou!! Ikinokori e no Aubade

God Enel shows himself in front of his priests, foreseeing the incoming war between Shandia, priests, and pirates from Blue Sea (a.k.a Straw Hat crew) at the Upper Yard.

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1x168 – Kibamuku Uwabami! Tsui ni Hajimaru Survival Game

Gan Fall tells the story about the raising of Enel's tyranny, and the vengeance of the Shandian people. Luffy, Zoro, Chopper and Robin escape from a poisonous python.

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1x169 – Sutemi no Haigeki (Reject)! "Senki" Wiper no Kakugo

The Survival Game begins and Shura is the first to fall. The Shandians split and Wiper meets Luffy. Enel sends the 50 Sacred Warriors. Gan Fall teaches Sanji, Nami, Usopp and Chopper about the power of the Reject Dial.

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1x170 – Kuuchuu no Gekisen! Kaizoku Zoro VS Senshi Braham

Robin makes it to the ruins and fight against a Sacred Warrior. Zoro faces the lightguns of Braham, while Luffy is still entertained with Wiper. Enel comes into scene.

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1x171 – Unaru Burn Bazooka!! Luffy VS Senki Wiper

Satori's younger brothers appear to fight against Nami and Gan Fall. Luffy is swallowed by the giant python. Chopper meets the Iron Priest.

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1x172 – Numa no Shiren! Chopper VS Shinkan Gedatsu!!

Luffy is still trapped into the python, while Robin tries to protect the ruins she found from the powerful attacks of Chief Yama. Chopper must face his fears in order to defeat Priest Gedatsu.

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1x173 – Muteki no Nouryoku! Akasareru Enel no Shoutai

The Survival Game continues, Gan Fall and Nami defeat Zatori's younger brothers Hotori and Kotori. The former god goes after Enel and Nami is left with his Impact Dial. Conis and Pagaya make it to the Going Merry.

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1x174 – Maburoshi no Miyako! Yuudai Naru Shandra no Iseki!!

Robin defeats Chief Yama and arrives to the city of Shandora. Zoro makes a new friend. Luffy is starving but still inside the python.

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1x175 – Seizonritsu 0%!! Chopper VS Shinkan Ohm

Chopper tries to escape from Priest Ohm. Nami and Aisa gets lost in the forest after the giant python spots the Going Merry. Zoro, Gan Fall and Wiper meet Priest Ohm and prepare for the battle.

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1x176 – Giant Jack o Nobore!! Jouzou Iseki no Shitou

Nami and Aisa arrive to the Upper Ruins when escaping from the python, where the fight between Zoro, Gan Fall, Ohm and Wiper continues. Zoro finds Chopper, and goes mad. Gan Fall saves Nami and Aisa from Wiper's rage.

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1x177 – Tetsu no Shiren no Shinkoccyou! Shiruibara Death Match!!

Laki climbs to the Upper Ruins and meets Wiper. Enel appears and attacks her, then leaves. Nami, Gan Fall, Pierre and Aisa meet Luffy. Zoro tries to kill the python bur Ohm interferes.

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1x178 – Hotobashiru Zangeki! Zoro VS Shinkan Ohm!!

Fight between Zoro and Ohm continues while Luffy and Nami are still inside the python. Enel meets Robin in the Lower Ruins. One of the Gan Fall Guardians scape and makes it to the beach where Conis and Pagaya are treating Sanji and Usopp.

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1x179 – Kuzure Yuku Jousou Iseki! Finale e no Quintet!!

Nami and Gan Fall come out of the python, which is rapidly terminated by Enel. The Survival Game's finale is approaching and there are still six survivors. Luffy and Aisa remain caught.

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1x180 – Kodai Iseki no Taiketsu! God Enel no Mokuteki!!

Enel reveals his intentions of returning to his birth land, Fairy Vearth. The 6th survivor is defeated and Enel invites the winners to come with him. Robin and Zoro face the strength of the God, but Wiper has a final strategy.

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1x181 – Fairy Vearth e no Yabou Hakobune Maxim!!

Enel's fierce is unleashed when the survivors try to resist him. Nami goes with Enel to Fairy Vearth so he takes her to the Maxim. Luffy, Aisa and Pierre come out of the python and find the beaten crew. Robin warns Luffy about Enel's intentions.

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1x182 – Tsuini Gekitotsu! Kaizoku Luffy VS God Enel!!

Conis arrives to Angel Island and prevents the people from Enel's plan. McKinley backs her and together they organize the exodus. Aisa guides Luffy to the cave where Enel and Nami are hidden. The battle begins.

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1x183 – Maxim Fujou! Ugoki Hajimeta Deathpiea!!

Enel prepares his final attack towards Angel Island. The people is gathering into the ships but some citizens decide to go to the shandian village and warn them. Luffy must overcome Enel's ability of Mantra.

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1x184 – Luffy Rakka! Kami no Sabaki to Nami no Nozomi!!

Luffy is trapped by a giant gold ball and falls from the Maxim ship. The shandians are informed about the danger. Sanji and Usopp leave the Going Merry to save Nami.

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1x185 – Mezameta Futari! Moeru Koi no Kyuushutsu Zensen

Sanji and Usopp prepare a plan to save Nami. Aisa and Pierre find Luffy and try to help him get rid of the golden ball. Meanwhile, in the Angel Island, people is rushing towards Cloud End.

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1x186 – Zetsubou e no Capriccio Semaei Kuru Sora Shima no Shoumetsu!!

The attack of Deathpeia begins while the Straw Hat Crew is gathering again at the foot of the Giant Jack. Thunders strike Angel Island. Luffy raises once more and runs to stop Enel.

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1x187 – Kane no Ne no Michibiki! Daisenshi to Tankenka no Monogatari

A flashback from Wyper about the history of Calgara and Norland. How Norland and his crew came to Calgara's village and saved the village from the epidemic.

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1x188 – Jubaku kara no Kaihou! Daisenshi ga Nagashita Namida!!

Norland and Calgara became best buddies, however, when the time almost came for Norland to go back to his kingdom, suddenly the villagers hate them.

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1x189 – Eien no Shinyuu! Oo-unabari ni Hibikuchikai no Kane!!

Not long before Norland sails away, the misunderstanding between them is explained and resolved. Calgara promises Norland that he will keep ringing the bell so that Norland will find his way again to their island, while Norland promises Calgara that he will go back with his king.

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1x190 – Angel-tou Shoumetsu! Raigou Kourin no Kyoufu!!

Wiper finds out from Niko Robin that Montblanc Noland has a descendant that is searching for the City of Gold, and that that is the reason why Luffy wants to ring the Golden Bell.

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1x191 – Giant Jack o Taose! Dasshutsu e no Saigo no Nozomi

Nami comes out with a good plan so that she and Luffy can reach Enel, by knocking down the Giant Jack. Zoro cuts the stalk, but Enel attacks him before he can cuts the stalk once more. Robin tells Wyper that Luffy wants to ring the bell so that the descendant of Norland far below will hear it. Wyper then uses Reject to knock down Giant Jack.

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1x192 – Kami no Kune no Kiseki! Tenshi no Todoita Love Song

Luffy manages to ring the golden bell by smashing Enel to it, and the sound of the bell is heard through the Skypea, as well as the land in the Blue Sea.

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1x193 – Tatakai no Shuuen! Tooku Hibiku Hokori Takaki Fantasia

Hearing the sound of the Golden Bell, Montblanc Cricket and Masira brothers realize that all this time the Gold City is up in the sky. Meanwhile, Sky People (both Shandian and Skypiean) move to the Upper Yard since their homes are destroyed by Enel and celebrate the end of the 400-years-old war between them.

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1x194 – Ware Koko ni Itaru! Poneglyphs ga Tsumugu Mono

Robin notices the way to discover Rio Poneglyph after deciphering the Poneglyph on the Golden Bell. She also notices that Gol D. Roger wrote the Poneglyph and had discovered the Rio Poneglyph.

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1x195 – Iza Seikai e!! Omoi ga Orinasu Saishuu Gakushou

It's time for Straw Hat crew to continues their journey and goes back to Blue Sea. The Golden Bell rings once again when they leave, as a parting gift and gratitude from Sky People. However, Straw Hat crew gets into a trouble when they land safely in Blue Sea.

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1x196 – Hijoujitai Hatsurei! Akumei Takaki Kaisokusen Sennyuu!

Things get a little messy at G-8 Marine base when a mysterious ship falls from the sky. Recognition ships are sent instantly. Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Crew has split and everyone is trying to understand the situation.

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1x197 – Ryourinin Sanji! Kaigun Shokudou de Shinka Hakki!

Sanji and Luffy are thought to be the famous brother chefs arriving from Mariejois. The cooking competition starts and Sanji show his abilities while Luffy eats as much as he can. Zoro gets into trouble.

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1x198 – Torawareru Zoro to Chopper Kinkyuu Shittou

Zoro is interrogated by the marines but they do not believe his answers. Chopper helps Dr Kobato with her fear to blood, and together they heal the seriously injured marines.

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1x199 – Semaru Kaigun no Sousa mou! Torawareta Futari Me!

Luffy and Sanji are discovered in the kitchen but they manage to escape. Usopp is caught by Drake and taken with Zoro. Robin kidnaps the General Inspector.

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1x200 – Kesshi no Luffy to Sanji! Kyuushutsu Dai Sakusen!

Luffy and Sanji make it to the prison where Usopp and Zoro are caught but they are trapped by the marines. Usopp gives Sanji his Dials in order to destroy the cell.

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1x201 – Nekketsu Tokubetsu Butai Sansen! Bridge Koubousen!

Luffy, Usopp, Sanji and Zoro have to cross a huge bridge in order to get to dock 88. Marines are waiting and the battle begins. Dr Kobato helps Nami and Chopper to meet their friends.

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1x202 – Houi Mou Toppa! Dakkan Going Merry Gou

Nami and Dr Kobato pretend to be hostages and the crew makes it to the Going Merry, which Kobato's father Mekao has just set free. Robin takes a map of the fortress and meets them later.

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1x203 – Kieta Kaizokusen! Yousai Koubou Dai 2 Round

Luffy breaks the main gate redirecting the marine's bombs but Nami realizes the treasure is gone so the crew goes back into the docks. They hide the Going Merry and prepare for the assault.

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1x204 – Ougon Dakkan Sakusen to Waver Kaishuu Sakusen!

Nami and Sanji go after the Waver and Chopper takes care of the Going Merry. Meanwhile Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin chase the treasure, but Vice Admiral Jonathan is expecting them.

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1x205 – Ichimoudajin Keikaku! Jonathan Jishin no Hisaku

The gold team opens the vault just to discover it's empty. The Waver team recovers the vehicle and meets Chopper at the dock. Luffy and Nami go to Jonathan's office to recover the gold, and the crew meets again in the ship.

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1x206 – Saraba Kaigun Yousai! Dasshutsu e no Saigo no Koubou

The teeth of Navarone close upon the Going Merry and the Straw Hat Crew thinks a plan to escape. Inspector Shepherd tries to attack the pirates on his own but he only causes more trouble.

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1x207 – Long Ring Long Land no Dai Bouken!

The crew is sailing the skies of Grand Line when the fire Dial runs out of gas. They arrive to a strange island where everything is longer than usual. Luffy meets an old man who lived 10 years wearing stilts.

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1x208 – Foxy Kaizoku Dan to Davy Back!

Tonjit and Shelly meet again and go riding along the fields when pirate Foxy appears and shoots a net to them. He defies Luffy to accept the Davy Back competition and the game begins.

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1x209 – Dai Ikkaisen! Gururi Isshuu Doughnut Race

The Donut Race begins where the pirates must form teams and navigate along the Long Ring Long Land shore. Evil captain Foxy prepares a trap for the Straw Hat Crew when they get to a whirlpool.

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1x210 – Gingitsune no Foxy! Mouretsu Bougai Kousei

Foxy's pirates win the Donut Race and take Chopper, who now can not participate in the second round. Sanji and Zoro must fight together against the powerful monkey brothers and a giant Fishman.

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1x211 – Dai 2 Kaisen! Buchi Kome Groggy Ring

The Groggy Ring game starts and Sanji and Zoro can't get on so well. Groggy Monster's Team takes advantage of the situation and beat the Straw Hat Pirates.

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1x212 – Red Card Renpatsu! Groggy Ring

The invincible Groggy Monsters are defeated by Sanji and Zoro and time has come for Luffy to choose a new nakama. Against his friend's advices, he chooses Tonjit's horse Shelly.

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1x213 – Dai Sankaisen! Guru Guru Roller Race!

The third game, Roller Race, begins and Luffy must learn how to roller skate before the Foxy team wins three rounds. Nami does her best but they are hypnotized by Porche.

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1x214 – Hakunetsu Bakusou Race! Saishuu Round Totsunyuu!

The Straw Hat team has balanced the competition but the final round is still to be won. Nami and Usopp develop a plan to stop Foxy but they are caught by his beam. Robin must help Luffy to win.

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1x215 – Unaru Netsukyuu Goukyuu! Kaizoku Dodgeball!

The Davy Back Fight has just finish and Foxy is already asking for a rematch. Hit and Dead Ball game begins and the Straw Hat Crew must avoid all the tricky rules.

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1x216 – Dangai no Kessen! Daruma-san ga Koronda!

The rematch begins and the Straw Hat Team is in trouble when the Hit and Dead Ball game is lost. Hopes are hanging upon the second game, DTD, where teams must rush to touch old Oni. The outcome is unexpected.

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1x217 – Captain Taiketsu! Saishuusen Combat!

After losing two nakamas, Nami doubles the bet and the last round of the Davy Back fight starts. Luffy and Foxy battle in the Sexy Foxy ship, where the evil Foxy's beams are putting Luffy in a hurry.

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1x218 – Zenkai Noro Noro Kougeki VS Fujimi no Luffy

Foxy carries Luffy into his ship where he has the advantage. Several rooms with dangerous weapons are waiting for him, and the Noro Noro beam keeps our hero frozen.

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1x219 – Souzetsu Nettou Combat! Unmei no Saishuu Kecchaku

Luffy defeats Foxy using a piece of mirror that got stuck in his afro and wins the Davy Back Fight. 500 nakamas come into his crew among which he gets Robin and Chopper back. Old Oni meets his grandson the digger.

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1x220 – Ushinatta? Ubawareta? Omae wa Dare Da?

After leaving Long Ring Long Land the crew drops the anchor in an unknown island to spend the night. They are visited by a mysterious Fishwoman who plays a song, and everybody wakes up without their memories, except Robin.

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1x221 – Fue o Idaita Nazo no Shounen to Robin no Suiri!

Robin is the only one who has her memories untouched and she must keep the crew together. Nami and Zoro leave on their own but the archaeologist manages to convince the rest. The mysterious guilty boy appears.

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1x222 – Iza Kioku o Dakkan Seyo! Kaizoku Dan Shima ni Jouriku

Luffy and his crew confronts the Mysterious Boy but he escapes after giving Luffy's memories back. The crew goes after his lost friends but the Boy has some plans for Zoro. Robin begins to unravel the mystery.

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1x223 – Kiba o Muku Zoro! Tachihadakatta Yajuu!

Robin discovers the secret of the memories-eating monster and goes after him with Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, Luffy and Nami, whose gold Sanji is carrying. Zoro comes looking for Luffy and the battle begins.

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1x224 – Honjou o Awarashita Kioku Dorobou no Saigo Gyakushuu

The Seahorse and the boy confront the crew but Sanji kick's the boy's ass just when he is trying to attack Nami and Usopp. Memories come back and the battle begins. Luffy is the only one who can fight without memories.

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1x225 – Hokori takaki otoko! Gin Gitsune no Foxy

The Straw Hat Crew find Foxy in the sea and help him get to his ship. Luffy fights against the pirates that are trying to steal the Sexy Foxy and defeats them, just to discover that Foxy has been planning treason.

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1x226 – Mottomo Muteki ni Tsuyoi Yatsu? Tomottomo Kiken na Otoko!

After being defeated again, Foxy keeps trying to disturb and the crew surprises him using a crab robot. Luffy and friends land in a new island where they find a powerful marine leader, Aokiji.

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1x227 – Kaigun Honbu Taishou Aokiji! Saikou Senryoku no Kyoui

Aokiji says to be in the island just to locate the whereabouts of Robin, and both he and the crew help the shipwreck survivors to leave the island. But then the Admiral decides to fight and he attacks Nico.

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1x228 – Gomu to Koori no Ikkiuchi! Luffy vs Aokiji

Luffy tells the crew to protect Robin and leave him alone with Aokiji. Ice and Rubber face each other but the Straw Hat captain is defeated. Sanji and Zoro save him and the Going Merry continues it's voyage.

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1x229 – Shissou Umi Ressha to Mizu no Toshi Water Seven

The Straw Hat Crew arrives to a Blue Station where they meet the great Sea Train. Old guard Kokoro tells them about Water 7 and they sail to the island looking for a carpenter to repair the Going Merry.

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1x230 – Suijou Toshi no Bouken! Mokushise Kyodai Zousen Koujou

Luffy, Nami and Usopp go with the gold looking for exchange and the shipyards where they can repair their ship. Chopper finally finds a library but Robin disappears. Zoro receives some visits in the Going Merry.

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1x231 – Franky ikka to Iceberg san!

Zoro gets rid of the Franky Family, while Sanji gets lost in the city and watches Robin disappear with a masked man. Luffy, Nami and Usopp meet carpenter Kaku and Mayor Iceberg. The Franky Family steals their money.

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1x232 – Garera Company! Soukan Ichiban Dock

The Franky Family is still after the money while Zoro talks with Kaku about the Going Merry. When Kaku returns to the shipyard with the terrible news, Luffy and Nami realizes that Usopp is gone.

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1x233 – Kaizoku Yuukai Jiken to Shi o Matsu Dake no Kaizokusen

Usopp is kidnapped by the Franky Family. Nami and Luffy realize and Luffy goes after him. The rest of the crew is receiving the new about Merry. Usopp confront the burglars at the Franky House.

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1x234 – Nakama Kyuushutsu! Harikomi Franky House

The Straw Hat Crew arrives to the Franky House looking for their friend and they easily beat the Franky Famlily, but their boss has already escaped with the money. Chopper heal Usopp while Luffy makes a decision.

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1x235 – Gekka no Oogenka! Kanashimi ni Hirugaeru Kaizokuki!

Usopp is healed by Chopper and he asks for the Going Merry's future. A worrying quarrel begins when Luffy tells him his decision. He and Usopp argue until the Lier leaves the ship and asks Luffy for a duel.

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1x236 – Luffy VS Usopp! Butsukaru Otoko no Iji

The most terrible fight begins and Usopp has prepared some tricks to fool Luffy, but the strength of the captain is clear. Memories go back and forth while even Merry is crying.

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1x237 – Genkishin Mizu no Toshi! Nerawareta Iceberg

The crew has moved to a hotel when Nami arrives with the news about Iceburg. She and Luffy go to find out more while Sanji and Chopper keep tracing Robin. In dock 1, Franki appears looking for Luffy.

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1x238 – Gomu Gomu Ningen VS Ka o Fuku Cyborg

Franky wants to fight Luffy but in the meantime Iceburg awakes and tell the carpenters what he saw. The Galle-La five go after Luffy and they interrupt the fight. Aqua Laguna is coming.

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1x239 – Hannin wa Mugiwara Kaizukudan? Mizu no Toshi Youjinbou

Franky interferes in the battle and Nami and Luffy escape. The city is looking for the Straw Hat Pirates when Luffy rushes into Iceburg's residence, trying to find the truth. Iceburg confirms Robin's guilt.

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1x240 – Eien no Wakare? Yamo o Hiku Onna Nico Robin

The crew is spread throughout the city, Sanji and Chopper go back to the ship to warn Usopp about the Aqua Laguna. Chopper smells Robin and she declares her farewell.

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1x241 – Robin o Tsukamaero! Mugiwara Ichimi no Ketsui

The crew decides to go after Robin and determine once and for all whether she is their nakama or not. People of Water 7 gather in Iceburg's residence to protect him during the arrival of Aqua Laguna.

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1x242 – Aizu wa Hougeki to Tomoni! Ugokidashita CP9

Night has fallen and the Galley-La soldiers are waiting. CP9 spies appear while the Straw Hat Crew is patiently waiting hidden in a tree. Iceburg tries to protect his treasure, but it's too late. Battle has began.

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1x243 – Kamen o Totta CP9! Sono Odoroki no Sugao

Luffy decides to start moving but he gets stuck between two buildings. The rest of the crew makes it to the back garden where they are forced to beat the shipwrights. CP9's identities are unmasked in front of Iceburg's eyes.

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1x244 – Himeta Kizuna! Iceberg to Franky

CP9 members untangle Iceburg's plan to maintain Pluton's whereabouts in secret and decide to go after Franky. Meanwhile, both Luffy and Pauly, and Nami, Zoro and Chopper arrive to Iceburg's room.

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1x245 – Kaete Koi Robin! CP9 to no Taiketsu!

The CP9 members show their true strength when the Straw Hat Pirates decide to attack. Either Luffy nor Zoro manage to beat them. There are 2 minutes left for the huge fire and Robin escapes once again.

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1x246 – Mugiwara Kaizoku Dan Zenmetsu? Model Leopard no Kyoui

The Galley-La company main building is set on fire and the CP9 members go after Franky, who is trying to make friends with Usopp. Aqua Laguna has arrived and both Luffy and Zoro have been thrown to the water.

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1x247 – Fune kara mo Aisareta Otoko! Usopp no Namida!

Franky shows Usopp how inevitable the perish of the Going Merry is and the mysteries about the man who repaired the ship in Skypeia are revealed. The CP9 agents arrive to Franky's hidden warehouse.

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1x248 – Franky no Kako! Umi ressha ga Hashitta Hi

CP9 agents discover an antique room in the warehouse. Memories awake while Franky tries to stop them before everything is destroyed: Tom's prosecution and the Umi Ressha's first trip.

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1x249 – Spandum no Inbou! Umi Ressha ga Yureta Hi

Goverment CP5 agent Spandam frames Tom so he can freely investigate him and find Pluton's blueprints. The Fishman hands the plans to his apprentices and the beginning of Iceburg and Franky's enmity is revealed.

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1x250 – Densetsu no Otoko no Saigo! Umi Ressha ga Naita Hi

Tom decides not to fight against the government and accepts to go to Eines Lobby in exchange of the exoneration of Iceburg and Franky. Franky can't bear the guilt and attacks Spandam, who is now CP9 boss.

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1x251 – Uragiri no Shinsou! Robin no Kanashiki Ketsui!

The CP9 agents take Frany and Usopp and prepare the last-minute departure of the Umi Ressha. Meanwhile, Chopper rescues Pauly and Iceburg, who tells Nami the truth about Robin. Sanji's plan comes into action.

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1x252 – Nakama o Hikihanasu Kiteki! Hashiridasu Umi Ressha

Chopper goes to search the city looking for Luffy and Zoro while Nami rushes to the train station. The Umi Ressha departs earlier than expected due to the Aqua Laguna and Sanji decides to sneak in.

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1x253 – Sanji Totsunyuu! Arashi no Naka no Umiressha Battle!

Sanji is spotted by the agents in the last wagon and forced to fight. The Aqua Laguna is arriving and Pauly prevents Nami from drowning. She goes looking for Luffy and find him stuck between two walls.

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1x254 – Nami Tamashii no Sakebi! Mugiwara no Luffy Fukkatsu!

Nami and Chopper find Luffy and Zoro and struggle to rescue them. Zoro recovers his Sandai Kitetsu and breaks the chimney, while Luffy tears two buildings apart. The crew is gathered and Nami reveals the truth about Robin.

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1x255 – Mou Hitotsu no Umi Ressha! Rocketman Shutsugeki

The Straw Hat Crew goes to an abandoned warehouse where old Kokoro shows them another train, the Rocket Man. They find Iceburg, who has been setting it up, and depart to chase the Umi Ressha.

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1x256 – Nakama o Sukue! Tekidoushi ga Musunda Chikai no Kizuna!

The Franky Family joins the Straw Hat pirates when the Rocket Man is leaving the city, and in the way Pauly and two more shipwrights appear in the train. Tree teams must work together to defeat CP9.

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1x257 – Nami o Kudake! Luffy to Zoro no Saikyou Combo

In order to avoid the dangerous wave that's coming ahead, Luffy and Zoro join their forces. Sanji and Franky are decided to go after Robin but Usopp considers that it's not his duty. In exchange, a mysterious hero appears.

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1x258 – Nazo no Otoko Toujou!? Sono Na wa Sogeking!

Sanji, Franky and mysterious Sogeking mock T-Bone and his men and release their wagon, leaving them behind. The friends meet master Okama Kempo and Sanji bid them to move forward.

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1x259 – Kokku Taiketsu! Sanji vs Ramen Kenpou

Sanji is forced to use his hands in the battle against chef Ramen Kempo, who has build himself a noodle armor. The Straw Hat chef uses knifes in order to defeat him.

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1x260 – Yane no Ue no Kettou! Franky VS Nero

Cybor man Franky is in danger when new CP9 agent Nero discovers his weak point. He adopts a centaur shape and beats him against the train's roof.

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1x261 – Gekitotsu! Onigiri Zoro VS Funekiri T-Bone

The Rocket Man and his people spots a halved Sea King and Zoro decides to fight against the responsible. T-Bone is running through Umi Ressha rails towards Puffing Tom when he sees the light coming towards him.

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1x262 – Robin Soudatsusen! Sogeking no Kisaku!!

The Rocket Man meet a strange toad in the middle of the road, while Sanji, Franky and Sogeking manage to take Robin and split the wagons. Robin insists upon going to Enies Lobby but Sanji begs her to return with the crew.

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1x263 – Shihou no shima! Enies Lobby!

The Rocket Man train is diverted from the rails due to Yokozuna's rage but old Kokoro calms him and the Kaeru joins the crew. Franky Family finds Sanji and Sogeking. Puffing Tom arrives to Enies Lobby.

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1x264 – Jouriku Sakusen Shidou! Mugiwara Ichimi Totsunyuu Seyo!

The Straw Hat pirates, Franky Family, Galley-La shipwrights and Sogeking prepare their strategy to land in Enies Lobby, but Luffy can't wait and rushes on his own. The battles commences sooner than expected.

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1x265 – Luffy Kaishingeki! Shihou no Shima de Daikessen!!

The Franky Family along with the shipwrights manage to open the first gate and make it to the main entrance though two brother giants, Oimo and Kashi, stop them. The Straw Hat crew is waiting and Luffy has an army in front of him.

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1x266 – Kyojinzoku to no Koubou! Daini no Tobira o Akero!

Kashi the giant is defeated when the King Bulls arrive to the main entrance and only Oimo is left. Luffy avoids unnecessary fight with the marines and heads to the Headquarters. The Straw Hat crew's time has come.

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1x267 – Katsuro o Hirake! Sora o Tobu Rocketman!

The main team has arrived. Bending the outside fence of the island inward, Rocketman uses it as a ramp and flies through the first and second gates.

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1x268 – Luffy ni Oitsuke! Mugiwara Ichimi Souryokusen

Straw Hat Pirates and ally engage into battles everywhere on the main island while they are trying to catch up with Luffy.

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1x269 – Uragirareta Robin! Sekai Seifu no Omowaku!

Spandam plans on taking the Straw Hat Pirates prisoner despite his agreement with Robin to leave Straw Hat Pirates alone if she surrenders herself to the government.

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1x270 – Robin o Kaese! Luffy VS Blueno!

Luffy slingshots himself to the top part of the courthouse, where Blueno stands waiting for him.

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1x271 – Tachidomaru na! Hangeki no Noroshi o Agero!

Luffy fights against Blueno in the Palace's roof while the Straw Hat Crew receives help from Sogeking and the giants. CP9 agents Kaku and Califa are congratulated with two Akuma No Mi.

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1x272 – Luffy Mokuzen! Saibansho Mae hiroba e Shuuketsu Seyo

The Straw Hat Crew arrives to the foot of the main gate, on the roof of which Luffy is fighting with Blueno. In order to protect his nakama, the captain unravels new amazing abilities.

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1x273 – Subete wa Nakama o Mamoru Tame ni! Gear Second Hatsudou

Nami, Zoro, Chopper and Sanji are approaching the main island's limit and the Franky crew must pull down the levers of the bridge. Luffy demonstrates his strength and Robin hears him approach.

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1x274 – Kotaero Robin! Mugiwara Ichimi no Sakebi!!

Zoro gets lost in the palace and decides to open a hole in the ceiling. His attack draws Nami and Chopper with it and together they get to the roof. Sanji kicks his way up and Sogeking is thrown by Kashi. The gang reunites again.

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1x275 – Robin no Kako! Akuma to Yobareta Shoujo!

CP9 boss Spandam threatens Robin with the Buster Call and her sorrowful memories arise. As a girl, always disrespected by her people, she met Saul the giant, who awakes laugh in her. 4 days later, a mysterious visit arrives.

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1x276 – Shukumei no Oyako! Sono Haha no Na wa Orubia!

Saul realizes he knows Robin's mother and warns her about the imminent danger. Olvia talks to the archaeologists and goes after 20-year-ago CP9 captain. The world government sets the ancient library on fire and Saul runs to take Robin with him.

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1x277 – Ohara no Higeki! Buster Call no Kyoufu

The Ohara archaeologists tell their theory about what they think that happened during the Lost Century. The Buster Call is summoned and the Tree of Knowledge is set on fire. Robin is rescued by Saul, the ex vice admiral.

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1x278 – Ikitai to Ie! Oretachi wa Nakama Da!!

Since she was 8, Robin's life has been a constant struggle to survive. Everybody has told her that her existence was a crime, and now Luffy begs her to stay alive.

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1x279 – Taki ni Mukatte Tobe!! Luffy no Omoi!!

A summary of Luffy's backstory.

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1x280 – Otoko no Ikizama! Zoro no Waza, Usopp no Yume

A summary of Zoro and Usopp's backstory.

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1x281 – Namida ga Tsumuida Nakama no Kizuna! Nami no Sekai Chizu

A summary of Nami's backstory.

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1x282 – Wakare ga Otoko o Migaku! Sanji to Chopper

A summary of Sanji and Chopper's backstory.

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1x283 – Subete wa Nakama no Tame ni! Yami no Naka no Robin!

A summary of Robin's backstory, as well as the reasons of her recent actions.

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1x284 – Sekkeizu wa Watasanai! Franky no Ketsudan

Franky decides to burn the blueprint he holds all this time in front of Spandam. Straw Hat Pirates crosses into the Tower of Law with Rocketman.

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1x285 – Itsutsu no Kagi o Ubae! Mugiwara Ichimi Tai CP9

The key to open the seastone handcuff on Robin is owned by 5 members of CP9. Thus, each Straw Hat Pirate and Franky engages themselves into battle against CP9. Meanwhile, Spandam and Lucci takes Robin to Gates of Justice through a secret passage.

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1x286 – Akuma no Mi no Chikara! Kaku to Jabra Daihenshin

Zoro encounters Kaku, while Usopp tries to steal a key from sleeping Jabura. Both are the user of Zoan-type devil fruits, enable Kaku turns into a giraffe and Jabura turns into a wolf.

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1x287 – Shinde mo Keran! Sanji Otoko no Kishidou!

Sanji encounters Kalifa, and because of his vow to rather die than kick a woman, he is defeated easily. Seeing Sanji being defeated and in a horrible condition, Nami decides to take over and fights against Kalifa.

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1x288 – Fukurou no Gosan! Ore no Cola wa Inochi no Mizu!

Franky gets into a fist fight with Fukuro.

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1x289 – Zoro Shinwaza Sakuretsu! Katana no Na wa Sogeking?

Accidentally, Zoro and Usopp get handcuffed together and neither Jabura nor Kaku has the right key to open the handcuff. Thus, Zoro is forced to fight them both by using Usopp as his sword.

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1x290 – Seigyo Funou! Chopper Kindan no Rumble

Chopper struggles against Kumadori, and he has reached his limit in using Rumble Balls. But it is impossible for him to win without the power given by his Rumble Ball. So Chopper decides to use Rumble Balls once more and goes totally berserk.

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1x291 – Luffy Oyabun Futatabi! Yume ka Utsutsu ka Tomikuji Soudou

In Grand Jipangu in Edo period, a little girl named Rika takes care of an ill man whom she calls Tot-san. Assuming Rika as the daughter, Buggy the Clown kidnaps her. Luffy comes to rescue her.

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1x292 – Oshiro de Mochimaki Dai Race! Akai Hana no Inbou

The Great Mochimaki Race, a festival about who can catch a Mochimaki with a great treasure inside, is running, but Buggy has a conspiracy for stealing the treasure before the festival starts.

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1x293 – Awa Tsukai Kalifa! Nami ni Semaru Sekken no Wana

Chopper in his Monster Point easily defeats Kumadori. Nami has trouble with Kalifa's Devil fruit. Meanwhile, Luffy finally catches up with Spandam, Rob Lucci, and Nico Robin.

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1x294 – Hibikiwataru Kyouhou! Hatsudou Buster Call

While bragging to Nico Robin, Spandam accidentally invokes the Buster Call. Meanwhile, the rematch between Monkey D. Luffy and Rob Lucci finally begins.

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1x295 – Gonin no Nami? Hangeki wa Shinkirou to Tomo ni!

As the battle between the Straw Hats and CP9 rages on. Nami finds a weakness of Kalifa's ability: water. After returning herself to normal, she then uses her Perfect Clima-tact to duplicate herself by five.

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1x296 – Nami no Ketsudan! Bousou Chopper o Ute!

Nami ends her fight with Kalifa. Franky shoots Chopper down into the sea, while Zoro and Sogeking are set free.

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1x297 – Kariudo Sanji Toujou? Usotsuki Ookami ni Okuru Banka

Sogeking gets beaten up by Jabra and is saved at the last second by Sanji, who then fights Jabra. While Zoro and Kaku continue their fight, Franky tries to catch up with Robin.

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1x298 – Shakunetsu no Keri! Sanji Ashiwaza no Full Course

Sanji seems to be at a disadvantage due to the active use of Tekkai Kenpo by Jabra, however he uses various kicks from a newly introduced technique called "Diable Jambe", which he uses to finish off Jabra.

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1x299 – Hakujin no Moushuu! Zoro Tai Kaku Kyouryoku Zangeki Taiketsu

The battle between Zoro and Kaku rages on. Meanwhile Franky finally reaches Luffy.

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1x300 – Kishin Zoro! Kihaku ga Miseta Asura no Keshin

Zoro finally defeats Kaku with his new technique, Asura, meanwhile Luffy activates Gear Second in his fight against Rob Lucci, who in turn transforms into his half-leopard form.

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1x301 – Spandam Kyougaku! Shihou no Tou ni Tatsu Eiyuu

Robin finds out that Spandam is the son of Spandine, the man who invoked the Buster Call on Ohara. Sogeking snipes Spandam with his Kabuto and saves Robin, while Franky releases her Seastone handcuffs.

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1x302 – Robin Kaihou! Luffy Tai Lucci Choujou Kessen

Nico Robin and Franky take down some Marines, and while the fight between Luffy and Rob Lucci continues, the Gear Second effect finishes.

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1x303 – Hannin wa Luffy Oyabun? Kieta Oozakura o Oe

The sakura are blooming and a festival is to be celebrated the next day. But, Ninjin is sick and cannot go to the festival. That makes Chopper and Luffy feel really sad.

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1x304 – Katenakya Daremo Mamorenai! Gear Third Shidou

The battle between Lucci and Luffy rages on. As Luffy's anger grows, he activates a new technique, Gear Third, in the battle against Lucci.

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1x305 – Senritsu no Kako! Yami no Seigi to Rob Lucci

A closer look at Rucchi's merciless past.

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1x306 – Maboroshi no Ningyo Arawaru? Usureyuku Ishiki no Naka de

Franky protects Robin from Spandam's elephant sword and a mysterious mermaid appears and saves Sanji, Zono, Nami, Chopper and Usopp.

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1x307 – Houka ni Shizumu Shima! Franky Munen no Sakebi

Enies Lobby is raged by fire and Franky farewells his nakama. Luffy prepares his decisive attack against Rucchi.

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1x308 – Luffy o Mate! Tamerai no Hashi no Shitou!

The Straw Hat Crew prepares to defend the ship at the Hesitation Bridge from the attack of the Marines. Luffy is fighting with Rucchi and he is running out of strength.

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1x309 – Kobushi ni Kometa Omoi! Luffy Konshin no Gatling

"Luffy Vs Lucci: The Final Round". On the Hesitation Bridge, Zoro and rest of The Straw Hat Crew engage marines.

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1x310 – Tomo, Umi yori Kitaru! Mugiwara Ichimi Saikyou no Kizuna

Luffy, after finally defeating Rob Lucci, is unable to move after his battle. The Franky Family, along with the Galley-La Company, Yokozuna, Oimo and Kashi are still alive after their Buster Call encounter. When all hope seems lost, the Straw Hats hear a familiar voice that tells them to jump into the sea; the voice belongs to the Going Merry.

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1x311 – Zen'in Dai Dasshutsu! Shousha no Michi wa Kaizoku no Tame ni

Monkey D. Luffy is a boy on a path to becoming the Pirate king.

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1x312 – Arigatou Merry! Yuki ni Kemuru Wakare no Umi

The crew must finally say goodbye to their ship merry.

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1x313 – Yaburareta Ansoku! Ai no Kobushi o Motsu Kaigun Chuujou

Upon their return from Enies Lobby, the Straw Hats rest in Water 7, where their new ship is being built by Franky and the Galley-La Company. Suddenly, they are attacked by Marine Vice-Admiral Garp, whom Luffy calls Grandpa.

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1x314 – Saikyou no Kakei? Akasareta Luffy no Chichi!

Revelations continue as Garp sheds light on Luffy's early childhood, the whereabouts of Shanks, and the identity of Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon. Meanwhile, two young marines, under the Vice-Admiral's command, have a joyful reunion with members of the Straw Hats.

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1x315 – Sono Na wa Shinsekai! Grand Line no Yukue

While everybody is busy celebrating their huge victory at Enies Lobby, Robin is confronted by Aokiji.

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1x316 – Shanks Ugoku! Bousou Suru Jidai e no Kusabi

Shanks meets up with Whitebeard despite all the efforts made by the World Government to avoid it. His main reason for the meeting: a request to stop Ace from chasing after his former-crew mate Blackbeard.

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1x317 – Yagara o Sagasu Shoujo! Mizu no Miyako Daisousasen

While walking around Water 7, Luffy and Chopper meet a young girl named Abi, who's searching for her pet Aobire that has been missing during the Aqua Laguna incident.

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1x318 – Haha wa Tsuyoshi! Zoro no Dotabata Kaji Tetsudai

After being denied from various Sword Shops to get Yubashiri repaired, Zoro is tricked into becoming the new "Big Brother" to the Family of Aunt.

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1x319 – Sanji Shougeki! Nazo no Jii-san to Gekiuma Ryouri

While out shopping with Chimney, Sanji is persuaded by her to go to a good cook, whom she calls grandpa. The old man teaches Sanji the reason why his food tastes so good, salt which is produced by the Aqua Laguna.

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1x320 – Tsui ni Zen'in Shoukin Kubi! 6-okugoe no Ichimi!

While Usopp plots to get back in the Straw Hat Pirates, Franky, Iceburg and the Galley-La foremen are hard at work putting the finishing touches on the new ship.

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1x321 – Umi o Nozomu Hyakujuu no Ou! Yume no Fune Doudou Kansei!

Soon after Sanji, Nami, and Chopper complain and object their new bounties, the Straw Hat Pirates depart to see Iceburg and their new ship.

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1x322 – Saraba Itoshiki Kobun-tachi! Franky Tatsu

Franky has chased his swim briefs to the Straw Hats' new ship , but still refuses to go with them, necessitating some extra..."persuasion" from Robin and Iceburg .

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1x323 – Shukkou Mizu no Miyako! Otoko Usopp Kettou no Kejime

The departure of the Straw Hats from Water 7 is hastened when Vice Admiral Garp, under watch from Aokiji, comes to attack them. Usopp has to do some soul-searching to realize what he really needs to do to rejoin the crew.

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1x324 – Meguru Tehaisho! Kokyou wa Odoru Fune wa Susumu!

The Thousand Sunny finally gets its name and the Straw Hat Pirates make their getaway from Vice Admiral Garp as their hometowns get word of their new bounties.

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1x325 – Saikyou no Nouryoku! Ace o Osou Kurohige no Yami

Three days before Luffy left Water 7, Ace finally catches up to Blackbeard on Banaro Island, but his attempt to fight him reveals Teach's darkest secret: the control of the Yami Yami no Mi, said to be the most evil of the Devil Fruits.

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1x326 – Nazo no Kaizoku Goikkou! Sunny-gou to Kiken na Wana

After departing Water 7, the Straw Hats find a lone ship, badly damaged with no sail and flag. They decide to approach to check if everything is all right.

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1x327 – Sunny-gou Pinch! Unare Chousoku no Himitsu Mecha

The Straw Hats find themselves surrounded by a fleet of Marine ships, which is actually a trap. They escape using the Soldier Dock System, with the tattered pirate ship in tow.

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1x328 – Shinsekai ni Shizumu Yume! Shitsui no Kaizoku Puzzle

Trapped by moving icebergs, the Straw Hats try to figure a way out avoiding numerous dangers as the Bounty Hunters draw closer. The captain of the Phoenix Pirates, Puzzle awakens after Chopper's treatment.

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1x329 – Osoikuru Shikaku-tachi! Hyoujou Dai Battle Kaishi

Using the Shark Submerge III, Nami and Franky find out that penguins are moving the icebergs. Afterwards, they are attacked by Hockera. Usopp and Sanji are knocked off the Thousand Sunny by an iceberg,

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1x330 – Dai Kusen Mugiwara Ichimi! Hata ni Kakeru Kaizoku Tamashii

The fights continue with Luffy, distracted due to the lost flag, has initial trouble with Brindo, but the Phoenix Pirates help capture him.

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1x331 – Atsukurushisa Zenkai! Semaru Futago no Jiryoku Power

The fight against the Accino brothers continues while Zoro accidentally arrives to Lovely Land and meets Papa.

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1x332 – Dai Konran no Yakata! Ikaru Don to Toraware no Ichimi

Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Usopp and Franky gather in the ice cell where the Accino brothers left them. Robin manages Lil to get them coke and Franky sets them free. Luffy and Chopper head to Lovely land.

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1x333 – Fushichou Futatabi! Tomo ni Chikau Kaizokuki no Yume

The crew decides to fool Luffy so they can recover the flag. Robin and Zoro go for it but Robin gets into trouble, while the Accino family is defeated. Don Accino goes mad when he sees his children beaten.

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1x334 – Atsu Atsu Choukessen! Luffy VS Shakunetsu no Don

The crew goes into the mansion to get the flag back while Luffy finds a way to fight Don Accino. Robin gives Lil hope.

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1x335 – Shin Sekai de Matsu! Isamashiki Kaizoku to no Wakare

Luffy defeats Don Accino while the crew succeeds in the restoring of the flag before Luffy notices. Campaccino comes for revenge and the Straw Hat pirates farewell the Phoenix.

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1x336 – Shutsudou Chopperman! Mamore Nagisa no TV-kyoku

The adventures of Chopperman the hero and his battle against evil Usodabada.

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1x337 – Ma no Umi Totsunyuu! Kiri ni Ukabu Nazo no Gaikotsu

The crew is surrounded by a dense fog and they meet skeleton Brook, who tells them his sad story.

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1x338 – Hito ni Aeta Yorokobi! Gaikotsu Shinshi no Shoutai

Onboard the Thousand Sunny, Brook tells his story of being a musician before being killed. However, his spirit was able to reanimate his skeleton due to the power of the Yomi Yomi no Mi.

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1x339 – Kai Genshou Zokuzoku! Thriller Bark Jouriku

After getting stranded at Thriller Bark, Chopper, Nami, and Usopp are chased by a three headed beast. Back on the boat, Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats are terrorized by an unseen enemy!

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1x340 – Tensai to Yobareta Otoko! Hogback Arawaru!

Chopper, Nami, and Usopp get scared out of their minds when they encounter a graveyard full of zombies! Meanwhile, the rest of the crew gets trapped in super creepy sea web!

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1x341 – Nami Dai Pinch! Zombie Yashiki to Toumei Ningen

Nami, Usopp and Chopper meet Dr Hogback and they spend a crazy night in his castle. The rest of the crew is crossing the forest in order to rescue them.

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1x342 – Zombie no Nazo! Akumu no Hogback Kenkyuujo

Escaping from the Surprise Zombies of the mansion, Nami, Chopper and Usopp discover the truth about Cindry's identity and Dr. Hogback's experiments before being approached by a mysterious samurai zombie with Brook's voice.

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1x343 – Sono Na wa Moriah! Kage o Nigiru Dai Kaizoku no Wana

After beating the zombies, the Straw Hat Pirates learn that one of the Shichibukai, Gekko Moriah, has been stealing people's shadows and using them to revive zombies.

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1x344 – Zombie Song no Kyouen! Youchi no Kane wa Yami no Oto

Usopp, Chopper, and Nami get trapped in a coffin after being slashed by a zombie samurai. Meanwhile, Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats make short work of some haunted paintings!

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1x345 – Doubutsu Ippai? Perona no Wonder Garden

After awakening the General Zombies, Absalom is accosted by Lola, a zombie warthog obsessed with making him her husband. After learning that he's chosen Nami to be his bride, Lola sets her sights on the navigator.

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1x346 – Kieru Mugiwara Ichimi! Arawareta Nazo no Kenshi!

The three remaining Straw Hats are lured by Buhichuck into a room where they are forced to face an army of armored General Zombies, but are able to handle them until the zombies are joined by a strange swordsman named Jigoro.

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1x347 – Nokoru Kishidou! Nami o Mamoru Uragiri Zombie

A penguin zombie starts acting an awful lot like Sanji, Nami continues running for her life, and Robin and Franky buy some time by blowing up a bridge!

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1x348 – Sora kara Sanjou! Kenkyou Hanauta wa Ano Otoko!

Nami gives love advice to a zombie, Luffy finds himself face-to-face with Gecko Moria, and Robin gets caught in spooky spider web. Things look bleak for the Straw Hats until their skeleton friend lends a hand!

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1x349 – Luffy Kinkyuujitai! Saikyou no Kage no Ikisaki

Brook strikes the final blow in his battle with the spider monkey, Gecko Moria's devious plan is revealed, and Luffy's escape attempt leads to the loss of something he can't live without!

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1x350 – Majin to Yobareta Senshi!! Oz Fukkatsu no Toki

With Luffy's shadow, Moria and his followers head into the freezer holding his ultimate special zombie that he believes will help him gain power in the New World. At the same time Brook parts ways from Franky and Robin after giving further crucial advice regarding the zombies so he can go forth to defeat the zombie Ryuma and reclaiming his shadow from the samurai fencer.

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1x351 – 500-nenburi no Mezame!! Oars Kaigan!!

Luffy's shadow is forced into the body of a monster, Usopp and Chopper get incinerated, and Nami is kidnapped by a zombie who wants to make her his wife!

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1x352 – Shinnen no Inochigoi!! Afro o Mamoru Brook

Brook confronts Ryuma, recalling his time on Thriller Bark five years prior - and his first battle with Ryuma and how he lost to a zombie with his own shadow.

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1x353 – Otoko no Chikai wa Shinazu!! Tooi Sora de Matsu Tomo e

Usopp, Chopper, Robin, and Franky return to the Thousand Sunny, discovering their ship had been ransacked but Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji returned to them without their shadows.

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1x354 – Kanarazu Ai ni Iku!! Brook to Yakusoku no Misaki

Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro tell the rest of the crew how they got to meet Laboon as they started their new journey, while Brook reflects on his promise to return to Laboon amidst his duel with Ryuma.

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1x355 – Meshi to Nami to Kage!! Luffy Ikari no Daihangeki

Luffy sets out to regain his shadow and convince Brook to join the crew. Meanwhile, Sanji races to stop Nami's zombie wedding before it's too late!

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1x356 – Usopp Saikyou? Negative wa Makasetoke

Luffy continues to take on Moriah while Chopper and Robin remain behind to take on Hogback and his loyal zombie servants.

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1x357 – General Zombie Shunsatsu!! Oars wa Bouken Kibun!!

Usopp continues to stand up to Perona's Negative Hollows while wiping out Wild Zombies, while Brook is held at the mercy of Ryuma, who finally proves his superiority over the original by defeating the skeleton in battle before Zoro arrival.

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1x358 – Honoo no Knight Sanji!! Keritsubuse Itsuwari no Kyoshiki

Luffy attempts to attack Gekko Moriah, but instead is forced to face his shadow clone: Doppelman, while Usopp continues to maneuver around the Wild Zombies to get to Perona only to now face Kumashi's wrath.

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1x359 – Suke Suke no Innen? Ubawareta Sanji no Yume

Sanji finally gets to the chapel where Absalom is about to marry Nami, where he reveals his dreams. Usopp is still trying to catch the Ghost Princess, while Luffy can't get rid of Moria's shadow.

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1x360 – Tasukete Hero!? Teki wa Fujimi no Princess

Usopp evades Kumashi and keeps chasing Perona, but she seems to be untouchable. Sogeking comes to help him and together they discover the Ghost Princess' weak point.

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1x361 – Perona Kyoufu!? Uso no U wa Usopp no U

Usopp defeats Perona using his negativeness and his lies. Sanji and Luffy's zombies finally surrender to Moria. Battle between Zoro and Brook's zombie seems to be through.

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1x362 – Yane ni Mau Zangeki!! Kecchaku Zoro Tai Ryuuma

Zoro defeats Ryuma and the former samurai gives him his sword. Oz is approaching while Luffy can not find a way to attack Moria.

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1x363 – Chopper Gekido!! Hogback Ma no Ijutsu

Dr Hogback tells Chopper how he met Cindri. Chopper goes mad and bids Cindry to rebel against her zombie nature. Robin fools Hogback so he makes Sanji and Zoro's zombies fall from the tower. Luffy finally faces Oz.

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1x364 – Oz Hoeru!! Detekoi Mugiwara no Ichimi

Moria's mansion is reduced to ruins as the zombie with Luffy's shadow stalks the Straw Hats! As the walls come tumbling down, Chopper puts the hurt on Hogback, and Nami vanishes right before Sanji's eyes!

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1x365 – Teki wa Luffy!! Saikyou Zombie Tai Mugiwara no Ichimi

One by one, the Straw Hats attack Oars, but the monstrous zombie appears too powerful to be defeated. Luffy's got his sights set on Moria, but he'd better hurry if he wants to save his crew!

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1x366 – Taorero Absalom!! Nami Yuujou no Raigeki!!

Absalom is about to kiss Nami when she wakes up and suddenly Lola appears and pretends to fight Nami so she can escape. Absalom falls under Nami's lightning bolt while the rest of the straw hat crew is gathering to stop Oz.

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1x367 – Ubae Down!! Hissatsu Mugiwara Docking?

In order to fight Oz, Franky summons the docking strategy, but Robin won't cooperate. The crew must find a way to take down Oz all together. Perona's zombies find an unknown Kuma man in the Sunny.

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1x368 – Ashioto Naki Shuurai!! Nazo no Boumonsha: Boukun Kuma

Battle to knock down Oz continues and Luffy finally realizes he was pursuing Moria's shadow. Nami meets Kuma the tyrant.

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1x369 – Oars Plus Moriah: Chikara to Zunou no Saikyou Gattai

Figth against Oz continues while Luffy is returning to the mansion yard. Kuma tells Moria about the new Shichibukai Blackbeard. Moria joins Oz and he demonstrate his intelligence. Brooks appears carrying salt.

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1x370 – Gyakuten e no Hisaku: Nightmare Luffy Kenzan

Luffy is returning to the mansion when he is stopped by a group of shadowless survivors. The straw hat pirates are in trouble while Moria seems to be winning the battle. Nightmaere Luffy must come into action.

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1x371 – Kaimetsu, Mugiwara Ichimi: Kagekage no Chikara Zenkai

The crew makes its best to defeat the Special Zombie but they are overpowered by his force. Chopper finds a weak point when he deduces how Oz died. Only Zoro, Chopper and Nami are still standing.

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1x372 – Chouzetsu Battle Start! Luffy vs Luffy

100-shabow man Nightmare Luffy appears to save Nami and Usopp from certain death. He has only 10 minutes to defeat both Oz and Moria or otherwise the shadows will leave him. Kuma watches the battle in silence.

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1x373 – Kecchaku Semaru! Tatakikome, Todome no Ichigeki

Oz stands up once again just to feel the power of the whole straw hat pirates. He is defeated and now the crew must face the power of 1000-shadow man Gecko Moria, while the sunrise is approaching.

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1x374 – Karada ga Kieru! Akumu no Shima ni Sasu Asahi!

Luffy prepares his last attack against Moria and the shadows begin to abandon him. The first sun beams catch some pirates and the crew is running out of time. Final Gia Sado defeats Moria but it seems to be late.

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1x375 – Owaranai Kiki! Mugiwara Ichimi Massatsu Shirei

All of Moriah's victims recover their shadows and celebrate regaining their ability to enter daylight.

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1x376 – Subete o Hajiku: Kuma no Nikyunikyu no Chikara

Zoro attempts to fight Kuma, yet all of his attacks are effortlessly repelled. Kuma reveals that he has eaten the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, which enables him to repel attacks and air at very high speed.

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1x377 – Nakama no Itami wa Waga Itami: Zoro Kesshi no Tatakai

Zoro tries to stop Kuma from killing Luffy and Kuma offers Zoro a deal, he can take away Luffy's pain but he has to implant it in Zoro instead. Kuma tells him that he could die from all the pain but Zoro accept the offer without hesitation.

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1x378 – Tooi Hi no Yakusoku: Kaizoku no Uta to Chiisana Kujira

Hogback and Absalom escape Thriller Bark with the unconscious Moriah, and reveal that Blackbeard gained his status as a Shichibukai by defeating Ace.

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1x379 – Brook no Kako: Youki na Nakama Kanashiki Wakare

Brook recalls his past, when the whale Laboon started following his pirate ship and befriended the crew.

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1x380 – Binks no Sake: Kako to Genzai o Tsunagu Uta

Brook continues to tell the tale of the Rumbar Pirates' fateful journey into the Grand Line, and the decision he made at the end of his original life.

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1x381 – Arata na Nakama! Ongakuka Hanauta no Brook

Brook pledges himself to the Straw Hat Pirates, becoming their ninth member, as the crew settles their affairs at Thriller Bark and continue their journey.

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1x382 – Noronoro no Kyoui: Gingitsune no Foxy Futatabi

The Straw Hat Pirates are taking a vacation at Spa Island, but there, they encounter Foxy and his crew, who are pursuing two small girls: Lina and her older sister, Sayo.

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1x383 – Otakara Daisoudatsusen! Houkai! Spa Island Gou

In order to rescue Lina's sister, the crew destroys the Spa Island and look for the hot cross which is the clue to make the gems of Lina's father.

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1x384 – Brook's Hard Struggle the Difficult Path to Becoming a True Crewmate?

Brook tries to help his new nakamas because he fears that otherwise he will be dispensed, but Robin tell him her story of Water 7 and he recovers his confidence.

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1x385 – Halfway Through the Grand Line Arrival! The Red Line

The Straw Hat Pirates are about to reach the Red Line but a terrible storm delays them. Log Pose is pointing downwards and the crew needs more information to get to Gyojin Island.

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1x386 – Hatred of the Straw Hat Crew Enter Iron Mask Duval

Camie and Pappag introduce themselves to the Straw Hats, who then later find out that their fishman friend has been kidnapped by Iron Mask Duval and the Macro Gang.

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1x387 – The Fated Reunion! Save the Imprisoned Fishman

The mysterious Duval gets excited when the crew that rescued Camie turns out to be the Straw Hat Pirates.

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1x388 – Tragedy! The Truth of the Unmasked Duval

The Straw Hat Pirates do battle with the Flying Fish Riders and Macro Fishman Pirates. The stakes rise when Duval reveals himself, and exactly who his grudge is against: Sanji.

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1x389 – Explosion! The Sunny's Super Secret Weapon Gaon Cannon

Duval reveals that he was once a small-time bandit until Sanji's wanted poster came to light. Since then he hid his face with the iron mask until he could get revenge on Sanji.

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1x390 – Gyojin-tou o Mezashite Jouriku: Sabaody Shotou

With the Flying Fish Riders taken care of, the Straw Hats rest as Hatchan treats them to the promised takoyaki.

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1x391 – Bougyaku! Sabaody no Shihaisha Tenryuubito

After landing on the Sabaody Archipelago, the Straw Hats begin searching for a man Hatchan knows who can coat their ship, so they can continue onto Fishman Island.

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1x392 – Arata na Rival Shuuketsu! 11-nin no Choushinsei

The Straw Hat Pirates fight and defeat some bounty hunters who want their bounty.

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1x393 – Hyouteki wa Camie!! Semaru Hitosaraiya no Mashu

Departing from Shakky's Rip-off Bar, Luffy's group attempt to search for Rayleigh but is distracted by the Sabaody Park. Zoro is disrespectful to Saint Charlos, causing him to be shot at.

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1x394 – Camie o Sukue: Shotou ni Nokoru Ankoku no Rekishi

Duval and his crew arrive on the Archipelago and start gathering the Straw Hats up to bring them to the Human Auctioning House, where the kidnappers have brought Camie.

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1x395 – Time Limit: Human Auction Kaimaku

The human auction finally begins, and it is only then that the Straw Hats discovered that their mermaid friend is being sold off at Grove 1.

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1x396 – Tekken Sakuretsu! Auction o Buttsubuse

The auction continues, but Saint Charlos arrives and ruins the Straw Hats' plan to buy Camie back by placing an exorbitant bid on her.

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1x397 – Dai Panic! Auction Kaijou no Shitou

After Luffy punches Charlos, the guards begin to attack the Straw Hats, and most of the observers, except for Charlos' family, Kid and Law's crews, evacuate.

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1x398 – Taishou Kizaru Ugoku! Souzen Sabaody Shotou

Sengoku dispatches Admiral Kizaru to defend the honor of the Celestial Dragons at Sabaody Archipelago.

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1x399 – Houimou o Toppa Seyo! Kaigun Tai Sannin no Senchou

Luffy, Law and Kid's crews join the fight and defeat the rest of the Marines outside the Auction House. The three captains promise to meet and fight in the New World.

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1x400 – Roger to Rayleigh: Kaizoku Ou to Sono Migiude

Upon arriving back at Shakky's Bar, Silvers Rayleigh reveals to the Straw Hats that he was the first mate of the legendary Gol D. Roger and also reveals the truth about his crew's dismissal.

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1x401 – Kaihi Fukanou!? Taishou Kizaru no Kousoku no Keri

Admiral Kizaru appears at the Archipelago and demonstrates his mysterious light abilities, before taking on the Supernova, Basil Hawkins, whilst Urouge and X Drake fight a Pacifista.

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1x402 – Attouteki! Kaigun no Sentou Heiki Pacifista

The Straw Hat Pirates fight one of the Pacifistas, and while it does not have Kuma's Devil Fruit powers, it is still able to withstand their strongest attacks.

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1x403 – Saranaru Kyouteki Arawaru! Masakari Katsuida Sentoumaru

The Straw Hat Pirates combine their strongest attacks to defeat the Pacifista, but are exhausted after the battle.

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1x404 – Taishou Kizuru no Moukou Mugiwara Ichimi Zettaizetsumei!

Usopp and Brook's attempt to attack Kizaru and save Zoro's life failed.

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1x405 – Kesareta Nakama-tachi: Mugiwara Ichimi Saigo no Hi

Sentomaru reveals that Kuma has the ability to make people fly through the sky to far away places.

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1x406 – Jidaigeki Tokubetsu Hen: Luffy Oyabun Futatabi Kenzan

In an alternate universe set in Edo period Japan, the Mikoshi (portable shrine) race is about to take place, the winner of which receives Beli1,000,000, and Boss Luffy and his friends recruit Franky to build them a mikoshi.

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1x407 – Jidaigeki Tokubetsu Hen: Yabure! Thriller Shoukai no Wana

Robin reveals Brook's past to Luffy and his friends, and decide to help him. Brook is captured by Thriller LTD, but Luffy and Zoro arrive to help him escape.

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1x408 – Jouriku! Danshi Kinsei no Shima Amazon Lily

Having been hit by Kuma, Luffy is teleported to an unknown island.

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1x409 – Isoge! Nakama-tachi no Moto e: Nyougashima no Bouken

It is revealed that Luffy is on Amazon Lily, an island populated entirely by the Kuja tribe of women warriors.

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1x410 – Minna Meromero! Kaizoku Jotei Hancock

Luffy decides to leave the island, reunite with his crew and defeat the enemies who had overpowered them earlier, and is determined to borrow a ship.

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1x411 – Senaka ni Kakusareta Himitsu: Souguu Luffy to Hebihime

Boa Hancock's ship reaches Amazon Lily and she returns to her palace.

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1x412 – Hijou no Sabaki! Ishi ni Sareta Margaret!!

Luffy looks at Boa Hancock's back and notes that he has seen what was on it before. Hancock tries, but fails to turn him to stone with her powers when he mistakes her Mero Mero no Mi abilities for Foxy's Noro Noro Beam.

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1x413 – Luffy Daikusen! Hebi Shimai no Haki no Chikara!!

Luffy is challenged to battle Boa Marigold and Boa Sandersonia in the Amazon Lily arena with the spectators calling for Luffy to be executed.

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1x414 – Nouryoku Zenkai Battle!! Gomugomu Tai Hebihebi

Luffy activates Gear Second and is currently taking the lead.

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1x415 – Hancock no Kokuhaku: Shimai no Imawashiki Kako

Hancock decides to test Luffy by giving him an ultimatum: either he gets a ship so he can leave the island while the girls remain statues or she changes them back and Luffy finds another way to the archipelago.

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1x416 – Ace o Sukue! Arata na Mokutekichi wa Daikangoku

Following a party, Luffy learns from Nyon that Hancock is a Shichibukai, and that they have been called together as the Marines is launching an all-out offensive on Whitebeard.

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1x417 – Koi wa Hurricane! Meromero Hancock

When Nyon visits Hancock, she deduces her illness and when she mentions Luffy wishes to see her, this causes Hancock to get up and speak with him.

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1x418 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Tenkou no Kagaku to Karakurijima

Nami and Franky story, where they landed and what did they do.

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1x419 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Kyochou no Shima to Momoiro no Rakuen!

Sanji and Chopper story, where they landed and what did they do.

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1x420 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Shima o Tsunagu Hashi to Shokujin Shokubutsu

Robin and Usopp story, where they landed and what did they do.

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1x421 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Negative Princess to Akuma Ou

Zoro and Brook story, where they landed and what did they do.

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1x422 – Kesshi no Sennyuu! Kaitei Kangoku Impel Down Sennyuu!

Vice Admiral Garp talked proudly to Ace at Impel Down about some of Luffy's actions, and mentions that they both have the blood of a world class criminal.

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1x423 – Jigoku de Saikai!? Bara Bara no Mi no Jitsuryokusha!

Hancock turns Domino to stone before she can undergo the body-check, allowing Luffy to escape into the prison.

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1x424 – Yabure! Guren Jigoku: Buggy no Dohade Daisakusen

Buggy and Luffy fight their way through to the entrance of Level 2 by going through Level 1, Crimson Hell, where the lowest ranking criminals are held.

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1x425 – Kangoku Saikyou no Otoko! Doku Ningen Magellan Toujou

Hancock and the others finally reach the office of Magellan, a large man who has eaten the Doku Doku no Mi.

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1x426 – Eiga Rendou Special: Ugokidasu Kinjishi no Yabou

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji arrive on an island called Little East Blue, a smaller version of the East Blue, which is where they met each other.

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1x427 – Eiga Rendou Special: Nerawareta Little East Blue

Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp arrive on the island and go to their favorite places in the East Blue.

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1x428 – Eiga Rendou Special: Amigo Kaizokudan no Moukou

Largo uses his devil fruit power to create nets from his body and trap Zoro and Sanji.

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1x429 – Eiga Rendou Special: Kessen! Luffy Tai Largo

After escaping from the net, Luffy knocks Largo far away and goes off to fight him.

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1x430 – Toraware no Ouka Shichibukai! Kaikyou no Jinbee

Luffy and Buggy find Galdino and together they continue to fight through Level 2 of Impel Down, hounded by both Manticores and Puzzle Scorpions.

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1x431 – Roubanchou Saldeath no Wana: Level 3 Kiga Jigoku

Luffy, Buggy, and Galdino find themselves on Level 3, a barren floor of extreme heat.

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1x432 – Tokihanatareta Swan! Saikai! Bon Clay

The prison staff and Hancock finally arrive on the floor where Ace is being held.

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1x433 – Shochou Magellan Ugoku: Kansei! Mugiwara Houimou

Magellan finally receives word of Luffy's break-in, and decides to gather his forces to Level 4, to cut off Luffy and his allies.

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1x434 – Zensenryoku Shuuketsu! Level 4 Shounetsu Jigoku no Kessen

Luffy and his team fall to the hot fire while Magellan works out the plan to capture them.

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1x435 – Magellan Tsuyoshi! Bon Clay Tekizen Toubou

Luffy begins fighting Magellan despite Bentham's warnings to flee, and finds that he is unable to go on the offensive because of Magellan's poisonous body and long-range poison attacks.

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1x436 – Shiyuu Kessu! Sutemi no Luffy Saigo no Ichigeki

Magellan has Luffy backed into a corner and is using his devil fruit powers to poison Luffy.

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1x437 – Dachi Dakara: Bon Clay Kesshi no Kyuushutsukou

Luffy is thrown into a cell where he is left to die of poisoning.

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1x438 – Jigoku ni Rakuen! Impel Down Level 5.5

Mr. 2 apologizes for abandoning Luffy and searches for Ivankov.

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1x439 – Luffy Chiryou Kaishi: Ivan-san Kiseki no Chikara!!

Emporio Ivankov displays some of his powers, including stopping a vengeful pirate's cannon shot merely by winking.

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1x440 – Kiseki o Shinjite! Bon Clay Tamashii no Seien

Bentham learns that Ivankov has the ability to control hormones.

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1x441 – Luffy Fukkatsu! Iwa-san Datsugoku Keikaku Shidou!!

As Luffy is finally revived, he is informed by Emporio Ivankov about Iva's background.

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1x442 – Ace Gosou Kaishi: Saikasou Level 6 no Koubou!

When Luffy made it to Level 6 with Ivankov and Inazuma, they met up with the former cellmate of Ace, Jinbe.

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1x443 – Saikyou Team Kessei: Shinkan! Inpel Down

Luffy is reluctant to free Crocodile, but Ivankov offers to keep him in line by blackmailing him with a weakness he knows about.

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1x444 – Saranaru Konran! Kurohige Teach Shuurai!

While Luffy and his allies continue fighting on Level 4 of Impel Down, Buggy and Mr. 3 reach Level 2 and release the prisoners there to cause a riot to cover their escape.

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1x445 – Kiken na Deai! Kurohige to Ame no Shiryuu

The Jailer Beasts arrive and overpower many of the prisoners, but Luffy, Jinbe and Crocodile defeat them in a single attack each.

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1x446 – Iji demo Taorenu! Honki no Hannyabaru

Luffy fights Hannyabal who tries to stop the escapees, but then Blackbeard shows up and breaks up the fight between Luffy and Hannyabal.

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1x447 – Ikari no Jet Pistol: Luffy vs Kurohige

Although Luffy wants a proper battle with Blackbeard, Jinbe reminds him there's no time for that as Ace's execution will occur in only a few short hours.

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1x448 – Magellan o Tomero! Iva-san Ougi Sakuretsu

Luffy and the other prisoners are getting closer to the surface, having made it through levels 3 and 2.

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1x449 – Magellan no Kisaku! Habamareta Datsugoku Keikaku

Luffy becomes enraged after learning about Magellan defeating Emporio Ivankov and Inazuma, but Mr. 2 and Jinbe persuade him that escaping takes priority.

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1x450 – Datsugoku Team Zettaizetsumei: Kinjite "Venom Demon"

Jinbe, Crocodile and Daz Bones finally secure a Marine vessel to escape with. Meanwhile, Luffy continues his fight against Magellan, with the assistance of Galdino's Doru Doru no Mi powers.

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1x451 – Okose Saigo no Kiseki: Seigi no Mon o Toppa Seyo

Bentham puts himself on the line to save Luffy and the others, by disguising himself as Warden Magellan.

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1x452 – Mezase Kaigun Honbu: Ace Kyuushutsu e no Funade!

Shiliew saves Blackbeard and his crew by giving them antidotes to Magellan's poison before taking the opportunity to join with them.

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1x453 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Weatheria Report to Cyborg Animal

As Luffy's ship heads to the Marine Headquarters, the scene shifts to a point some time in the past.

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1x454 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Kyochou no Hina to Momoiro no Taiketsu

Sanji is chased by okamas to Caroline - the queen's stand in.

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1x455 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Kakumeigun to Boushoku no Mori no Wana!

Robin was captured by the guards of Tequila Wolf and was sent to the Prison Tower.

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1x456 – Nakama-tachi no Yukue: Kyodai na Bohyou to Pantsu no On

While heading to the sea to return to the Sabaody Archipelago, Zoro and Perona stumble upon an enormous tombstone. Brook decides he has to wait to find Luffy and the others until he can fulfill his debt to the people of Harahettania.

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1x457 – Marineford Chokuzen Kaisou Special: Kyoudai no Chikai!

Luffy recalls his childhood with Ace and meeting Marshall D. Teach in Jaya without knowing who he was.

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1x458 – Marineford Chokuzen Kaisou Special: Shuuketsu! San Taishou

While Luffy's on his way to rescue Ace, everyone at Marine Headquarters gets ready for the execution.

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1x459 – Kessen no Toki Semaru! Kaigun Saikyou no Fujin Kansei!

Only three hours remain until Ace's execution. Luffy reaches Marineford but finds the Gates of Justice closed.

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1x460 – Kyodai Kantai Arawaru: Shuurai! Shirohige Kaizokudan

The world is shocked by the revelation of Ace's father's identity.

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1x461 – Kessen no Makuake! Ace to Shirohige no Kako

Whitebeard reveals his Devil Fruit powers in front of the Marines.

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1x462 – Sekai o Horobosu Chikara! Guragura no Mi no Nouryoku

The sea-quakes made by Whitebeard cause a tsunami to come upon Marineford.

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1x463 – Subete o Yakitsukusu!! Taishou Akainu no Chikara!

All the various Whitebeard Commanders show off their skills and abilities, as do some Marines.

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1x464 – Majin no Shison! Little Oars Jr. Bakushin!

Oars Jr. goes straight for Ace, but the Giant Squad attempts to stop him without much success.

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1x465 – Shousha dake ga Seigi Hatsudou! Sengoku no Sakusen!

Koby and Helmeppo attempted to flee from the war after feeling too overwhelmed by the deaths and chaos, but stumbled upon Akainu and an apparent plan by Sengoku.

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1x466 – Mugiwara Team Touchaku Fuunkyuu o Tsugeru Senjou

Luffy finally shows up together with his formed alliance from the escaped prisoners of Impel Down.

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1x467 – Shinde mo Tasukeru: Luffy vs Kaigun Battle Start

With Luffy as their inspiration, the other pirates fight back with renewed vigor.

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1x468 – Gekisen no Renzoku! Nouryokusha Gundan VS Nouryokusha Gundan

One battle after another, it is complete chaos out on the battlefield.

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1x469 – Kuma ni Okita Ihen Iva-san Ikari no Ichigeki

Luffy receives the key to Ace's handcuffs from Hancock, who then fantasizes about a wedding ceremony held on Amazon Lily.

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1x470 – Kengou Mihawk Luffy ni Semaru Kokutou no Zangeki

Luffy stumbles upon Mihawk, whom he tries to avoid.

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1x471 – Senmetsu Sakusen Shidou: Pacifista Gundan no Iryoku

The Pacifista enter Marineford as part of Sengoku's plan to win the war against Whitebeard.

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1x472 – Akainu no Bouryaku! Otoshiirerareta Shirohige

As Squard stabs Whitebeard, the pirates and even marines in the war are shocked due to his betrayal.

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1x473 – Houiheki Sadou! Shirohige Kaizokudan Zettaizetsumei!!

In a desperate attempt to stop Whitebeard from advancing to the execution platform, the Marines activate walls to block Whitebeard's path, but gets stopped by the ice.

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1x474 – Shokei Shikkou Shirei Kudaru: Houiheki o Toppa Seyo!

Akainu's Meteor Volcano melts the nearly all the ice and destroys the Whitebeard Pirates' ships, dropping them into boiling water, enabling the cannons on the wall to bombard them while the Pacifistas block the way out.

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1x475 – Saishuu Kyokumen Totsunyuu! Shirohige Kishikaisei no Itte

Luffy attempts to slip past the admirals, but Kizaru easily catches up to him and knocks him to the ground.

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1x476 – Luffy Chikaratsuku! Oris Hiroba no Souryokusen!!

Ace thinks back to his childhood, when he fought with anyone who spoke ill of Roger, and wondering if he should ever have been born.

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1x477 – Inochi o Kezuru Chikara: Tension Hormone Futatabi

Whitebeard falters for a moment as a result of his age and physical condition.

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1x478 – Yakusoku no Tame ni!! Gekitou! Luffy to Coby

Luffy with his newly restored strength continues on to the execution platform to save Ace and is warned by Ivankov that the hormones only trick his body.

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1x479 – Shokeidai Mokuzen! Hirakareta Ace e no Michi!!

Luffy uses Haki unintentionally just as Ace is about to be executed.

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1x480 – Sorezore no Eranda Michi: Luffy vs Garp!

Luffy unwillingly hits Garp, who is blocking his way to Ace. As Garp falls, the bridge crumbles.

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1x481 – Ace Kyuushutsu! Shirohige Saigo no Senchou Meirei!

Ace is freed at last as he and Luffy fight their way back to escape from Marineford.

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1x482 – Hi o mo Yaki Tsukusu Chikara: Akainu Hijou no Tsuigeki

Whitebeard aims to take down the whole of Marineford and orders his crew and the other pirates to flee.

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1x483 – Kotae o Sagashite: Hiken Ace Senjou ni Shisu

An eerie silence falls over the battlefield as Luffy and Ace share a heartbreaking final moment together.

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1x484 – Kaigun Honbu Houkai! Shirohige Kotobanaki Ikari!

Luffy's has a breakdown due to the emotional trauma of Ace's death, causing Jinbe to take him away.

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1x485 – Kejime o Tsukeru: Shirohige vs Kurohige Kaizokudan

Blackbeard and his pirates arrive in Marineford, as they are taken down from the execution platform by Whitebeard.

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1x486 – Show no Kaimaku: Akasareta Kurohige no Takurami

The news of Whitebeard's death is already spreading all over the world. Silvers Rayleigh also hears the news.

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1x487 – Akainu no Shuunen! Luffy o Osou Magma no Kobushi

Blackbeard expresses his desire to sink Marineford into the ocean after destroying the fortress, but Sengoku attacks him, saying that the island is a symbol of justice in the world.

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1x488 – Hisshi no Sakebi: Unmei o Kaeru Yuuki Aru Suubyou

The fight in Marineford still rages on, as Trafalgar Law arrives to rescue Luffy.

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1x489 – Shanks Kenzan! Choujou Sensou Tsui ni Shuuketsu

Law and his crew take Jinbe and Luffy inside their submarine.

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1x490 – Gun'yuu Kakkyo Su! "Atarashii Jidai" no Hajimari!

As Luffy's fate hangs in the balance, word spreads that the war is over and people all over the world rejoice on the news of the Marines' victory.

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1x491 – Nyougashima Jouriku: Luffy o Semeru Kakoku na Genjitsu

Brownbeard was seen taking over Foodvalten saying it was not a Whitebeard territory anymore, Iva said goodbye to Jinbe and the others.

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1x492 – Saikyou Tag! Funtou, Luffy to Toriko!

After eating the Hungrila Bird that they captured, Luffy and Toriko team up again to save Nami and Komatsu who have been kidnapped by the Cocoalas.

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1x493 – Luffy to Ace: Kyoudai no Deai no Monogatari!

Garp drops Luffy to live with the Dadan Family where he meets Ace - who immediately dislikes Luffy.

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1x494 – Sabo Toujou! Gray Terminal no Shounen

Luffy discovers the end of the forest is a slum dumpster named Gray Terminal, a lawless area full of homeless people searching for valuables thrown out by the town's people.

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1x495 – Ore wa Nigenai: Ace Kesshi no Kyuushutsu Sakusen

Ace and Sabo rescue Luffy from Porchemy by defeating him.

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1x496 – Itsuka Umi e! Sannin no Akudou Chikai no Sakazuki!

Sabo is seen by his father but Sabo pretends to not know him.

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1x497 – Dadan Ikka to no Wakare!? Kansei! Himitsu Kichi

Luffy, Ace and Sabo were going about their usual mischief until Garp turned up, and attacked them for still wanting to be pirates.

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1x498 – Luffy Deshiiri!? Kaizoku Ou to Tatakatta Otoko!

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy chase down a Danpa and succeeds to catch it, but a tiger steals it.

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1x499 – Ootora to no Kessen! Senchou ni Naru no wa Dare Da!

Ace, Sabo and Luffy help Naguri make a pirate ship.

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1x500 – Ubawareta Jiyuu! Sankyoudai ni Semaru Kizoku no Wana

Sabo, Luffy and Ace are caught by the Bluejam Pirates.

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1x501 – Hanatareta Honoo: Gray Terminal no Kiki

Sabo is being chased by his father's men.

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1x502 – Jiyuu wa Doko ni Aru? Shounen no Kanashiki Funade

While Dadan and Ace stay behind to fight Bluejam, the rest of the Dadan Family and Luffy make a quick escape.

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1x503 – Yoroshiku Tanomu! Kyoudai kara Todoita Tegami!

Sabo's ship is destroyed by a World Noble.

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1x504 – Yakusoku o Hatasu Tame: Sorezore no Tabidachi!

After the death of Sabo, Ace and Luffy continue their training while the others discover the Revolutionaries' ship.

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1x505 – Aitsura ni Aitee! Luffy Namida no Sakebi

Luffy still distraught at the death of Ace, blames it on his weakness.

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1x506 – Mugiwara no Ichimi Gekishin! Motarasareta Kyouhou

On Kuraigana Island, Zoro confronts several Humandrills and is nearly defeated, but then Mihawk appears and scares them away.

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1x507 – Meiou Rayleigh to no Saikai: Luffy Ketsudan no Toki

On Maiden Island, Rayleigh kills a Sea King and arrives on the island in front of Law's crew.

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1x508 – Senchou no Moto e: Sorajima no Datsugoku to Fuyujima no Jiken

At Amazon Lily, Luffy tries to make up his mind regarding Rayleigh's offer, as he made a promise to his crew to meet in three days.

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1x509 – Sesshoku! Daikengou Mihawk: Zoro Iji no Shitou

Zoro tried to go back to the sea using the small boat given to him by Mihawk but he could not get past the humandrills.

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1x510 – Sanji no Junan: Oukoku e to Kikan Shita Joou!

Chopper leaves the Torino Kingdom, while riding one of the birds, hoping to be able to aid Luffy.

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1x511 – Masaka no Saijouriku! Luffy Marineford e!

The Marine Headquarters have started rebuilding, and the Marines had a meeting about Monkey D. Luffy.

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1x512 – Nakama ni Todoke: Kakemeguru Dai News!

Some of Luffy's old friends from Impel Down and around the world read the news about Luffy's second appearance at Marineford.

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1x513 – Ugokidasu Kaizoku-tachi! Kyoutendouchi no Shinsekai

Trafalgar Law and his crew talk about going to the New World.

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1x514 – Jigoku o Ikinuke: Sanji Otoko o Kaketa Shoubu

Nami tricks the old men into letting her stay on Weatheria. Franky stumbles upon Vegapunk's hidden laboratory and finds more blueprints and decides to study them.

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1x515 – Madamada Tsuyoku Naru! Zoro Senchou e no Chikai

While being put on display in a cage, Brook feels appreciative towards all that Luffy had done for him and decides that he will move on and continue to aid Luffy.

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1x516 – Luffy Shugyou Kaishi: 2-nengo ni Yakusoku no Basho de

Jinbe leaves Luffy with Rayleigh. Rayleigh takes Luffy to an abandoned island to begin his training. Rayleigh introduces Luffy to the concept of Haki and then demonstrates the three different types of Haki.

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1x517 – Shinshou Kaimaku: Saishuuketsu! Mugiwara no Ichimi

After two years of being separated, the Straw Hats return to Sabaody Archipelago.

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1x518 – Isshokusokuhatsu! Luffy Tai Nise Luffy

Fake Luffy and the real Luffy come face-to-face, though the imposter is quickly beaten thanks to Luffy's use of Haki.

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1x519 – Kaigun Shutsudou: Nerawareta Mugiwara no Ichimi

Robin visits the Thousand Sunny and meets Franky there. Chopper goes to the Fake Straw Hat Pirates, mistaking them for his own crew.

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1x520 – Oomono Shuuketsu: Nise Mugiwara Ichimi no Kyoui

Brook finishes his concert when the Marines arrive to capture him, but he escapes.

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1x521 – Sentou Kaishi! Misero Shugyou no Seika!

Luffy's Death will cause Chaos in the City.

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1x522 – Zen'in Shuugou: Luffy Shinsekai e no Funade

Luffy along with Zoro and Sanji are heading to Grove #42.

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1x523 – Kyougaku no Shinjitsu: Sunny-gou o Mamotta Otoko

Caribou is seen punishing the Fake Straw Hats for making him join them instead of the real Straw Hat Pirates.

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1x524 – Kaichuu no Shitou: Arawareta Oounabara no Akuma

The Caribou Pirates attack the Straw Hats. While Caribou manages to get on the Thousand Sunny, the rest of his crew gets pulled away by Mohmoo, who gets frightened when he recognizes the Straw Hats from his time in Arlong Park.

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1x525 – Shinkai de Sounan: Hagureta Mugiwara no Ichimi

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are facing the Kraken.

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1x526 – Kaitei Kazan Funka! Nagasarete Gyojintou

The Flying Dutchman shows up and Vander Decken tells Wadatsumi to crush the Thousand Sunny, but then the Kraken beats Wadatsumi.

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1x527 – Gyojintou Jouriku: Uruwashiki Ningyo-tachi

The Straw Hat Pirates encounter Hammond, some sea-beasts and other fishmen from the New Fishman Pirates.

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1x528 – Koufun Bakuhatsu! Sanji Seimei no Kiki!

Sanji playing in a pool with the mermaids in Mermaid Cove, Luffy, soaking his feet on the side of the pool, comments on how nice it must be to swim, Camie suggests that Luffy could wear a bubble in order to do so.

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1x529 – Gyojintou Metsubou!? Sharley no Yogen

As blood donors are finally found, the recovering Sanji stays at the Mermaid Cafe while Luffy, Usopp and Camie meet Pappag and Brook.

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1x530 – Gyojintou no Ou: Kaishin Neptune!

Straw Hat Pirates are in a town on Fishman Island and King Neptune and Megalo appear to invite the Straw Hats to Ryugu Palace.

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1x531 – Ryuuguujou! Tasuketa Same ni Tsurerarete

Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Camie, and Pappag travel with King Neptune to Ryugu Palace.

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1x532 – Yowamushi de Nakimushi! Koukakutou no Ningyo Hime

Vander Decken IX reveals that he plans to marry the princess, using his Mark-Mark Fruit curse to throw a giant axe at her.

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1x533 – Kinkyuu Jitai Hassei: Senkyo Sareta Ryuuguujou

The guards around Zoro and the others are preparing to pop their air bubble, however, Nami found some bubbly coral and made the whole room fill with air and Zoro prepares to fight Neptune.

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1x534 – Ryuuguujou Gekishin! Shirahoshi Yuukai Jiken

Luffy leads Shirahoshi out of her tower inside Megalo while Brook and the Minister of the Right tells them to stop.

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1x535 – Hody Shuurai: Fukushuu Keikaku no Hajimari

Luffy is still on his way to the Sea Forest with Shirahoshi, when he notices something going to the Ryugu Palace, which is revealed to be Hody and Vander Decken IX.

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1x536 – Ryuuguujou no Kessen! Zoro Tai Hody

Neptune begs someone to protect her daughter. Hody just comments on how weak he is and states he only joined his army for military strength and knowledge. He states he will revive the dream and ambition of Arlong.

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1x537 – Shirahoshi o Mamore: Decken no Tsuigeki

Chopper tries to persuade Sanji to not turn around, or else he will see Shirahoshi and die. But Sanji turns around and after seeing the princess, turns into stone.

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1x538 – Ichimi Haiboku!? Hody Ryuuguujou Seiatsu

Zoro cuts Hody and asks for Neptune's help to escape from Ryugu Palace. Unfortunately, Hody who was unconscious comes to his senses after taking an Energy Steroid and successfully stops Neptune and the Straw Hats from escaping.

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1x539 – Yomigaeru Innen! Nami to Gyojin Kaizokudan!

Robin continues her search while the New Fishman Pirates begin to take over. People are also seen being forced to step on a photo, and if they do not, they are considered as enemies.

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1x540 – Dorei Kaihou no Eiyuu: Boukenka Tiger

Otohime confronts a robber who was stealing money so he could buy food for his ten children. Otohime and Jinbe try to change Fishman island, and Jinbe leaves the Army to join the Sun Pirates.

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1x541 – Kizaru Toujou! Tiger o Nerau Wana!

Entering a flashback, Neptune holds a baby Shirahoshi commenting on Tiger's attack on Mary Geoise, stating he would not be able to attend a summit for a long time because of it.

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1x542 – Team Kessei! Chopper o Sukue

Toriko and Komatsu are seen fishing when Komatsu catches a Harusame. After defeating it, Luffy suddenly comes out of the Harusame's mouth and surprises Toriko and Komatsu.

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1x543 – Eiyuu no Saigo: Tiger Shougeki no Shinjitsu

The Sun Pirates start making their way to Koala's hometown, while giving her a slight makeover, new clothes and cutting her hair. on their ship, Koala still acts like a slave would, doing chores without being asked and asking for orders.

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1x544 – Kaizokudan Bunretsu: Jinbe Tai Arlong

After Fisher Tiger's death, Arlong, enraged, betrays his last wishes and decides to attack and kill villagers of Koala's village for selling him out, upon trying he is easily beaten by Vice-Admiral Borsalino and taken into Marine custody.

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1x545 – Yureru Gyojintou! Hyouchaku Shita Tenryuubito

With Jinbe having been accepted as a Shichibukai, the Sun Pirates return to Fishman Island.

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1x546 – Totsuzen no Higeki! Mirai o Tozasu Kyoudan

Vander Decken IX discovers about the Tamatebako and wishes to use it to age Shirahoshi after she grows up a little.

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1x547 – Futatabi Genzai e! Ugokidasu Hody

After Otohime passed away, Hody Jones had found and killed the suspected human assassin and showed him to the people.

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1x548 – Oukoku Gekishin: Neptune Shokei Shirei

Hody makes his announcement to take over the Ryugu Kingdom with the execution of King Neptune as the start of his new rule. Hody also announces that he will kill Straw Hats so that they will serve as example to all humans in the surface.

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1x549 – Shoujita Kiretsu! Luffy Tai Jinbe

Luffy and Jinbe start their duel to see who gets to fight Hody, but their fight was cut short by Sanji's and Robin's interference.

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1x550 – Hody no Ihen: Kyouyaku no Shin no Chikara!

The New Fishman Pirates head to the Gyoncorde Plaza to execute King Neptune but before getting at the plaza, they demonstrate a little taste of their power by terrorizing and destroying everything in their path.

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1x551 – Kessen Hajimaru: Gyoncorde Hiroba!

Neptune's army put up an attempt to stop Hody Jones and his pirates from reaching Gyoncorde Plaza but seeing the king held hostage prevents them from attacking.

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1x552 – Shougeki no Kokuhaku: Otohime Ansatsu no Shinjitsu

Jinbe and Shirahoshi are captured by the New Fishman Pirates when they fall into a trap due to a balloon version of King Neptune which easily tricks Shirahoshi and Megalo.

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1x553 – Shirahoshi no Namida! Luffy Tsui ni Toujou

Shirahoshi reveals that Megalo witnessed Hody shooting Queen Otohime and told her in secret.

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1x554 – Dai Gekitotsu! Mugiwara Ichimi VS 10 Man no Teki

The citizens celebrate at the arrival of Luffy and his crew. Jinbe comments on how his plan with the Straw Hat Pirates crew worked. Luffy takes down half of Hody's forces with Haki.

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1x555 – Oowaza Sakuretsu! Zoro Sanji Shutsugeki!

The Straw Hat Pirates begin their attack with Luffy, Zoro and Sanji taking the lead in the fight but mostly it is the latter two of the three who begin showing their new powers and abilities from their two year separation and training.

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1x556 – Hatsu Hirou! Sunny Gou no Himitsu Heiki!

The battle rages on between the Straw Hats and the New Fishman Pirates. Sanji and Zoro are competing over who can take down the most fishmen.

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1x557 – Iron Pirate! Franky Shougun Toujou

The battle between the New Fishman Pirates and the Straw Hats continues, with the Straw Hats gaining the upper hand. Seeing this, Daruma decides to join the fight, targeting the Brachio Tank V and collapsing the ground underneath it.

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1x558 – Noah Sekkin! Gyojintou Kaimetsu no Kiki!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x559 – Isoge Luffy! Shirahoshi Zettaizetsumei

Shirahoshi begins swimming out to sea in an attempt to lure the ark Noah away and save Fishman Island, while Luffy gets Sanji's help to allow him to reach the ship's chains and stop Hody.

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1x560 – Gekitou Kaishi! Luffy Tai Hody!

Hody takes his trident out of Vander Decken's body and, after a short fight, Decken is defeated. Then Hody goes after Shirahoshi, slicing through Ryuboshi and Manboshi, reaches her with his incomparable underwater speed, and grabs her hair.

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1x561 – Dairansen! Ichimi Tai Shin Gyojin Kaizokudan!

Luffy along with the three princes try to protect Shirahoshi against Hody Jones.

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1x562 – Luffy Haiboku!? Hody Fukushuu no Toki

As the Noah falls onto the Fishman Island, Shirahoshi desperately tries to tell Decken to wake up only for Hody to attack her but Manboshi takes the blunt of the attack.

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1x563 – Shougeki no Jijitsu! Hody no Shoutai!

The story goes back before the Noah started falling back to the island. Jinbe and Sanji continue to fight Wadatsumi and Wadatsumi becomes angry and inflates himself, crushing some of his allies unknowingly.

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1x564 – Zero ni! Luffy e no Atsuki Negai!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x565 – Luffy Konshin no Ichigeki! Red Hawk Sakuretsu

Brook continues to fight Zeo and reveals his new control over his Yomi Yomi no Mi abilities. Usopp continues to fight Daruma and has set traps for him.

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1x566 – Tsui ni Kecchaku! Hody Saishuu Kessen

Hody recovers thanks to the Energy Steroids and manages to overwhelm Luffy and bite him again in the same spot.

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1x567 – Tomare Noah! Kesshi no Elephant Gatling!

All of the New Fishman Pirates lie down defeated while the Straw Hat Pirates are relaxing and waiting for Luffy.

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1x568 – Mirai e! Taiyou e to Tsuzuku Michi!

With the Sea Kings having stopped and saved the great ship Noah, Shirahoshi learns a startling secret from the Sea Kings.

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1x569 – Akasareta Himitsu: Kodai Heiki no Shinjitsu

As the whole Fishman Island celebrates the capture and defeat of Hody and the New Fishman Pirates by the Straw Hats, who make their own plans to leave Fishman Island soon.

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1x570 – Ichimi Kyougaku! Aratanaru Kaigun Gensui!

King Neptune talks about the Ancient Weapons with Shirahoshi and Nico Robin while Caribou listens and makes his way to Shirahoshi's room.

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1x571 – Okashizuki! Yonkou Big Mom

The rest of the Straw Hats are waiting for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to return the treasure from Caribou. They find Caribou easily with all the treasure.

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1x572 – Zento Tanan: Shin Sekai ni Machiukeru Wana

The Minister of the Right was thanking the Straw Hats for saving Fishman Island, when suddenly he got a report that the Tamate Box is gone and is in the hands of Baron Tamago and Pekoms.

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1x573 – Tsui ni Shukkou! Sayonara Gyojin-tou

The mermaids and Keimi from the Mermaid Cafe ask Madam Shyarly if they can say good bye to the Straw Hats. Madam Shyarly says that her prediction that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island was wrong since they defeated Hody and his Pirates.

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1x574 – Shin Sekai e! Saikyou no Umi o Mezashite

The Straw Hats are Heading into the New World.

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1x575 – Z no Yabou Hen: Chiisana Kyojin Lily!

The Straw Hats find themselves in a middle of an infamous sea in the New World known for its mirages and outrageous weather patterns.

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1x576 – Z no Yabou Hen: Nazo no Saikyou Gundan Toujou!

Nami creates a plan for the Straw Hats to rescue Lily's father, Panz Fry. Chopper, Robin, Brook, and Luffy are the diversion group while Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, and Lily are in the submarine.

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1x577 – Z no Yabou Hen: Kesshi no Dai Dasshutsu Sakusen!

Luffy and Zoro face off against Shuzo and Momonga. The Straw Hats, Lily, and her father manage to escape with a Coup de Burst and the anchor connected to the Thousand Sunny.

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1x578 – Z no Yabou Hen: Luffy VS Shuzo!

Shuzo orders his men to be launched at the island like torpedoes and sacrifice themselves for him.

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1x579 – Jouriku! Moeru Shima Punk Hazard

The Straw Hats have arrived at a volcanic island that does not show on the New World Log Pose. Luffy in his enthusiasm votes to go to the island, though most of the crew were reluctant to go because of the sea of fire blocking their way.

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1x580 – Shakunetsu no Tatakai! Luffy Tai Kyodai Ryuu!

Luffy and Zoro start fighting the dragon, which is shown to be able to speak and breathe fire.

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1x581 – Ichimi Souzen! Shougeki no Kubi dake Samurai Toujou!

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Robin are standing near the dead dragon that Zoro killed and Luffy is trying to pull out the man who is stuck in the dragon's body.

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1x582 – Kyougaku! Tsui ni Akasareru Shima no Himitsu

Franky, Sanji, Nami and Chopper are surprised that the samurai is still alive after being cut.

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1x583 – Kodomo-tachi o Sukue! Ichimi Sentou Kaishi

Nami's group escaped the prison cell and end up in the Biscuits Room, where they find giant children.

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1x584 – Kenjutsu Shoubu: Brook Tai Nazo no Doutai Samurai

At the lake, Luffy's group have been attacked by Brownbeard and his centaur unit who's job was to intercept and eliminate any obvious intruders.

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1x585 – Shichibukai! Trafalgar Law

Chopper and Nami, leading the children stumble upon a room with people frozen in it. Franky, Sanji and the samurai start to make their way towards Nami and Chopper. Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin get attacked by the centaurs.

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1x586 – Dai Pinch: Luffy Gokkan no Mizuumi ni Shizumu

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin try to get to the ice side of Punk Hazard but their ship gets capsized by Brownbeard. As Brownbeard's troop prepares attack them again, Zoro gets ready to destroy their bullets but gets dragged down by sharks.

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1x587 – Gekitotsu! Law VS Smoker Chuujou

Law was going to to cut up Tashigi into little pieces but Smoker saved her and started fighting against Law. Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp are riding on top of Brownbeard after defeating him and his centaurs.

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1x588 – 2 Nenburi no Saikai! Luffy to Law

Tashigi tries to see what happened in the fight. Luffy's group sees the flying warship. Luffy sees Law and thanks him for saving him two years ago. Law says that they aren't friends and Luffy agrees since they were both after One Piece.

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1x589 – Sekai Saiaku Kyoufu no Kagakusha Caesar

The G-5 Marines discussed if Caesar Clown was probably behind the unusual events at the island and that the child abduction cases in that area may have been real.

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1x590 – Jijou Saikyou Colabo VS Umi no Taishokukan

Featured characters of One Piece, Toriko, and Dragon Ball Z enter the IGO tournament in order to gain the Carat meat, which is said to be the most tasteful in the world. However, it leads in a tie between Goku, Toriko, and Luffy.

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1x591 – Chopper Gekido Master Hidounaru Jikken

The children and the Straw Hat Pirates are in a cave with Brownbeard tied up talking about the Master. Zoro, Sanji and Brook go to look for Kin'emon, who had gone to look for his torso.

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1x592 – Ichimi Massatsu! Densetsu no Koroshiya Raishuu!

Yeti Cool Brothers make their way to the destroyed lab where the Straw Hats and the children are. Monet tells Caesar Clown about Law having some relation to Luffy, which makes Caesar mistrust Law until Law reassures him.

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1x593 – Nami o Sukue! Luffy Yukiyama no Tatakai

Chopper tells the others that Nami in Franky's body was kidnapped by the Yeti Cool Brothers. Franky in Chopper's body takes a Rumble Ball. Luffy and Franky go after the Yeti Cool Brothers to save Nami and defeat them.

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1x594 – Kessei! Luffy-Law Kaizoku Doumei!

Luffy and Law agree on an alliance; the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates disapprove while Nico Robin approves, even if she warns Luffy about a possible betrayal in a pirate alliance.

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1x595 – Master o Toraero: Kaizoku Doumei Sakusen Kaishi!

Zoro, Sanji and Brook are trying to find the samurai and remember what happened to them. They had been knocked out by the Yeti Cool Brothers, who used a gas that makes people drunk.

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1x596 – Zenmetsu no Kiki: Shi no Monster Hirai

Luffy declares that he will capture Caesar. Law will distract Monet while Chopper finds an antidote for drug.

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1x597 – Dai-Gekisen: Caesar Shin no Nouryoku Hatsudou!

Sanji, Kin'emon, Brook and Zoro see Smiley. Brook talks about a story of a creature called Slime which melts the clothes of women, making everyone act perverted except for Zoro, who points out that the slime is killing the fish in the lake.

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1x598 – Honoo Kirisaku Samurai! Kitsunebi no Kin'emon!

Law's heart is crushed by the mysterious man named Vergo who was sent along with Monet to watch over Caesar.

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1x599 – Shougeki! Nazo no Otoko Vergo no Shoutai!

Law gets beaten up by Vergo. Yarisugi tells the parents of the missing children that they are dead. Caesar takes the children from Usopp and Nami.

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1x600 – Kodomo-tachi o Mamore! Semaru Master no Ma no Te

As Luffy and Law remain captives in Caesar's lab along with the others who were captured, Caesar Clown goes to retrieve the children from the remaining Straw Hat Pirates.

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1x601 – Shin Sekai Gekishin: Caesar Akumu no Jikken

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1x602 – Shijou Saiaku no Satsuriku Heiki! Shinokuni

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1x603 – Hangeki Kaishi! Luffy-Law Daidasshutsu

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1x604 – Mezase R-tou! Kaizoku Doumei Kaishingeki!

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1x605 – Tashigi no Namida: G-5 Kesshi no Toppa Sakusen

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1x606 – Uragiri no Chuujou! Kichiku no Vergo

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1x607 – Hakunetsu no Gekisen: Luffy VS Caesar

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1x608 – Yami no Kuromaku! Doflamingo Ugoku!

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1x609 – Luffy Toushi!? Kyoufu no Yukionna Monet!

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1x610 – Butsukaru Kobushi! Futari no Chuujou no Tatakai

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1x611 – Chiisana Dragon! Momonosuke Arawaru

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1x612 – Fubuki no Shitou: Mugiwara no Ichimi Tai Yukionna

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1x613 – Ougi Sakuretsu! Zoro Saikyou no Ittou-ryuu!

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1x614 – Tomodachi o Mamoru! Mocha Inochi-gake no Tousou

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1x615 – Chahige Hitsuu! Luffy Ikari no Ichigeki

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1x616 – Shougeki no Kecchaku! Smoker Tai Vergo!

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1x617 – Caesar Gekiha! Saikyou no Grizzly Magnum

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1x618 – Shuurai! Dressrosa kara no Shikaku

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1x619 – Ooabare! Muteki no Franky Shougun

Franky begins to attack the two Donquixote pirates who retaliated with Baby 5 turning into weapons and Buffalo launching her at their robot foe.

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1x620 – Zettai Zetsumei! Punk Hazard Dai-Bakuhatsu

The Straw Hats are still racing towards the exit of the collapsing lab when they felt the explosion of the SAD room and then saw Shinokuni on their trail.

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1x621 – Caesar o Hokaku-seyo - General Canon Sakuretsu

General Franky puts up a good fight against Buffalo and Baby 5. He sends them flying away with a General Cannon, but the two refused to stay defeated despite their injuries.

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1x622 – Kandou no Saikai! Momonosuke to Kin'emon

While the group celebrates their victory, Smoker talks with Law about him manipulating Luffy, but Law says that its the other way around.

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1x623 – Sekibetsu no Toki - Punk Hazard Shukkou!

The Straw Hats and G-5 Marines part ways. Flying over the ocean, Doflamingo approaches a life raft with Baby 5 and Buffalo's heads hanging on it, which were apparently cut off by Law.

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1x624 – G-5 Kaimetsu! Doflamingo Kyuushuu!

Caesar Clown's former minions go in a search for those who were petrified by Shinokuni. All a sudden, Doflamingo appears and kills majority of the G-5 Soldiers.

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1x625 – Kinpaku! Aokiji tai Doflamingo

Doflamingo prepares to finish Smoker off, but is stopped by Kuzan's ice. At the Thousand Sunny, Law tells some details about the recently formed pirate alliance.

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1x626 – Kieta Caesar! Kaizoku Doumei Shutsugeki

Smooth seas stretch out before the Straw Hats as they leave Punk Hazard far behind - but while they fear Doflamingo's return and prepare to face him, another foe lies in wait, whose powers could be their downfall.

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1x627 – Luffy Umi ni Shisu!? Kaizoku Doumei Houkai

Breed reveals his intentions. Breed commands Luffy and Law to fight each other in a stadium-like place, while Dugong begs him to make them stop.

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1x628 – Daigyakuten! Sakuretsu Luffy Ikari no Tekken

Chopper and the dugong make an attempt to go against Breed, but Breed orders the other animals to attack them. At that point Law, Caesar and Luffy enter the room and Luffy knocks the animals out.

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1x629 – Gekishin! Shinsekai Ugokasu Dai News

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1x630 – Bouken! Ai to Jounetsu no Kuni Dressrosa

The Straw Hat Pirates, Law, Kin'emon and Momonosuke arrive at Dressrosa. There they divide into 3 groups. A mysterious blind man appears.

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1x631 – Nekkyou Uzumaku: Corrida Colosseum

After the blind man departs, the people in the bar start exclaiming over missing possessions, among which is Zoro's Shusui, the treasure of Wano Country.

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1x632 – Kiken na Koi: Odoriko Violet

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1x633 – Saikyou no Mumei Senshi! Lucy Toujou

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1x634 – Kaizoku Kikoushi Cavendish

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1x635 – Unmei no Saikai: Hyena no Bellamy

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1x636 – Choushinsei! Hitokui no Bartolomeo

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1x637 – Gun'yuu Kakkyo! Hakunetsu no B Block!

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1x638 – Ichigeki Hissatsu! Kyoui no King Punch

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1x639 – Tougyo Shuurai! Shi no Tekkyou o Toppa Seyo

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1x640 – Bouken! Yousei no Shima Green Bit

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1x641 – Shirarezaru Sekai Tontatta Oukoku

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1x642 – Seiki no Bouryaku: Doflamingo Ugoku

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1x643 – Tenchi Yurugasu! Taishou Fujitora no Jitsuryoku

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1x644 – Ikari no Ichigeki! Kyojin vs Lucy

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1x645 – Hakai-hou Sakuretsu! Lucy Kikiippatsu

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1x646 – Densetsu no Kaizoku - Don Chinjao!

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1x647 – Hikari to Kage - Dressrosa ni Hisomu Yami!

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1x648 – Shutsugeki - Densetsu no Hero Usoland

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1x649 – Gekisen Kecchaku! Lucy VS Chinjao!

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1x650 – Luffy to Shukumei no Ken Toushi Rebecca

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1x651 – Mamorinuku! Rebecca to Omocha no Heitai

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1x652 – Saigo no Chou Gekisen Ku - D Block Kaisen

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1x653 – Kessen! Joura vs Mugiwara no Ichimi

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1x654 – Yoshiken! Hakuba no Cavendish

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1x655 – Dai Kessen! Sanji VS Doflamingo

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1x656 – Rebecca no Shi no Ken! Haisui no Kenbu

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1x657 – Saikyou no Senshi! Logan vs Rebecca

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1x658 – Shougeki! Omocha no Heitai no Shoutai!

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1x659 – Senritsu no Kako! Dressrosa no Himitsu

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1x660 – Akumu! Dressrosa Higeki no Ichiya

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1x661 – Shichibukai Taiketsu Law VS Doflamingo

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1x662 – Ryouyuu Aimamieru! Mugiwara to Ten Yasha

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1x663 – Luffy Kyougaku: Ace no Ishi o Tsugu Otoko

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1x664 – SOP Sakusen Kaishi: Usoland Totsugeki

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1x665 – Atsuki Omoi - Rebecca vs. Suleiman

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1x666 – Shousha Kettei!? D Block Shougeki no Ketsumatsu

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1x667 – Taishou no Ketsudan - Fujitora vs. Doflamingo

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1x668 – Kesshou Kaishi: Eiyuu Diamante Toujou

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1x669 – Ugoku Shiro! Saikou Kanbu Pica Shutsugen

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1x670 – Ryuu no Tsume Sakuretsu! Lucy Kyoui no Ichigeki!

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1x671 – Tatou Sugar: Kodomo no Heitai Totsugeki!

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1x672 – Saigo no Hikari: Warera ga Taichou no Himitsu!

While the situation of the rebellion is getting more and more critical, Leo reveals to Usopp an important secret about their captain and the reason why their plan must not fail.

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1x673 – Panku Ningen: Gladius Dai Bakuhatsu!

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1x674 – Usotsuki Usoland Tousouchuu!

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1x675 – Unmei no Deai: Kyros to Riku Ou

Usopp faces Trebol, the Thunder Soldier recalls his time as Kyros. After much time as a gladiator, Kyros manages to become King Riku's captain of his guard and later marries his eldest daughter Scarlett and they together conceive Rebecca.

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1x676 – Sakusen Shippai! Eiyuu Usoland Shisu!?

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1x677 – Densetsu Fukkatsu! Kyros Konshin no Ichigeki

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1x678 – Kaken Sakuretsu! Fukkatsu Meramera no Mi no Chikara

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1x679 – Sassou Toujou: Kakumeigun Sanbou Souchou Sabo!

The mysterious 'Lucy' finally reveals his identity, while chaos continues at the trade port and in all of Dressrosa.

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1x680 – Akuma no Wana: Dressrosa Senmetsu Sakusen

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1x681 – Go-oku no Otoko: Nerawareta Usoland!

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1x682 – Tekijin Toppa: Luffy Zoro Hangeki Kaishi

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1x683 – Daichi Meidou: Hakai Kami Kyoudai Pica Kourin

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1x684 – Daishuuketsu! Luffy to Kyouaku Senshi Gundan

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1x685 – Kaishingeki! Luffy Gundan vs Pica!

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1x686 – Shougeki Kokuhaku! Law Atsuki Tamashii no Chikai!

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1x687 – Daigekitotsu! Sanbou Souchou Sabo vs Taishou Fujitora

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1x688 – Zettaizetsumei: Wana ni Kakatta Luffy!

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1x689 – Daidasshutsu! Luffy Kishikaisei no Elephant Gun

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1x690 – Kyoudousensen: Luffy Shouri e no Toppakou

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1x691 – Futarime no Samurai: Yuudachi Kanjuurou Toujou

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1x692 – Funtou to no Pica: Zoro Ichi Todome no Ichigeki

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1x693 – Kobito no Hime: Toraware no Mansherry

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1x694 – Fujimi! Kyoufu no Atamawari Ningyou Gundan

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1x695 – Inochi Kakete! Luffy wa Shouri no Kirifuda

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1x696 – Namida no Saikai: Rebecca to Kyros

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1x697 – Ichigeki Hissatsu: Dressrosa o Sukuu Otoko

Usopp, with the help of Violet, aims at Sugar intending to take her down before she turns Luffy and Law into toys.

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1x698 – Ikari Bakuhatsu: Luffy Law Saikyou no Hisaku

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1x699 – Kedakaki Ichizoku! Doflamingo no Shoutai!

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1x700 – Kyuukyoku no Chikara: Op-Op no Jitsu no Himitsu!

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1x701 – Kanashiki Kioku: Shiroi Machi no Shounen Law!

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1x702 – Tenryuubito! Doffy no Souzetsu Naru Kako

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1x703 – Kunan no Michi: Law to Corazon Inochi no Tabi

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1x704 – Toki Sameru! Op-Op no Mi o Ubae!

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1x705 – Kakugo no Toki: Corazon Wakare no Egao!

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1x706 – Yuke Law: Yasashiki Otoko Saigo no Tatakai!

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1x707 – Jiyuu e! Law Injection Shot Sakuretsu

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1x708 – Atsuki Tatakai: Law vs Doflamingo

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1x709 – Kanbu Kessen: Hokori Takaki Hajrudin

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1x710 – Ai no Kessen: Shintouryou Sai tai Baby 5

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1x711 – Otoko no Iji: Bellamy Saigo no Totsugeki!

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1x712 – Shippuudotou: Hakuba tai Dellinger

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1x713 – Baribari: Homage Shinken Hatsudou!

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1x714 – Iyashi no Hime: Mansherry o Sukue!

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1x715 – Otoko no Kettou: Senor Ai no Banka

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1x716 – Shi no Hoshikuzu: Diamante Moukou no Arashi

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1x717 – Trueno Bastardo: Kyros Ikari no Ichigeki

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1x718 – Daichi Oudan: Kyozou Pica Kishuu Sakusen!

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1x719 – Kuuchuu Kessen: Zoro Shin Hissastsu Ougi Sakuretsu!

As Pica poses a threat, zoro brings his abilities to the fore by displaying the results of his training under Mihawk

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1x720 – Abayo! Bellamy Wakare no Ichigeki!

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1x721 – Law Shisu: Luffy Fundo no Moukougeki!

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1x722 – Shuunen no Yaiba: Gyakushuu no Gamma Knife!

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1x723 – Haki Gekitotsu: Luffy tai Doflamingo

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1x724 – Kougeki Funou: Trebol Shougeki no Himitsu

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1x725 – Ikari Bakuhatsu: Ore ga Zenbu Hikiukeru

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1x726 – Gear Fourth! Kyoui no Bounce Man!

Luffy casts off his sandals and activates Gear Fourth. His body changes with a ballooned torso covered with tribal like markings and coated with Busoshoku Haki.

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1x727 – Daigyakushuu! Doflamingo no Kakusei!

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1x728 – Luffy! Konshin no Leo Bazooka

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1x729 – Kaen Ryuuou: Luffy no Inochi o Mamorinuke

Luffy runs out of Haki. Gyats of the Colosseum helps him to get way from Doflamigo for 10 minutes so that he can regain Haki.

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1x730 – Kiseki no Namida: Mansherry no Tatakai!

All the gladiators from the Colosseum get recovered by Mansherry's healing ability and they start stopping the bird cage along with Zoro and the others which has fastened up.

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1x731 – Inochi no Kagiri: Shi no Tori Kago o Tomero!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x732 – Sei ka Shi ka: Unmei no Countdown

Luffy regains his Haki and appears before Doflamingo.

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1x733 – Ten o Utsu: Luffy Ikari no King Kong Gun

In order to defeat Doflamingo with a single blow, Luffy unleashes all his power in a punch... The King Kong Gun.

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1x734 – Jiyuu e! Yorokobi no Dressrosa!

Luffy finally defeated the evil Doflamingo, and the kingdom of Dressrosa is overfilled with joy!

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1x735 – Zendaimimon: Taishou Fujitora Shougeki no Ketsudan!

Admiral Fujitora apologizes and confesses to King Riku about the seven warlord system in front of the video transponder snail, hence being witnessed by 3 nearby countries.

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1x736 – Gekishin Hashiru: Ugokidasu Saiaku no Sedai!

Doflamingo's defeat spreads across the world. Worst generation and it's plans get revealed. Due to Fujitora's confession to King Riku and the exact truth spreading all over the world, Navy and the Government are disappointed with Fujitora.

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1x737 – Densetsu Tanjou: Kakumei Senshi Sabo no Bouken!

Sabo's past after the incident with the celestial dragon is told to the straw hats and group at Kyros' home. Meanwhile, the whole city is being reconstructed.

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1x738 – Kyoudai no Kizuna: Luffy Sabo Saikai Hiwa

Sabo remembers his past.

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1x739 – Saikyou no Seibutsu: Yonkou - Hyakujuu no Kaidou

Suicidal maniac emperor shows himself up. Sanji and the others are in Zou.

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1x740 – Fujitora Ugoku: Mugiwara no Ichimi Kanzen Houimou

Fujitora makes his decision to chase the Straw Hat alliance meanwhile Kyros makes his decision not to meet his daughter for some reasons.

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1x741 – Hijoujitai: Sarawareta Rebecca!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x742 – Oyako no Kizuna: Kyros to Rebecca!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x743 – Otoko no Iji: Luffy tai Fujitora Makkou Shoubu

Luffy and Fujitora face head-on. Luffy shows sympathy towards Fujitora which angers the latter

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1x744 – Nigeba Nashi: Taishou Fujitora Hijou no Tsuigeki!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x745 – Kobun no Sakazuki: Kessei! Mugiwara Daisendan!

Luffy refuses his allies' request to serve under him. But everyone pledge their allegiance anyway. They come under attack but Fujitora helps. The Grand Fleet celebrates their formation. It's hinted they will play a vital role in future.

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1x746 – Gun'yuukakyo: Arekuruu Shinsekai no Kaibutsu-tachi

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x747 – Gin no Yousai: Luffy to Barto Daibouken

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x748 – Chika Meikyuu: Luffy tai Torokko Ningen

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x749 – Kengi Hakunetsu: Law Zoro Tsui ni Kenzan!

Zoro and the rest of the group arrive to help Luffy.

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1x750 – Zettaizetsumei: Luffy Kyokugen no Shakunetsu Kessen

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x751 – Bouken Kaimaku: Maboroshi no Shima "Zou" Touchaku!

Bartolomeo tells his crew about how the straw hats met. The crew arrives's at Zou.

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1x752 – Shin Shichi Bukai: Densetsu Shirohige no Musuko Toujou

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1x753 – Kesshi no Tozou: Kyozou no Se no Daibouken!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x754 – Sentou Kaishi: Luffy vs Mink-zoku!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x755 – Garchuu! Mugiwara no Ichimi Saishuuketsu

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x756 – Hangeki Kaishi: Guruwara no Ichimi Daikatsuyaku!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x757 – Kyoui Shuurai: Hyakujuu Kaizokudan Jack!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x758 – Hiru no Ou: Inuarashi Koushaku Toujou!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x759 – Yoru no Ou: Nekomamushi no Danna Kenzan

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x760 – Shuto Kaimetsu: Guruware no Ichimi Jouriku!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x761 – Limit Semaru: Mink-zoku to Ichimi no Kizuna!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x762 – Akudou Kikyou: Yonkou Big Mom no Shikaku

Big Mom's crew comes to Zou.

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1x763 – Shissou no Shinjitsu: Sanji Kyougaku no Shoutaijou

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x764 – Yarou Domo e: Sanji Wakare no Okitegami

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x765 – Nekomamushi no Danna ni Ai ni Ikou

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x766 – Luffy Ketsudan: Sanji Dattai no Kiki!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x767 – Isshokusokuhatsu: Inu to Neko to Samurai!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x768 – Sanninme! Ninja Kiri no Raizou Toujou

The Ninja for whom everyone were prepared to give their life for, comes to light. But will he meet the crews expectations?

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1x769 – Akai Ishi! "One Piece" e no Michishirube

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x770 – Wano Kuni no Himitsu: Kouzuki-ke to Rekishi no Ponegliffs

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x771 – Okoto no Chikai: Luffy to Kouzuki Momonosuke

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x772 – Densetsu no Koukai: Inu to Neko to Kaizokuou!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x773 – Akumu Futatabi: Fujimi no Jack Kyoushuu

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x774 – Zou Boueisen: Luffy to Zunesha!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x775 – Zunesha o Sukue: Mugiwara Rescue Daisakusen!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x776 – Wakare no Gezou: Sanji Dakkan no Funade!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x777 – Reverie e: Oujo Vivi to Shirahoshi-hime

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x778 – Reverie e: Rebecca to Sakura Oukoku

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x779 – Kaidou Futatabi: Kyoui Semaru Saiaku no Sedai!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x780 – Harapeko Sensen: Luffy to Kaigun Rookie!

After spotting an island the Straw Hat's stop to get some food. however the island is home to a marine base and Luffy and the others must disguise themselves as marines if they want to get inside.

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1x781 – Shuunen no 3 Nin: Mugiwara Ichimi Dai Chase!

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1x782 – Akuma no Kobushi: Kessen! Luffy tai Grant

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x783 – Sanji Kikyou: Big Mom no Nawabari e!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x784 – Rei to Yon: Souguu! Germa Double Six

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x785 – Moudoku no Kiki: Luffy to Reiju!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x786 – Totto Land! Yonkou Big Mom Toujou

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x787 – Yonkou no Musume: Sanji no Fiancee Purin

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x788 – Dai Shingeki! Kui Wazurai no Mom

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x789 – Shuto Houkai!? Big Mom to Jinbee

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x790 – Yonkou No Shiro: Whole Cake Island Touchaku

Jinbei wants to leave Big Mom's crew but because Big Mom thinks of him as a powerful asset she wants him to lose something as well. Pedro tells the crew more about his past and the straw hats battle giant ants.

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1x791 – Okashi na Mori: Luffy tai Luffy!?

The straw hats arrive at the whole cake island. Pedro and Brook take the Shark Submerge 3 while Luffy, Carrot, Nami and Chopper look for Sanji. The crew see Sanji and go after him but they get distracted by sweets except for Nami.

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1x792 – Mom no Shikaku: Luffy to Yuuwaku no Mori!

Nami, Carrot and Chopper are chasing after Sanji, when doing so they meet a buried giant. The group is then attacked by a rabbit although the rabbit is not a Mink. Sanji fights one of his brothers.

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1x793 – Kaiyuu Kokka: Germa no Ou Judge

Sanji beat his brother Yonji because of that Sanji's father, Judge Vinsmoke challenges him to a fight. A flashback reveals how Sanji's family mistreated and bullied him because they viewed him as weak.

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1x794 – Oyako Taiketsu: Judge tai Sanji!

Sanji loses his fight with his father, Judge Vinsomoke, although Sanji doesn't think of him as his father at all.

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1x795 – Kyoudai na Yabou: Big Mom to Caesar

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x796 – Tamashii no Kuni: Mom no Osorubeki Nouryoku!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x797 – Daikanbu! Sanshousei Cracker Toujou!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x798 – 8 Oku no Teki: Luffy tai Senshu no Cracker

A battle between Luffy and Cracker (one of the Sweet 3 Generals) begins. Nami is educated on some of the history of those who came to challenge Big Mom before.

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1x799 – Zenryoku Shoubu: Gear Fourth tai Bisbis no Chikara

Luffy continues to fight Cracker, and finds out that how troublesome his power can be. Brook and Pedro are on Cake Island and have to figure out how to move around the island without getting caught.

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1x800 – Ichi to Ni: Shuuketsu! Vinsmoke-ke

From Crucnhyroll: The wind starts to go out of Luffy's sails as he starts to fight an endless army of Biscuit Warriors! Meanwhile, the oldest two Vinsmoke brothers come home from a war to see their long-missing young brother Sanji.

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1x801 – Onjin no Inochi: Sanji to Owner Zeff

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x802 – Ikari no Sanji: Germa Double Six no Himitsu

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x803 – Suteta Kako: Vinsmoke Sanji

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x804 – East Blue e: Sanji Ketsui no Funade

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x805 – Genkai Shoubu: Luffy to Mugen Biscuit

Luffy and Sweet Comander Cracker continue their fight, with this time, someone's insatiable hunger taking advantage of an infinity of biscuits.

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1x806 – Manpuku no Chikara: Shin Gear Fourth Tan Man!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x807 – Kanashiki Kettou: Luffy tai Sanji (Zenpen)

Sanji and luffy undertake an emotional battle when luffy finally meets sanji and tries to get him back to the crew.

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1x808 – Kanashiki Kettou: Luffy tai Sanji (Kouhen)

Luffy refuses to fight Sanji, because of this Sanji beats Luffy. When Sanji is leaving Luffy tells him that he doesn't believe he meant what he said and that he'd be waiting for him.

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1x809 – Fukushuu no Arashi: Ikari no Gundan Shuurai!

Because Luffy beat Cracker Big Mom becomes enraged so she sends her enraged army to deal with him. The Vinsmokes arrive at the Whole Cake Chateau and have a feast with Big Mom.

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1x810 – Bouken no Owari: Sanji Ketsui no Propose

Luffy faces Big Mom's enraged army. Nami and King Baum come back to help. In the Mirro-World, Randolph begins attacking Chopper and Carrot. Sanji agrees to marry pudding.

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1x811 – Koko de Matsu: Luffy tai Ikari no Gundan

Chopper and Carrot fight against Brulee. Sanji makes a deal with Big Mom to spare his friends. Luffy continues fighting.

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1x812 – Chateau Sennyuu: Ubae! Road Ponegliff

Tamago increases security on the Poneglyphs. Brook and Pedro hatch a plan. Chopper and carrot get captured. Luffy finds himself inside a book.

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1x813 – Innnen no Taimen: Luffy to Big Mom!

Big mom talks to Luffy. Sanji is worried about Luffy and his crew mates. Baron and Smoothie guards the treasure room. Pedro distracts the enemies.

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1x814 – Tamashii no Sakebi: Brook & Pedro Dengeki Sakusen

Brook manages to sneak into the Room of Treasure with the help of Pedro. While Sanji picks flowers for Pudding, she goes to the Prisoner Library to visit Luffy and Nami.

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1x815 – Sayonara: Purin Namida no Ketsui

Pudding reveals a secret plan to prevent Sanji from marrying her, shocking Luffy and Nami and leaves saying goodbye. Brook defeats all the guards in treasure room. Tamago confronts Pedro in the third floor courtyard.

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1x816 – Hidari Me no Innen: Pedro tai Tamago-Danshaku

Chopper and carrot try to find a way out. Brook prepares to fight Big Mom. Pedro fights with baron and remembers how he fought him five years ago with Zepo.

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1x817 – Shikemoku: Sanji no Kekkon Zen'ya

Luffy tries to get out of the book. Sanji makes a dish for pudding. A shocking truth is revealed about her.

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1x818 – Fukutsu no Soul: Brook tai Big Mom

Reiju forgot how she ended up hurt. Brook is confronted by big mom. Chopper finds a way out of mirror world. Luffy is saved from prison library.

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1x819 – Sora no Negai: Germa no Shippaisaku Sanji

Sanji reveals the truth to Reiju. Reiju tells him about their mother.

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1x820 – Sanji no Moto e: Luffy Gyakushuu no Dai Gekisou!

Reiju tells sanji to run away. Luffy is searching Sanji desperately. Brook finds himself totally at the whim of big Mom. Pedro reveals his explosive plan to create a distraction.

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1x821 – Chateau Douran: Luffy Yakusoku no Basho e

Pedro is presumed dead. Reiju explains Luffy the situation. Nami and Jimbe find themselves surrounded by enemies. Luffy runs for the Rendezvous point where he promised to meet Sanji.

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1x822 – Wakare no Ketsui: Sanji to Mugiwara Bentou

Luffy struggles to fight due to extreme hunger. Jimbe meets Brulee in the mirror world. Brook is shocked after hearing about Pudding's truth. Sanji is unable to decide what to do.

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1x823 – Yonkou no Negaeri: Brook Kyuushutsu Daisakusen!

Nami, Chopper, Jimbe, Pedro and Carrot try to save Brook from big mom through mirror world. Sanji and Luffy try to reach rendezvous point.

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1x824 – The Rendezvous! Luffy, a One-on-One at His Limit!

Luffy continues his fight with Counter. Brook joins everyone in mirror world. Vinsmoke family celebrates their alliance with big mom. Sanji desperately searches Luffy.

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1x825 – A Liar! Luffy and Sanji!!

After a harsh struggle, Luffy finally manages to defeat Counter. Sanji arrives and finds Luffy. Luffy decides to help Sanji when he hears his reasons for attending the party.

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1x826 – Sanji Comes Back! Crash! The Tea Party from Hell!

After Luffy and Sanji reconcile, the Sanji Retrieval Team manages to contact them through a piece of mirror. Jinbe proceeds to talk about Bege's past and proposes forming an alliance with him.

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1x827 – A Secret Meeting! Luffy vs. the Fire Tank Pirates!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x828 – The Deadly Pact! Luffy & Bege's Allied Forces!

Bege, Ceasar, Jinbe and the straw hat pirates talk about how they can assassinate Big Mom.

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1x829 – Luffy Engages in a Secret Maneuver! The Wedding Full of Conspiracies Starts Soon!

Some of the Big Mom pirates get suspicious of Sanj. The wedding starts in less than an hour.

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1x830 – The Family Gets Together! The Hellish Tea Party Starts!

The leaders of the underworld arrive at the tea party. Katakuri and two of his brothers stop assassins from entering Big Mom's tea party.

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1x831 – The Broken Couple! Sanji and Pudding Enter!

Bege gets his men to help with the assassination and make sure the plan doesn't get leaked. Sanji begins to question himself about Pudding wanting to kill him.

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1x832 – A Deadly Kiss! The Mission to Assassinate the Emperor Kicks Off!

When Sanji lifts Pudding's gown and sees her third eye he calls it beautiful causing Pudding to get emotional. A gunshot is fired giving Luffy the signal to crash the tea party.

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1x833 – Returning the Sake Cup! The Manly Jimbei Pays His Debt!

Jinbe tells Big Mom that he is the one behind Luffy crashing the tea party, Jinbe also asks to leave the Big Mom Pirates and join the Straw hats. While everyone is distracted Brook has a plan.

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1x834 – The Mission Failed?! The Big Mom Pirates Strike Back!

Brook destroys the portrait of mother Carmel, however Big Mom doesn't shriek. Pudding tries to kill Sanji. Germa gets captured by the Big Mom pirates. Katakuri goes after Luffy but Bege, Pedro and Jinbe defend him.

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1x835 – Run, Sanji! SOS! Germa 66!

Luffy shows Big Mom the smashed portrait of mother Carmel. Big Mom shrieks stunning everyone without earbuds. Sanji and the straw hats save the Vinsmoke family.

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1x836 – Mom's Secret! The Giant's Island Elbaph and a Little Monster!

When Big Mom was five years old she was left on Elbaf by her parents. Big Mom was taken care of by mother Carmel, the nun of an orphanage. As a child, Big Mom caused trouble at the orphanage.

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1x837 – The Birth of Mom! The Day That Carmel Vanished!

Linlin causes havoc at Elbaf which leads to the death of one of the giants and her having to leave Elbaf along with mother Carmel and the other kids. Mother Carmel's true intentions are brought to light.

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1x838 – The Launcher Blasts! The Moment of Big Mom's Assassination!

It is revealed how Big Mom became a pirate. The assassination plan begins to quickly fall apart.

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1x839 – The Evil Army! Transform! Germa 66!

Bege transforms into a giant fortress allowing people to hide in him. Germa 66 spring into action and assist in fighting against the Big Mom pirates. After trying a few more times Bege announces the assassination of Big Mom failed.

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1x840 – Cutting the Father-Son Relationship! Sanji and Judge!

Big Mom stops shrieking and comes to her senses and attacks Bege's castle body. Bege comes up with a plan of escape.

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1x841 – Escape From the Tea Party! Luffy vs. Big Mom!

Caesar tries to fly with Bege and escape from the Big Mom Pirates with everyone inside of Bege. Germa 66 help defend Ceasar.

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1x842 – The Execution Begins! Luffy's Allied Forces Are Annihilated?!"

Judge Vinsmoke is defeated by Big Mom. All of Luffy's allies are captured. An unexpected event greatly shifts the tide of battle.

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1x843 – The Chateau Collapses! The Straw Hat's Great Escape Begins!

The straw hat pirates and the fire tank pirates decide to make their escape and discontinue from traveling together. Big Mom has a hunger pang and starts attacking everything.

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1x844 – The Spear of Elbaph! Onslaught! The Flying Big Mom!

The straw hats are retreating back to their ship while Big Mom pursues them. Germa 66 get rid of the Big Mom pirates attacking their kingdom.

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1x845 – Pudding's Determination! Ablaze! The Seducing Woods!

The straw hats continue to flee from Big Mom on Kingbaum. Pudding asks Chiffon for help in baking a cake to stop Big Mom's rampage.

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1x846 – A Lightning Counterattack! Nami and Zeus the Thundercloud!

The straw hats flee from Big Mom. Chopper and Brook make their way to the shark submerge. Nami uses Zeus for an attack on Big Mom.

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1x847 – A Coincidental Reunion! Sanji and the Lovestruck Evil Pudding!

Chopper and Brook get to the sunny only to find the Big Mom pirates occupying it. Brook and Chopper fight the pirates on the sunny. Chiffon and Pudding tell Sanji about their plan to make a wedding cake for Big Mom and ask him for help.

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1x848 – Save the Sunny! Fighting Bravely! Chopper and Brook!

Sanji makes his way with Pudding and Chiffon to make a wedding cake for Big Mom. Brook and Chopper fight Pero-Pero. Luffy and the rest of the straw hats make their way to the sunny.

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1x849 – Before the Dawn! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians!

Peros uses his candy to halt the sunny. Pedro remembers Gol D Roger. Pedro uses his last resort to stop Peros.

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1x850 – I'll Be Back! Luffy, Deadly Departure!

The straw hats get ready to use coup-de burst to escape from the Big Mom pirates. Luffy and Katakuri face off before their fight.

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1x851 – The Man with a Bounty of Billion! The Strongest Sweet General, Katakuri!

Luffy and Katakuri begin their fight. Brook and Chopper are told by Nami about Pedro's apparent demise. Sanji. Pudding and Chiffon continue making their way to the island with the ingredients to make Big Mom's wedding cake.

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1x852 – A Hard Battle Starts! Luffy vs. Katakuri!

Luffy's and Katakuri's battle becomes more and more one-sided in favor of Katkuri. Sanji, Pudding and Chiffon arrive at the cake factory and begin making the wedding cake for Big Mom.

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1x853 – The Green Room! An Invincible Helmsman, Jimbei!

Luffy tells Nami to break all the mirrors on the ship. Sanji, Pudding, Chiffon and the 31 chefs work together to make the wedding cake for Big Mom. A giant wave is made by Big Mom but Jinbei comes up with a quick plan to get through it.

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1x854 – The Threat of the Mole! Luffy's Silent Fight!

The straw hats come up with a rendezvous point after the Big Mom pirates believe some of them to be dead. Germa continues to fight with the Big Mom pirates. Brulee overhears the straw hats plan and lets Peros know where they plan to meet.

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1x855 – The End of the Deadly Battle?! Katakuri's Awakening in Anger!

Katakuri uses his awakened devil fruit ability. Germa 66 defeat the group of Big Mom pirates invading their kingdom. Katakuri looks to end the battle between himself and Luffy.

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1x856 – The Forbidden Secret! Katakuri's Merienda!

Katakuri begins to eat but he does it alone so no one sees him. Luffy sees something that Katakuri doesn't want anyone to see and sends him into a rage.

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1x857 – Luffy Fights Back! The Invincible Katakuri's Weak Point!

Luffy uses fourth gear and begins to understand Katakuri's ability. Brulee tells Pudding about what she knows about the straw hats plans and Sanji hears her.

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1x858 – Another Crisis! Gear Four vs. Unstoppable Donuts!

The Big Mom pirates can't locate the straw hat pirates or the fire tank pirates. Luffy runs out of time for fourth gear and must wait ten minutes before he can use haki again. Luffy finds Brulee and escapes from Katakuri using her power.

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1x859 – The Rebellious Daughter, Chiffon! Sanji's Big Plan for Transporting the Cake!

Luffy looks for a mirror to escape from Peros and Big Mom. Chiffon is attacked by Oven causing her father and Sanji to try and help her. Bege comes to rescue Chiffon.

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1x860 – The Cake Sank?! Sanji and Bege's Getaway Battle!

Bege and his crew go to rescue Chiffon from Oven and pick up the cake. Carrot worries about a possible full moon. Luffy thinks about what he needs to do to beat Katakuri.

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1x861 – The Cake Sank?! Sanji and Bege's Getaway Battle!

Luffy returns to fight Katakuri. The fire tank pirates escape with the cake but are pursued by Oven. Pound attacks Oven to stop him from going after Chiffon and the rest of the fire tank pirates.

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1x862 – Sulong! Carrot's Big Mystic Transformation!

Carrot turns into a sulong, an ability minks have on full moons. As a sulong Carrot's strength is greatly increased. Carrot attacks Daifuku's ship and the Big Mom pirates surrounding him. Carrot draws some of Daifuku's attacks making attack his own ships.

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1x863 – Break Through! The Straw Hat's Mighty Sea Battle!

Luffy's and Katakuri's long battle continues. Bege tries to poison the wedding cake but Sanji won't let him. Brook and Carrot deal with some of the Big Mom Pirates and retreat back to the sunny. Big Mom lands on the sunny seeking cake.

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1x864 – Finally Clash - Yonko VS Straw Hat Crew

Luffy tries to use observation haki the same way Katakuri uses it in order to beat him. Big Mom and the straw hats fight.

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1x865 – Dark King's Direct Precepts! The Battle Against Katakuri Turns Around!

The straw hats manage to capture Zeus. Luffy remembers his haki training with Dark King Rayleigh.

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1x866 – Finally He Returns! Sanji, the Man Who'll Stop the Emperor of the Sea!

Luffy begins to use observation haki a little more effectively allowing him to dodge some of Katakuri's attacks. As Big Mom attacks the straw hats Bege lures Big Mom away with the wedding cake and Sanji makes his way on the sunny.

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1x867 – Lurking in the Darkness! An Assassin Targeting Luffy!

As Luffy is fighting Katakuri, he is shot with a numbing agent by Katakuri's little sister. Oven orders everyone on cacao island to destroy or sink all there mirrors.

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1x868 – One Man's Determination! Katakuri's Deadly Big Fight!

Katakuri notices Flampe has been shooting at Luffy, Katakuri then stabs himself as he wants an honorable victory. Chiffon convinces Bege to change course to a different island. Smoothie attacks the straw hats ship.

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1x869 – Wake Up! The Color of Observation Able to Top the Strongest!

Luffy thinks back to the days he was training with Rayleigh. Many of the Big Mom pirates gather at cacao island. Luffy uses a new form of fourth gear.

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1x870 – A Fist of Divine Speed! Another Gear Four Application Activated!

Luffy uses a new form for fourth gear, 'Snake Man'. Sanji makes his way to cacao island to back Luffy up.

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1x871 – Finally Concluded - An Outcome of the Fierce Battle with Katakuri

Luffy and Katakuri both land simultaneous blows ending their battle with both of them on the ground. Pekoms helps Luffy by bringing Brulee to allow him to escape from the mirror world.

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1x872 – A Desperate Situation! The Iron-Tight Entrapment of Luffy!

Pekoms has a plan to allow Luffy to escape. Sanji takes Luffy and tries to skywalk to the sunny. The Big Mom pirates get attacked by an enemy they thought they had dealt with.

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1x873 – Pulling Back from the Brink! The Formidable Reinforcements - Germa!

Brulee informs the Big Mom pirates that Luffy beat Katakuri. Sanji gets assistance from his siblings as he is carrying Luffy back to the sunny.

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1x874 – The Last Hope! The Sun Pirates Emerge!

Sanji and Luffy make it back to the sunny. The fire tank pirates make it to their destination but their ship gets destroyed by Big Mom. As the straw hats are surrounded Jinbie's old crew the Sun pirates help them.

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1x875 – A Fascinating Taste - Sanji's Cake of Happiness

Big Mom finally eats the cake. The Sun pirates help the straw hats but have to retreat after Oven heats the water. The straw hats are once again surrounded.

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1x876 – The Man of Humanity and Justice - Jinbe, a Desperate Massive Ocean Current

The fish-men temporarily fool the Big Mom pirates into believing that the straw hats are dead. Jimbe helps the Sun pirates and Luffy asks him to meet with the crew in the land of Wano when he's done.

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1x877 – Time for Farewell! Pudding's One Last Request!

Carrot tells Sanji the news about Pedro. Germa and the Sun pirates continue on fighting with the Big Mom Pirates to allow for the straw hats to escape. Pudding remembers her time with Sanji. Brulee tends to Katakuri.

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1x878 – The World in Shock! The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Arrives!

The news of the assassination attempt on Big Mom's life by Luffy, Bege, Jimbe and Sanji makes news around the world.

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1x879 – To the Levely! Gathering of the Straw Hat Allies!

Luffy gets upset because he thinks he bounty has been lowered. Coby helps the royalty of Dressrosa and remembers his early days with Luffy.

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1x880 – Sabo Goes into Action! All the Captains of the Revolutionary Army Appear!

The four captains of the revolutionary army stop pirates who are attacking a village. Sabo reads the news about Luffy. The revolutionary army prepares to declare war on the celestial dragons.

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1x881 – Going into Action! The Implacable New Admiral of the Fleet - Sakazuki

Sakazuki is not happy with Fujitora going to any navy bases. Sengoku about how Luffy broke into impel down and the battle of marineford.

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1x882 – The Paramount War! The Inherited Will of the King of the Pirates!

Sengoku thinks about how the marines should have killed Luffy and thinks back to the marineford war and Ace's death. Royalty starts to attend reverie.

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1x883 – One Step Ahead of the Dream - Shirahoshi's Path to the Sun!

Both Luffy and Sabo think back to when they met. Sabo's adoptive brother, Stelly, meets Garp.

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1x884 – I Miss Him! Vivi and Rebecca's Sentiments!

Vivi tells Rebbeca about how Luffy and his crew saved her country.

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1x885 – In the Dark Recesses of the Holyland! A Mysterious Giant Straw Hat!

Vivi meets with Wapol and Dalton. Vivi and Dalton talk about Luffy and Chopper. Bartolomeo is giving out straw hat pins for people to wear. Doflamingo talks about the secret of Mariejois.

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1x886 – The Uproarious Holy Land - Princess Shirahoshi is being targeted!

Stelly sees the empty throne and wishes to sit on it. The same celestial dragon that Luffy punched wishes to capture Shirahoshi and keep her as a pet. Rob Lucci is now part of CP0. Another celestial dragon saves Shirahoshi.

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1x887 – On the Verge - The Two Yonko Targeting Luffy

Big Mom and Kaido talk about straw hat Luffy and who gets to kill him. Brief recaps of Fish-man island, Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zou and Whole cake island is given. Shanks meets with the five elders.

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1x888 – Sabo Gets Angry - Tragedy of the Revolutionary Army Officer Kuma

Sabo takes pictures of Mariejois. Sabo sees a celestial dragon, riding Kuma which sends him into a rage but he is stopped before he can attack by the revolutionary army's captains. Jewelry Bonney sneaks in Mariejois.

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1x889 – Finally, It Starts! The Conspiracy-filled Reverie!

A recap of the events briefly before and after the time-skip. The reverie begins but with a mysterious figure who even the five elders answer to.

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1x890 – Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento!

A recap of some of Whitebeard's life. Marco is looking after Whitebeards home and thinks of it as a memento of Whitebeard. Marco talks about challenging Blackbeard.

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1x891 – Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone!

Marco the leader of the first division of white-beard s crew carries on the legacy of his father.

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1x892 – Wano Country! To the Land of Dancing Sakura and Samurai

It is revealed that the straw hats have been living in Wano under different names and keeping their identity secret. Zoro gets captured by the authority of Wano for a crime he didn't do and is told to commit seppuku.

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1x893 – Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army!

Luffy is in the land of Wano but is separated from the rest of his crew. Luffy sees two animals fighting and is attacked but swiftly deals with them. Zoro is wanted in Wano after attacking samurai. Luffy befriends a girl named Otama.

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1x894 – He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano!

Otana invites Luffy to her home and gives Luffy rice. Luffy finds out more about Wano from Otana's master. Otana tells Luffy that she's waiting for Ace. Luffy informs her of Ace's death. Basil Hawkins makes his way to his men.

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1x895 – Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre!

The straw hats are attacked by bounty hunters and use coup-de burst to get away. Luffy wants to buy cola but ends up in a bath with Boa Hancock. The two of them are then attacked by the same bounty hunters.

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1x896 – Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation!

Cidre fights Luffy and his followers fight Boa Hancock. Some of the men explain to Zoro and Sanji that they are being forced to follow Cidre Guild. After Luffy defeats Cidre he finds an invitation to the Pirate Fest.

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1x897 – Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding through the Wasteland!

Luffy decides to take Otama to a Dr. Luffy dresses like a samurai and takes Kotetsu the 2nd, a cursed sword, with him. Zoro saves a woman being chased. Luffy and Zoro reunite. Basil Hawkins appears and is ready to attack Zoro and Luffy.

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1x898 – The Headliner! Hawkings the Magician Appears!

Zoro notices Luffy's sword and asks if he can hold it but Luffy refuses. Zoro and Luffy battle Hawkins's underlings. Luffy and Zoro are carried away by Komachiyo after he notices Otama's condition worsening. Hawkins pursues them.

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1x899 – Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack!

Zoro fights Hawkins's Strawman. Zoro defeats the Strawman allowing himself and Luffy to flee. The woman Zoro saved earlier gives Zoro and Luffy directions and offers to help Otama.

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1x900 – The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup!

Otama drinks herbal medicine and quickly recovers. Tsuru offers Otama red-bean soup. Tsuru explains the situation of Wano. One of Kaido's subordinates to tries to kill Tsuru, something Zoro stops. Otama is kidnapped one of Kaido's goons.

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1x901 – Entering Enemy Territory! The Protagonists Spread into the Town of Bakura!

Gazel-man takes Otama to Holdem, one of the 3 headliners in Bakura. Okiku tells Luffy and Zoro that she's a samurai. Otama is asked by Holdem how she tamed a giant baboon. Bepo tells Law that Luffy and Zoro are going to attack Bakura town.

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1x902 – The Yokozuna Appears! The Invincible Urashima Goes After Okiku!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x903 – A Climatic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna!

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1x904 – Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger!

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1x905 – Fighting for Otama! Fight against Holdem!

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1x906 – Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death!

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1x907 – Romance Dawn

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1x908 – The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x909 – Nazo no Bohyo - Oden Joseki de no Saikai!

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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