Bildnachweis: © Warner | Werbemotiv zu "The Suicide Squad"

"Super violent, extremely funny": Erste Stimmen feiern James Gunns "Suicide Squad"-Reboot

von Sebastian Groß

Anfang August, genauer gesagt am 5. August, wird s The Suicide Squad in unseren Kinos kommen. Einen Tag später sind dann die USA an der Reihe, die den Film parallel im Kino sowie auf HBO Max (für 30 Tage) sehen können. Die amerikanischen Kollegen haben das Reboot bereits sehen können und verbreitet nun auf Twitter ihre Meinungen, die -  wie eigentlich immer - überaus positiv ausfallen. Unten haben wir euch ein paar Tweets eingefügt.

Zum Cast von The Suicide Squad gehören u. a. und Sylvester Stallone. Wir wünschen viel Spaß mit dem Trailer.

Story: Willkommen in der Hölle von Belle Reve, dem Gefängnis mit der höchsten Sterblichkeitrate der USA. Dort werden die schlimmsten Super-Bösewichte gefangengehalten – die alles tun werden, um hier rauszukommen, selbst wenn sie der supergeheimen Task Force X beitreten müssen. Der aktuelle Friss-Oder-Stirb-Auftrag? Erstens: Ein Team aus Verbrechern versammeln, darunter Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Captain Boomerang, Ratcatcher 2, Savant, King Shark, Blackguard, Javelin und Psychopathin Harley Quinn. Zweitens: Die Verbrecher auf der abgelegenen, feindlich besetzten Insel Corto Maltese (wortwörtlich) abwerfen. Das Squad reist durch den Dschungel voller Gegner und Guerilla-Kämpfer, ihre Mission besteht im Finden und Zerstören, doch nur Colonel Rick Flag vermag es, die Truppe auf Linie zu halten … und Amanda Wallers Regierungsleute verfolgen jeden ihrer Schritte. Ein falscher Schritt, und sie sind tot (ob dafür nun ein Feind, ein Teammitglied oder Waller selbst verantwortlich ist). Die Chancen stehen sehr, sehr schlecht für das Suicide Squad.

Seid ihr gespannt auf den Film?

.@JamesGunn’s #TheSuicideSquad is gloriously insane and so, so fun. (After watching it, you’ll think you might have dreamed it.) Everyone is excellent and deeply committed to the material and its singular mood and wild ass aesthetic. Can’t wait to ride this rollercoaster again.🦈

— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) July 15, 2021

Any doubts you might have over #TheSuicideSquad will vanish after the outrageous opening. It's a violent, hilarious and unpredictable blockbuster, and everyone will have their own favourite from the terrific cast. It's just so entertaining that you'll want to see again instantly.

— Ian Sandwell (@ian_sandwell) July 15, 2021

Surprise, surprise: James Gunn knows how to assemble a team of badass idiots and make magic happen. #TheSuicideSquad brings equal measures of gore and F-bombs, all in the name of dumb juvenile entertainment. Easily the most fun I've had with any studio release this summer season.

— Mario Alegre (@MarioAlegre) July 15, 2021

#TheSuicideSquad is fantastic! A no holds barred, superhero/comics bonanza. Unpredictable in story, unique in style & full of risks. It’s also violent & hilarious. Action set pieces are insane. Idris Elba, Margot Robbie & rest of cast are awesome. @JamesGunn has done it again.

— Fico (@FicoCangiano) July 15, 2021

#TheSuicideSquad is absolutely insane. Violent as hell, raunchy, unforgiving.

James Gunn is fully unleashed. It’s sometimes overwhelming. It has moments of heart, humor, action, emotion… all of it. Relentless.

There’s nothing like it. Damn!

— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) July 15, 2021

I had the BEST time watching #TheSuicideSquad — it is a swing-for-the-fences kind of comic book movie & I love that. It's big, bold & visually stunning. You will see James Gunn’s horror roots splattered all over this thing. It’s violent, but hilarious. Angry, but also VERY sweet.

— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) July 15, 2021

#TheSuicideSquad is an epic all out war movie that demands to be seen on the big screen. Gunn does it again with a hilarious cast of oddballs and under used comic characters.

Big laughs, bigger action. DC has another winner on its hand.

— Dorian Parks (@DorianParksnRec) July 15, 2021

So this skeptic loved #TheSuicideSquad. It is balls to the wall *bonkers* in very entertaining ways. i.e. If you're wondering whether James Gunn and that super rad @SuicideSquadWB cast would truly go there w/ the material & the R-rating, indeed they DO.

— Kara Warner (@karawarner) July 15, 2021

The Suicide Squad is as funny, irreverent and violent as promised.
What I liked best, though, was its heart. Gunn really balances the silly and the serious in a way that the two compliment each other really well. I dug it. Also? King Shark RULES.

— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) July 15, 2021

It’s hysterical!

— Eric Goldman (@TheEricGoldman) July 15, 2021

#TheSuicideSquad is probably the wildest, wackiest, bloodiest comic book movie I've ever seen. Very clear they let James Gunn run wild and not hold back. Definitely gives Harley one of her best scenes period.

— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) July 15, 2021

#TheSuicideSquad is a gory & explosive time that perfectly encaptures the chaos & violence of the source material. The cast is excellent together and there’s never a dull moment. Unexpected & fun, one of DC’s best.

— Film Poser™️ Gabriela🌈 (@gaby_burgos27) July 15, 2021

Absolutely loved #thesuicidesquad. The movie is super violent, extremely funny, and a huge home fun for @JamesGunn and #DC. Tons of surprises and things I wasn’t expecting. Just a great movie.

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 15, 2021

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