Bildnachweis: © Warner | Behind-the-Scenes-Material von "Kong: Skull Island"

"Kong: Skull Island"-Regisseur wehrt sich gegen Video von Cinema Sins

von Sebastian Groß

Cinema Sins erfreut sich seit Jahren großer Beliebtheit bei YouTube. In dem Format zählen die Macher alle Fehler auf, die ein Film ihrer Meinung nach hat. Über die Jahre kamen so eine Vielzahl von Videos heraus, die insgesamt aber nicht für sonderlich viel Aufmerksamkeit sorgten. Dies ändert sich nun aber und Schuld daran ist Kong: Skull Island-Regisseur .

Vogt-Roberts ist mit dem Cinema Sins-Video zu seinem Monsterfilms nicht einverstanden. Via Twitter erklärte er, dass er von diesem Format herzlich wenig hält und drehte den Spieß um, in dem er via Tweets (siehe unten) zeigte, wo die Macher bei ihren Video selbst Fehler machten. Damit war aber noch nicht Schluss. Außerdem nahm er ein älteres Video, welches sich um Looper drehte, und machte klar, was genau ihn an Cinema Sins stört (siehe ebenfalls unten). Bereits in der Vergangenheit geriet Cinema Sins in die Kritik von einigen Filmemachern und Filmfans. Nach Vogt-Roberts Defensivangriff stellen sich auch immer mehr Filmjournalisten auf die Seite des Regisseurs und Autors (siehe z.B. hier).

Was haltet ihr von Cinema Sins  und der Reaktion des Regisseurs?

Literally not another scene in the film has rain in it after this. Literally two scenes in the whole film. The writing lacks Anh integrity.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 15, 2017

Because it's inaccessible by boat and thus only discovered when we launched satellites in the 70's with cameras looking down at the earth.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 15, 2017

This "cheap laugh" got no reaction prior to the election. It gets a reaction because the black mirror of the 70's we're living in.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 15, 2017

It's called a match cut or graphic rhyming. So yes. I could have shown it. This is a choice that has nothing to do with a graphic shot later

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 15, 2017

There are songs in this movie like that have never been licensed in a film before. You can't just say shit out loud.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 15, 2017

Are you paying attention? That's not Shea Wigham's character. Try actually watching the movie.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 15, 2017

1) 1. Not a real critique NOR a joke but just saying something mean regardless of whether it's true.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

2) A critique that has nothing to do with the narrative being told & isn't relevant but is a mean spirited way to act smarter than the film.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

3) "I took one class on filmmaking so now I'm an expert on the rules of cinema". Ignoring that good films break the rules. Oh, and it's mean

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

4) An attempt at a joke or humor but really it's just mean spirited and not clever in any way. No wit necessary at cinema sins.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

5) An attempt to be smarter than the logic of the film assuming they've thought things out more than the filmmakers. Generally mean spirited

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

6) Pretending to be enlightened regarding female tropes and sexism in cinema but then engaging in juvenile antics themselves. *facepalm*

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

7) An observation that goes against the fundamentals of cinematic language & makes you question why they would watch a movie to begin with.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

8) Know-it-all's rejecting how stories must be structured. This shit I'm at a loss for. Just don't watch movies if this bothers you.

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

9) They think they're clever for noticing a tiny detail and thinking they wrote a clever joke about it (spoiler: they didn't).

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

Oh, there's one final critique hey use and it's: 10) For no reason being snarky about design details. Do they want a gold star?

— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) August 16, 2017

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