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19x1 – Meroe - Von Elefantengöttern und Löwentempeln, Sudan

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19x2 – Nemrut Dagi - Der Thron der Götter, Türkei

One may be astonished to stand in front of the pyramids of Egypt and wonder how mortals could usually transport stone blocks weighing tons and stack them up to form Pharaonic tombs. But to turn an entire mountain peak into a tomb borders on foolhardiness and is unique in world history. On the southern flank of the Taurus Mountains, at 2,159 metres above sea level, buried under almost 200,000 cubic metres of scree and rock, archaeologists suspect the burial chamber of the legendary ruler who once brought the myths of the ancient Persian empires into harmony with the ...

19x3 – Bethlehem - Heiliger Ort zwischen Mauern und Tourismus, Palästina

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